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(Adopted by the Library Board on January 22, 2007. Revised December 17, 2007, April 19, 2010, July 21, 2014, September 21, 2015, June 20, 2016, April 24, 2017, August 28, 2017, August 20, 2018, December 20, 2021, September 26, 2022, June 17, 2024.) 

St. Louis County Library strives to provide a safe and welcoming environment for all library users.  Patrons are expected to show respect for all persons in the library, including Library employees. Patrons should comply with all Library policies and instructions given by Library employees and observe the following: 

  • Patrons may not engage in any activity or behavior that violates federal or state statutes or local ordinances.
  • The use of profane or threatening language, or disruptive or assaultive behavior toward library users or employees will not be permitted. 
  • Weapons are prohibited on Library property except as permitted under Missouri State law.
  • Selling, soliciting, panhandling, or loitering on Library property is not permitted.  
  • Only library activities are permitted on Library property outside of business hours.
  • Tobacco use and smoking in all forms is not permitted anywhere on Library property.
  • Smoking, vaping, or the use of tobacco or marijuana and related products; being intoxicated or under the influence of illegal drugs, controlled substances, marijuana, or alcohol; selling, using, or possessing alcohol, marijuana, illegal drugs, or controlled substances, or selling alcohol, cigarettes, or marijuana is prohibited. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited except as authorized by the Library Director and CEO for specific events. 
  • Children under ten years of age, or  persons of any age with special needs who require supervision, must be accompanied and adequately supervised at all times by a responsible guardian or caregiver age 16 or older.  
  • Entering the Library without shoes or shirt is not permitted.
  • Neglecting personal hygiene so that it is offensive and constitutes a nuisance to other patrons will not be allowed on Library property.   
  • Bathing, shaving, or washing clothes in public restrooms is not permitted.
  • Engaging in inappropriate behavior of a sexual nature, including indecent exposure is not permitted.

Failure to observe this code may result in the revocation of Library privileges, including suspension from all facilities for a specified period of time. The suspension of privileges may be appealed in writing to the Library Director and CEO within 10 days of receiving notice of the suspension. The patron will then be given an opportunity to participate in a telephone conference with the Library Director and CEO to present the person’s case.  Suspensions of more than 6 months may be further appealed in writing to the President of the Library’s Board of Trustees within 10 days of receiving notice of the Library Director’s decision.  The patron has the right to submit written relevant information for the President to consider. The President of the Board of Trustees will consider the appeal and make a determination within at least 30 days after receiving written notice of the appeal.  The patron may not use any Library facilities during any appeal period.  Once notification of a suspension has been communicated to a patron, further visits to any Library property by the patron will result in an extension of the suspension by a minimum of 30 days.