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The 1880 U. S. Federal Census Defective, Dependent and Delinquent (DDD) Schedule was composed of seven supplemental schedules.

  1. Insane
  2. Idiots
  3. Deaf-mutes
  4. Blind
  5. Homeless children
  6. Inhabitants in prison
  7. Paupers and the indigent

A page occasionally includes two schedules: one in the top half of the sheet and one in the bottom half of the sheet. When looking through this film, you should scan the whole page to make sure it does not include more than one schedule.

Related Information

Questions Asked on the Schedules


Locating a Name on the Microfilm

Finding a name on the microfilm from this index is a multi-step process. Searching can be done by enumeration district or by institution order, as follows:

Finding a Name by Enumeration District (ED)

  • For the person you seek, copy all the information from the index listing, including the ED and institution order (IO)
  • With the film on the reader, advance to the St. Louis schedules. The roll begins with Dunklin County and continues through Shelby County. Advance the film to St. Louis (it is alphabetized under” St.,” not “Saint”).
  • On the right hand page in the top left corner above the listings you will see the Supervisor’s District (SD) and the ED for St. Louis. The EDs are in the following numerical descending order starting with ED 132.
         ED 132 – ED 1
         ED 188 – ED 135
         ED 165 (Corrected forms for the Insane Asylum of the City of St. Louis)
         ED 47 (Corrected forms for St. Vincent’s Institute for the Insane)
         ED 128 (For some reason, part of this ED is at the beginning of the listings, and part is at the end.)
  • Once you find the specified ED, look through the pages for that ED (usually not that many) to find the institution.
  • Look through the institution to find your person.

Finding a Name by Institution Order (IO)

  • For the person you seek, copy all the information from the index listing, including the ED and IO.
  • With the film on the reader, advance to the St. Louis schedules. The roll begins with Dunklin County and continues through Shelby County. Advance the film to St. Louis (it is alphabetized under” St.,” not “Saint”).
  • Advance the film. When you find an institution (vs. listings for people in private residences), look at the chart on the next page to see if that institution is before or after the one you want. If it is before your target, keep going. If it is after your target, start to rewind.
  • Once you find your institution, look through the listings to find your person.