Index by Recruit's Name | R
Index to "Descriptive Recruitment Lists of Volunteers for the United States Colored Troops for the State of Missouri, 1863-1865" (NARA Microfilm Publication M1894 - 6 rolls)
For more information about the records covered in this index, please contact the History and Genealogy Department.
State of residence is Missouri unless otherwise noted.
Recruit's Last Name |
Recruit's First Name |
Age | Birth State | County of Birth |
Slave Owner | County of Residence |
Recruiting Station |
Roll | Frame |
Radicin | Joshua | 18 | MO | Callaway | Radicin, John E | Callaway | Jefferson City | 3 | 879 |
Radick | Henry | 42 | VA | [blank] | Guillet, John | Carroll | Carrollton | 2 | 166 |
Ragsdale | Squire | 35 | KY | Logan | Ragsdale, Joel | Polk | Springfield | 5 | 460 |
Randell | Noah | 44 | MO | Cape Girardeau | Randell, Samuel | Cape Girardeau | Cape Girardeau | 2 | 19 |
Randolph | Miner | 19 | MO | Taney | Free | Jackson | Kansas City | 3 | 893 |
Rankin | Henry | 18 | MO | Callaway | Rankin, Thomas J; estate | Callaway | Fulton | 2 | 849 |
Ransdell | George | 18 | MO | Lincoln | Ransdell, James W | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 268 |
Ransom | Benjamin | 30 | VA | Charlotte | Ransom, Matthew | Saline | Chillicothe | 2 | 361 |
Ransom | Robt | 30 | VA | Halifax | Loftley, Joseph | Saline | Sedalia | 5 | 432 |
Ransom | Willis | 42 | NC | Nash | Ransom, James | St Francis | Farmington | 2 | 578 |
Rath | Wilson | 29 | VA | [blank] | Rath, Miriah Jane | Lawrence | Mt Vernon | 4 | 1108 |
Raundtree | Chas | 18 | KY | [blank] | Raundtree, Melvin | Audrain | Mexico | 4 | 951 |
Ray | Henry | 19 | KY | Washington | Ray, Samuel | Hickman, KY | Charleston | 2 | 309 |
Ray | John | 26 | VA | Falkner | Dixon, Alexander | Cooper | Booneville | 1 | 469 |
Ray | Robert | 21 | MO | Carroll | Ray, Robert | Carroll | Chillicothe | 2 | 323 |
Ray | Robert | 21 | MO | Carroll | Ray, Robert | Carroll | Chillicothe | 6 | 694 |
Ray | Wallace | 17 | MO | Jackson | Ray, James | Caldwell | Kingston | 3 | 1038 |
Ray | Zackariah T | 18 | KY | [blank] | Ray, Brice | [blank] | Albany | 1 | 353 |
Rayma | Scott | 18 | MO | St Louis | Rayma, Joseph | Montgomery | Troy | 6 | 162 |
Rea | Isaac | 42 | VA | Henry | Haskins, Cread | Carroll | Carrollton | 2 | 120 |
Rea | Thomas | 17 | MO | Howard | Rea, Joseph | Carroll | Carrollton | 2 | 170 |
Reason | William | 32 | KY | Adair | Hardwick, Thomas | Carroll | Carrollton | 2 | 249 |
Rector | Jack | 44 | VA | Loundon | Corder, Jno | Lafayette | Sedalia | 5 | 273 |
Red | Edmund | 21 | MO | Howard | Patrick, John D | Demin [?] City | Sedalia | 5 | 372 |
Red | Pryor | 18 | MO | Lafayette | Webb, John S | Lafayette | Lexington | 4 | 240 |
Redd | Armstrong | 30 | VA | Jefferson | Redd, William C | Randolph | Macon | 4 | 461 |
Redd | Henry | 17 | MO | Randolph | Redd, WilliamC | Randolph | Macon | 4 | 462 |
Redman | John | 45 | KY | Woodford | Redman, Wm | Cooper | Booneville | 1 | 569 |
Redmon | Bill | 18 | KY [?] | [?] | Redmon, [?] | Cooper | Tipton | 5 | 689 |
Redmon | Isom | 24 | [?] | [?] | Redmon, [?] | Cooper | Tipton | 5 | 684 |
Redmon | James | 21 | VA | [?] | Johnson [?] | Cooper | Tipton | 5 | 703 |
Redmond | Greene | 18 | [faded] | [faded] | [faded] | [faded] | Booneville | 1 | 376 |
Redmond | Henry | 17 | MO | Boone | Johnson, James | Boone | Columbia | 2 | 546 |
Redmond | Horace | 18 | MO | Cooper | Redmond, Wm; Dr | Moniteau | Sedalia | 5 | 217 |
Reece | Henry | 21 | KY | Crittenden | Reece, Greene | Johnson | Sedalia | 5 | 246 |
Reece | Louis | 19 | KY | Crittenden | Reece, Greene | Johnson | Sedalia | 5 | 244 |
Reed | Geo F | 32 | MO | Ralls | Combs, Fielding | Monroe | Hannibal | 3 | 128 |
Reed | George | 20 | KY | Garrit | Uley, James | Montgomery | Hermann | 3 | 292 |
Reed | Grandison | 42 | MO | Lincoln | Reed, Mary | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 333 |
Reed | Harrison | 35 | KY | Woodford | Reed, Preston B | Audrain | Fulton | 2 | 906 |
Reed | Jacob | 26 | VA | Nelson | White, John R | Howard | Fayette | 2 | 690 |
Reed | Jo | 18 | KY | [blank] | Reed, Col | Lafayette | Lexington | 4 | 102 |
Reed | John | 19 | TN | [blank] | Brown, Rily | Saline | Marshall | 4 | 751 |
Reed | Lafayette | 35 | TN | Rutherford | Reed, John; dec'd | Henry | Clinton | 2 | 422 |
Reed | Morris | 32 | VA | [blank] | Rhodes, Geo | Saline | Marshall | 4 | 587 |
Reese | Marshall A | 18 | MO | Henry | White, Jacob | Henry | Clinton | 2 | 423 |
Reevely | Lewis | 35 | VA | Campbell | Detherage, John L | Carroll | Carrollton | 2 | 254 |
Reeves | James | 21 | KY | Todd | Reeves, William S | Howard | Fayette | 2 | 649 |
Reeves | Jefferson | 20 | MO | Howard | Reeves, William S | Howard | Fayette | 2 | 651 |
Reeves | John | 26 | KY | Todd | Reeves, Benjamine; Col | Howard | Fayette | 2 | 762 |
Reeves | Richard | 21 | GA | Don’t Know | Reeves, Benjamin; Col | Howard | Fayette | 2 | 653 |
Reeves | Willson | 20 | TN | Todd | Reeves, Benjamine; Col | Howard | Fayette | 2 | 655 |
Reeves | Wilson | 19 | MO | Clay | [blank] | [blank] | Kansas City | 3 | 945 |
Reid | Alexander | 29 | MO | Lincoln | Reid, David | [blank] | Troy | 6 | 864 |
Reid | Alexander | 29 | MO | Lincoln | Reid, David | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 48 |
Reid | David | 20 | MO | Lincoln | Reid, James | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 33 |
Reid | Green | 44 | VA | Halifax | Reid, Jas; Sr | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 218 |
Reid | William | 18 | MO | Lincoln | Reid, James; Sen | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 181 |
Rennick | Walter | 16 | MO | Lafayette | [blank] | [blank] | Kansas City | 3 | 940 |
Reno | Archibald | 56 | VA | Prince William | Reno, Bates | Callaway | Mexico | 4 | 945 |
Reno | Lucien | 24 | MO | Callaway | Renoe, Richard D | Callaway | Fulton | 2 | 820 |
Rentron | Samuel | 35 | MO | [blank] | [blank] | Audrain | Paris | 5 | 24 |
Resce | Richard | 15 | MO | Pettis | Ruce, Thomas | Pettis | Kansas City | 3 | 928 |
Reubin | Ellis | 21 | MO | Audrain | Darby, Ira C | Howard | Fayette | 2 | 632 |
Reynolds | Alexander | 38 | NC | Rockingham | Horrall, John | Cape Girardeau | Cape Girardeau | 2 | 39 |
Reynolds | Daniel W | 16 | MO | Warren | Reynolds, Elizabeth; Mrs | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 223 |
Reynolds | George W | 24 | MO | Clay | Reynolds, James | Buchanan | St Joseph | 5 | 190 |
Reynolds | Nathan | 25 | MO | Cooper | Marshall, Richard R | Cooper | Marshall | 4 | 715 |
Reynolds | Scott | 37 | VA | Prince Edward | Reynolds, Bradford | Callaway | Jefferson City | 3 | 812 |
Reynolds | Thomas J | 18 | MO | Pike | Reynolds, Willis M | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 182 |
Reynolds | Thomas Jefferson | 18 | MO | Pike | Reynolds, Willis M | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 182 |
Reynolds | William | 35 | VA | Amherst | Reynolds, Willis M | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 213 |
Rhenbottom | Joseph | 40 | MO | Wayne | Rhenbottom, Elvira | Iron | Ironton | 3 | 378 |
Rhodes | James | 24 | MO | Saline | Thomas, B | Saline | Chillicothe | 2 | 367 |
Rice | Allen | 21 | AL | Franklin | Allen, Robert C | Carroll | Carrollton | 2 | 257 |
Rice | David | 23 | MO | Callaway | Oreal, John B | Boone | Columbia | 2 | 464 |
Rice | Jerry | 20 | [blank] | [blank] | Rice, William | Clay | Liberty | 4 | 295 |
Rice | John | 24 | KY | Boone | Riddle, William | Chariton | Laclede | 4 | 17 |
Rice | Spotwood | 39 | VA | Madison | Lewis, B W | Howard | Glasgow | 2 | 1017 |
Richard | James | 25 | VA | [blank] | Lewis, Sangamon | Howard | Glasgow | 2 | 1010 |
Richardson | Emanuel | 25 | MS | Columbia | Mayo, William | Cooper | Tipton | 5 | 753 |
Richardson | Henry | 24 | VA | Halifax | Richardson, William | Callaway | Mexico | 4 | 833 |
Richardson | Henry | 18 | MO | Saline | Richardson, Richard | Saline | Sedalia | 5 | 388 |
Richardson | Henry | 18 | MO | Saline | Richardson, Richard | Saline | Sedalia | 6 | 744 |
Richardson | Nathaniel | 25 | KY | [blank] | Thomas, Dudley | Carroll | Carrollton | 2 | 156 |
Richardson | Sanford | 27 | MO | Callaway | Howe, Thomas B | Macon | Macon | 4 | 497 |
Richardson | Thomas | 22 | MO | Lafayette | Flanaunt, Mary | Johnson | Warrensberg | 6 | 357 |
Richardson | Thomas | 22 | MO | Lafayette | Flanaunt, Mary | Johnson | Warrensberg | 6 | 768 |
Richison | Daniel | 19 | MO | [blank] | Richison, Momac | Miller | Jefferson City | 3 | 890 |
Richmond | Bazel | 19 | NC | [blank] | Richmond, John | Randolph | Macon | 3 | 1140 |
Richmond | David | 21 | MO | Carroll | Grow, Armanias | Carroll | Carrollton | 2 | 189 |
Richmond | Taylor | 25 | MO | Randolph | Taylor, W; Dr | Randolph | Macon | 3 | 1153 |
Richmond | Thomas | 25 | MO | Randolph | Richmond, Samuel | Randolph | Macon | 4 | 492 |
Ricks | Albert | 18 | KY | Unknown | Ricks, Thomas | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 296 |
Ricks | Frank | 21 | KY | Nelson | Ricks, John; heirs | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 248 |
Riddle | Beverly | 22 | MO | Warren | Riddle, Ephraim | Warren | Troy | 6 | 130 |
Riddle | Franklin | 18 | MO | Warren | Riddle, Ephram | Warren | Warrenton | 6 | 456 |
Riddle | Louis | 27 | MO | Warren | Riddle, Ephraim | Warren | Troy | 6 | 112 |
Riddle | Sylvester | 44 | KY | Woodford | Carlyle, A C | Saline | Marshall | 4 | 764 |
Rieves | William C | 21 | MO | St Charles | Burgess, Pleas | Warren | Troy | 6 | 173 |
Rigney | James | 20 | KY | Lincoln | Rigney, Mathew | Gentry | Albany | 1 | 348 |
Riley | Wiliam | 19 | MO | Callaway | Remp, James W | Pettis | Sedalia | 5 | 230 |
Riney | James | 27 | MO | Perry | Riney, Sarah | Perry | Cape Girardeau | 2 | 55 |
Riney | Moses | 20 | MO | Perry | Riney, Sarah | Perry | Cape Girardeau | 2 | 107 |
Ringo | Horace | 44 | [blank] | [blank] | Ringo, Elizabeth | Clay | Liberty | 4 | 262 |
Ringo | Robert | 19 | KY | Montgomery | Ringo, Alvin | Audrain | Paris | 5 | 16 |
Ringo | Rufus | 18 | [blank] | [blank] | Ringo, Elizabeth | Clay | Liberty | 4 | 289 |
Rinnels | Nelson | 45 | VA | Ambrose | Detherage, John L | Carroll | Carrollton | 2 | 255 |
Rise | Daniel | 21 | AL | Mobile | Moore, Joseph C | Mississippi | Charleston | 2 | 293 |
Rives | Harrison | 19 | MO | Ray | Rives, Nancy; Mrs | Ray | Richmond | 5 | 123 |
Roach | Frank | 18 | MO | Platte | Roach, Dudley | Buchanan | St Joseph | 5 | 187 |
Robb | Henry | 22 | MO | Perry | Robb, Lucius | Perry | Cape Girardeau | 2 | 84 |
Robbins | Frank | 18 | MO | Saline | Piper, Sophie | Saline | Marshall | 4 | 584 |
Roberson | Andrew | 45 | VA | Rockwick | Guitar, John | Carroll | Carrollton | 2 | 271 |
Roberson | Ben | 19 | VA | Winchester | Morrison, A W | Howard | Fayette | 2 | 600 |
Roberts | Bob | 18 | MO | Cooper | Chilton; Dr | Cooper | Tipton | 5 | 876 |
Roberts | Enoch | 43 | KY | Clark | Roberts, Annie | Boone | Mexico | 4 | 1015 |
Roberts | Frank | 20 | MO | Randolph | Elliott, William | Randolph | Macon | 4 | 379 |
Roberts | Granderson | 37 | KY | Lincoln | Short, Annie; estate | Cooper | Booneville | 5 | 672 |
Roberts | Meredith | 24 | VA | Nelson | Roberts, Joseph | Pike | Troy | 6 | 80 |
Roberts | Peter | 28 | KY | Bowling Green | Roberts, William; estate | Randolph | Macon | 4 | 553 |
Roberts | Preston | 26 | MO | Boone | Roberts, James | Boone | Jefferson City | 3 | 549 |
Roberts | Samuel G | 23 | MO | Lincoln | Roberts, Joseph | Pike | Troy | 6 | 86 |
Roberts | Stephen | 25 | MO | Howard | Green, Hampton | Howard | Fayette | 2 | 614 |
Roberts | Thomas | 18 | MO | Saline | Roberts, Fountain | Saline | Marshall | 4 | 773 |
Roberts | Tucker | 21 | VA | Albemarle | [blank] | [blank] | Sedalia | 6 | 787 |
Roberts | Tucker | 21 | VA | Albemarl | Bonn, James | Saline | Sedalia | 5 | 392 |
Roberts | Warren Woodson | 24 | MO | Boone | Roberts, James | Boone | Jefferson City | 3 | 659 |
Roberts | Joseph | 24 | MO | Saline | Roberts, Fountain | Saline | Marshall | 4 | 763 |
Robertson | Abraham | 19 | MO | Cooper | Robison, Horrace | Moniteau | Tipton | 5 | 893 |
Robertson | Alexander | 16 | MO | Randolph | Robertson, Hiram | Howard | Fayette | 2 | 663 |
Robertson | Fleming | 22 | KY | Hart | Bowman, Wm G | Chariton | Brunswick | 1 | 577 |
Robertson | Garnett | 37 | VA | Louisa | Robertson, Edward | Jonhson | Tipton | 5 | 637 |
Robertson | George B | 23 | VA | Fauquier | Robertson, Charles | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 89 |
Robertson | Harrison | 18 | MO | Ray | Robertson, - | Ray | Kingston | 3 | 1003 |
Robertson | James | 18 | MO | Boone | Parker, John | Boone | Booneville | 1 | 512 |
Robertson | Mat | 30 | [blank] | [blank] | Robertson, Andrew | Clay | Liberty | 4 | 277 |
Robertson | Meredith | 18 | MO | Osage | Welton, Jesse | Osage | Hermann | 3 | 298 |
Robertson | Phillip | 18 | MO | Cooper | Robertson, Washington | Cooper | Booneville | 1 | 456 |
Robertson | Royl | 20 | MO | Perry | Taner, William B | Perry | Cape Girardeau | 2 | 76 |
Robertson | Samuel | 23 | MO | Cole | Robertson,Catherine; Mrs | [blank] | Jefferson City | 3 | 455 |
Robertson | Thornton | 19 | MO | Pike | Robertson, Charles | Pike | Troy | 6 | 94 |
Robertson | William | 29 | WV | Wood | Winfield, James | Saline | Chillicothe | 2 | 371 |
Robinett | George | 22 | MO | Callaway | Robinett, Noah | Boone | Jefferson City | 3 | 710 |
Robinson | Adam | 46 | MD | [blank] | Robinson, Chas | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 332 |
Robinson | Andrew | 18 | KY | Unknown | Bowman, John | Lafayette | Lexington | 4 | 210 |
Robinson | Armstead | 20 | MO | Callaway | Robinson, John | Callaway | Fulton | 2 | 935 |
Robinson | Benjamin | 33 | KY | Montgomery | Robinson, Samuel | Clay | Liberty | 4 | 323 |
Robinson | Calvin | 27 | VA | unknown | Robinson, Owen | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 241 |
Robinson | Carter | 22 | MO | Ray | Robinson, John | Ray | Lexington | 4 | 146 |
Robinson | Charles | 35 | SC | Charleston (City) | Root, Alvin | [blank], LA | Kansas City | 3 | 932 |
Robinson | Charles | 17 | MO | Howard | Robinson, Gerard | Howard | Fayette | 2 | 700 |
Robinson | Charles | 27 | MO | Randolph | Robinson, Hiram | Howard | Macon | 4 | 526 |
Robinson | Cornelius | 30 | WV | Kanawha | Goss, John | Monroe | Hannibal | 3 | 117 |
Robinson | Daniel | 22 | MO | Boone | Robinson, Henry | Boone | Mexico | 4 | 810 |
Robinson | Daniel | 22 | MO | Boone | Robinson, Henry | Boone | Mexico | 6 | 836 |
Robinson | Emanuel | 19 | VA | [blank] | Lesley, Buck | Monroe | Hannibal | 3 | 119 |
Robinson | Fielding | 18 | MO | Boone | Robison, Dick | Howard | Tipton | 5 | 774 |
Robinson | Franklin | [blank] | [blank] | [blank] | [blank] | [blank] | [blank] | 3 | 992 |
Robinson | Franklin | 19 | MO | Johnson | Benninger, I | Johnson | Kansas City | 3 | 968 |
Robinson | Franklin | 19 | MO | Johnson | Burninger, I | Johnson | Kansas City | 3 | 918 |
Robinson | George | 21 | MO | Callaway | Robinson, John | Callaway | Fulton | 2 | 941 |
Robinson | George | 28 | VA | [blank] | Turly, Jepu J; estate | Pettis | Sedalia | 5 | 235 |
Robinson | Henry | 18 | GA | [blank] | Robinson, Watson | Callaway | Fulton | 2 | 912 |
Robinson | Henry | 30 | KY | Nelson | Robinson, Sarah | Lafayette | Lexington | 4 | 159 |
Robinson | Henry | 23 | MO | Moniteau | Robinson, Horrace | Moniteau | Tipton | 5 | 900 |
Robinson | Jacob | 17 | MO | Marion | Lasley, Lizzie; Mrs | Monroe | Hannibal | 3 | 133 |
Robinson | James F | 19 | VA | Henrico | Lesley, Buck | Monroe | Hannibal | 3 | 95 |
Robinson | John | 22 | MO | Pike | Benn, Thomas | Pike | Hannibal | 3 | 208 |
Robinson | Joseph | 30 | MO | Montgomery | Gregory, Fenton R | Montgomery | Wellsville | 6 | 636 |
Robinson | Ormey | 19 | MO | Callaway | Robinson, John | Callaway | Jefferson City | 6 | 718 |
Robinson | Ormy | 19 | MO | Callaway | Robinson, John | Callaway | Jefferson City | 3 | 402 |
Robinson | Phillip | 24 | MO | Howard | Robinson, James | Howard | Jefferson City | 3 | 736 |
Robinson | Pleasant | 30 | MO | Cole | Trum [?], Jas | Saline | Jefferson City | 3 | 671 |
Robinson | Richard | 26 | MO | Cooper | Geyer H, Speed | Cooper | Booneville | 1 | 560 |
Robinson | Stephen | 24 | MO | Callaway | Robinson, John A | Callaway | Fulton | 2 | 934 |
Robinson | William | 21 | TN | Hardin | Robinson, Dasown | Knox | Kirksville | 3 | 1076 |
Robinson | William W | 20 | MO | Carroll | Adkins, Joseph | Carroll | Carrollton | 2 | 148 |
Robirds | Peter | 41 | VA | [faded] | N[?], J M | Cooper | Booneville | 1 | 393 |
Robison | Benjamin | 19 | MO | Boone | Robison, Thomas | Boone | Mexico | 4 | 1085 |
Robison | Fielding | 18 | MO | Boone | Robison, Dick | Howard | Tipton | 5 | 774 |
Robison | George G | 34 | VA | Kanawah | Robison, Mildred; Mrs | Moniteau | Tipton | 5 | 914 |
Robison | Marcellus | 21 | KY | Hart | Robison, Emily; Mrs | Saline | Sedalia | 5 | 370 |
Robison | Martin | 23 | [blank] | [blank] | Robison, Samuel | Clay | Liberty | 4 | 285 |
Robison | Willis | 17 | MO | Knox | Thomas, John | Knox | Kirksville | 3 | 1069 |
Robson | Garrett | 22 | MO | Boone [?] | [blank] | [?] | Paris | 5 | 23 |
Robue | Sam | 18 | VA | Chesterfield | Robue, Lewis | Macon | St Joseph | 5 | 181 |
Robue | Samuel | 18 | VA | Chesterfield | Robue, Lewis | Macon | St Joseph | 5 | 181 |
Roddy | Green | 22 | MO | Boone | Roddy, Robt | Boone | Jefferson City | 3 | 718 |
Rodgers | Jesse | 20 | MO | Marion | Rodgers, Jas | Carroll | Chillicothe | 2 | 343 |
Rodgers | Moses | 23 | MO | Marion | Rodgers, Jas | Carroll | Chillicothe | 2 | 347 |
Rodman | Joseph | 23 | MO | Callaway | Rodman, M | Callaway | Mexico | 4 | 1065 |
Rodney | James | 18 | MO | Cape Girardeau | Rodney, Michael; dec'd | Cape Girardeau | Cape Girardeau | 2 | 18 |
Roe | Tom | 18 | GA | Jackson | Roe, Mary; Mrs | Perry | Cape Girardeau | 2 | 53 |
Roger | Edward | 27 | MO | Howard | Kingsbury, Leonard | Howard | Tipton | 5 | 806 |
Rogers | Carr | 45 | TN | [blank] | Pullum, Jno | Saline | Sedalia | 5 | 396 |
Rogers | Cary | 45 | TN | [blank] | Pullunn, John | Saline | Sedalia | 6 | 791 |
Rogue | George W | 44 | [blank] | [blank] | Rogue, Jonathan | Clay | Liberty | 4 | 287 |
Rollins | Alexander | 21 | MO | Boone | Rollins, J S | Boone | Jefferson City | 3 | 650 |
Rollins | Booker | 18 | MO | Howard | Williams, Welloughby | Howard | Fayette | 2 | 648 |
Rollins | Daniel | 56 | GA | Lumpkin | Rollins, J S | Boone | Jefferson City | 3 | 616 |
Rollins | Dennis | 20 | MO | Howard | Rollins, Emerine; Mrs | Howard | Fayette | 2 | 776 |
Rollins | Henry | 19 | VA | Fauquier | Clarkson, Lucy; Mrs | Boone | Jefferson City | 3 | 497 |
Rollins | John Colin | 18 | MO | Boone | Oldham, Wm | Boone | Columbia | 2 | 482 |
Rollins | Johnson | [?] | [faded] | [faded] | [faded] | Cooper | Booneville | 1 | 379 |
Rollins | Thomas | 32 | NC | Person | Dixon, Levi | Cole | Jefferson City | 3 | 684 |
Roocker | Ben | 24 | MO | Howard | Roocker, John | Howard | Mexico | 4 | 905 |
Root | Michael | 45 | TN | Claiborne | [blank] | [blank] | Macon | 3 | 1176 |
Root | Michael | 45 | TN | Claibourne | [blank] | [blank] | Macon | 4 | 44 |
Roper | John | 27 | MO | Howard | Roper, Albert | Howard | Jefferson City | 3 | 732 |
Ross | Hardin | 21 | MO | Chariton | Hereford, William | Chariton | Brunswick | 1 | 681 |
Ross | Henry | 24 | VA | Albemarle | Kile, George | Saline | Marshall | 4 | 659 |
Ross | Jackson | 18 | MO | Cedar | [blank] | [blank] | Springfield | 5 | 461 |
Ross | Lewis | 18 | KY | Henry | Wheeler, Henderson | Boone | Columbia | 2 | 537 |
Ross | Rubin | 23 | MO | Clay | Maupin, Garand | Chariton | Glasgow | 2 | 1084 |
Rosson | Mitchell | 24 | MO | Grundy | Rosson, James M | Livingston | Chillicothe | 2 | 414 |
Roth | Ben | 22 | VA | Fauquier | Roth, Edward | Lafayette | Lexington | 4 | 69 |
Roulet | James | 20 | KY | Edmonson | Barrett, B H; Mrs | Saline | Sedalia | 5 | 420 |
Roulet | Wyatt | 27 | KY | Edmonson | Barrett, B H; Mrs | Pettis | Sedalia | 5 | 419 |
Roundtree | David | 45 | MO | Lafayette | Ronnick, Archibald | Clay | Carrollton | 2 | 277 |
Rowan | Kit | 20 | MO | Saline | Hays, Christopher | Lafayette | Booneville | 1 | 509 |
Rowland | Wallace | 21 | MO | Boone | Rowland, William | Daviess | Kingston | 3 | 1011 |
Rowland | William | 21 | MO | Boone | Rowland, William | Daviess | Kingston | 3 | 1037 |
Rowlet | Jackson | 25 | VA | Lynchburg | Boram [?], Jessee | Chariton | Laclede | 4 | 5 |
Roy | Levi | 14 | MO | Monroe | Powers, James | Monroe | Hannibal | 3 | 167 |
Rozier | Auguste | 30 | MO | St Genevieve | Rozier, Felix | St Genevieve | St Genevieve | 5 | 168 |
Rozier | Charles | 25 | MO | St Francis | Rozier, Francis | St Francis | Farmington | 2 | 572 |
Rozier | Valentine | 29 | MO | St Genevieve | Rozier, Frank | St Genevieve | Farmington | 2 | 579 |
Ruben | Samuel | 28 | VA | Louisa | Red, J Samuel; est | Cooper | Booneville | 1 | 535 |
Ruby | Jeremiah | 33 | KY | [blank] | Ruby, Porter | Randolph | [blank] | 3 | 1126 |
Ruby | Thomas | 16 | MO | Pettis | Ruby, Henry; Judge | Macon | Macon | 4 | 472 |
Ruckelham | Johnson | 18 | MO | Cooper | Ruckelsin, A | Cooper | Booneville | 1 | 524 |
Ruckelhan | Johnson | 18 | MO | Cooper | Ruckelhan, A | Cooper | Booneville | 1 | 524 |
Rucker | John | 24 | KY | Mercer | Rucker, Willis | Lafayette | Sedalia | 5 | 429 |
Rucker | King | 25 | MO | Randolph | Rucker, Franklin | Randolph | Macon | 4 | 405 |
Rucker | William | 22 | MO | Randolph | Rucker, James E | Randolph | Glasgow | 2 | 1116 |
Rucker | York | 32 | KY | Fayette | Gordon, Brook | Andrew | Lexington | 4 | 136 |
Ruddle | Balis | 30 | AR | [blank] | Ruddle, John | [blank], AR | Troy | 6 | 276 |
Rudisil | Sam | 38 | NC | Lincoln | Rudisil, William F | Perry | Cape Girardeau | 2 | 30 |
Rufus | Turner | 44 | MO | Cape Girardeau | Dickinson, Francis | Perry | Cape Girardeau | 2 | 31 |
Runnels | David | 18 | MO | Cooper | Windsor, Horrace | Cooper | Tipton | 5 | 962 |
Rush | James | 22 | MO | Carroll | Rush, William A | Carroll | Chillicothe | 6 | 699 |
Rush | James | 22 | MO | Carroll | Rush, Wm A | Carroll | Chillicothe | 2 | 314 |
Rush | Richard | 19 | MO | Lafayette | Priest, George | Pettis | Booneville | 1 | 531 |
Russel | Wallace | 24 | MO | Cooper | Miller, John J; Mrs | Cooper | Tipton | 5 | 889 |
Russell | James | 20 | MO | Iron | Russell, Jefferson | Iron | Ironton | 3 | 336 |
Russell | Richard | 24 | MO | Howard | Russel, Thomas | Linn | Laclede | 4 | 14 |
Rutherford | Long | 22 | MO | Monroe | Rutherford, Wm T | Randolph | Macon City | 6 | 705 |
Rutherford | Lonze | 22 | MO | Monroe | Rutherford, Wm T | Randolph | Macon | 4 | 338 |
Rutherford | Michael | 32 | KY | Logan | Rutherford, Arch | Randolph | Macon | 4 | 400 |
Rutherford | Patrick | 29 | VA | Rockbridge | Rutherford, Wm T | Randolph | Macon | 4 | 352 |
Rutherford | Patrick | 29 | VA | Rockbridge | Rutherford, Wm T | Randolph | Macon City | 6 | 761 |
Ruyle | Lewis | 23 | MO | Polk | Ruyle, Gideon | Polk | Springfield | 5 | 478 |
Ryan | Charles | 16 | MO | St Louis | Ryan, Patrick | Marion | Hannibal | 3 | 74 |
Ryan | Isaac | 18 | MO | Livingston | Ryan, John | Livingston | Chillicothe | 2 | 315 |
Ryan | Isaac | 18 | MO | Livingston | Ryan, John | Livingston | Chillicothe | 6 | 698 |
Ryles | Ralph | 24 | MO | Callaway | Raday, [?] | Callaway | Wellsville | 6 | 592 |
Ryne | George W | 20 | MD | Allegany | Ryne, John B | Perry | Cape Girardeau | 2 | 83 |