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front side of a wooden trunk

Everyone has it - an old trunk full of Grandma's Treasures - a pile of boxes full of old photographs and books - or a cabinet full of VHS tapes.  Our Family Archives are an important treasure that often gets lost in our homes and in our lives - sometimes until it's too late to preserve it.  History & Genealogy offers a number of classes and resources to help you save and preserve your family archives. 

Print Archive

It’s not difficult nor expensive to create a family archive in your home - acid free storage boxes are readily available.

Oral History

Do you want to collect mom & dad's stories?  St. Louis County library now offers Oral History Kits for check-out!  

Digital Preservation

Have a wealth of photos you want to preserve electronically?  Scanning Kits can transform those photos, notes, scrapbooks, and documents into generational legacies! Check out our Digital Preservation Course and resources

Family Heirlooms and Artifacts

Family heirloom artifacts are wonderful sources of information for genealogists and family historians. Quilts, musical instruments, uniforms, and medals are just a few examples of the types of family artifacts that create wonderful opportunities for research that can lead to fascinating discoveries about your ancestors. The History & Genealogy Department has several great reference books and resources for those researching family heirlooms. 

"Researching Family Artifacts"

PastPorts - August 2017 issue cover

For the Records Article, PastPorts - August 2017

Family artifacts can be wonderful sources of information for genealogists and family historians. Quilts, musical instruments, uniforms, and medals are just a few examples of the types of family artifacts that can create research opportunities leading to fascinating discoveries about your ancestors. The History & Genealogy Department has reference books and resources for
those researching family artifacts. These publications cover everything from guides to organizing family heirloom collections and identifying objects to books containing advice on how to analyze and interpret artifacts.

View PastPorts Issue

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