Index by Recruit's Name | D
Index to "Descriptive Recruitment Lists of Volunteers for the United States Colored Troops for the State of Missouri, 1863-1865" (NARA Microfilm Publication M1894 - 6 rolls)
For more information about the records covered in this index, please contact the History and Genealogy Department.
State of residence is Missouri unless otherwise noted.
Recruit's Last Name |
Recruit's First Name |
Age | Birth State | County of Birth |
Slave Owner | County of Residence |
Recruiting Station |
Roll | Frame |
Dabbige | Thomas | 25 | MD | Prince George's | Enyeart, Abram | Cooper | Tipton | 5 | 948 |
Dale | James | 23 | KY | Nicholas | Dale, Joshua | Ray | Chillicothe | 2 | 389 |
Dameron | Clifford | 23 | VA | [blank] | Dameron, James | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 185 |
Dameron | Daniel | 18 | MO | Pike | Dameron, William | Pike | Warrenton | 6 | 427 |
Dameron | Jeff | 18 | MO | Randolph | Dameron, Sallie; Mrs | Randolph | Macon | 3 | 1119 |
Dandridge | Henry | 44 | KY | Jessamine | Simmons, William | Saline | Marshall | 4 | 686 |
Dandridge | William | 36 | VA | Halifax | [blank] | Audrain | Paris | 5 | 27 |
Dangerfield | Alfred | 18 | VA | Frederick | White, Duncan [?] | Cooper | Booneville | 5 | 644 |
Dangerhill | Alfred | 18 | VA | Frederick | White, Duncan [?] | Cooper | Booneville | 5 | 644 |
Daniel | John | 20 | VA | [blank] | Gillium, Woodson | Saline | Sedalia | 5 | 403 |
Daniel | John | 20 | VA | [blank] | Gillum, Woodson | Saline | Sedalia | 6 | 807 |
Daniel | John | 25 | VA | [blank] | Dinkle, James | Saline | Marshall | 4 | 733 |
Daniel | John W | 19 | VA | Albemarle | Daniel, Samuel | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 132 |
Daniel | Jonas | 39 | KY | Montgomery | Daniel, John | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 65 |
Daniel | Joshua | 18 | MO | Carroll | Cary, Daniel | Carroll | Carrollton | 2 | 204 |
Dansen | James | 19 | MO | Cass | [blank] | [blank] | Kansas City | 3 | 942 |
Darby | Isaac | 18 | MO | Howard | Darby, Ira C | Howard | Fayette | 2 | 770 |
Darby | John | 21 | MO | Howard | Darby, Ira C | Howard | Fayette | 2 | 743 |
Darby | Perry | 19 | MO | Howard | Darby, Ira C | Howard | Fayette | 2 | 695 |
Darneley | Ben | 42 | Ohio | Hamilton | Johnson, Joseph W | Pike | Wellsville | 6 | 567 |
Darnell | Alfred | 18 | MO | Ray | Darnell, Jacob | Ray | Chillicothe | 2 | 392 |
Darnelley | Ben | 42 | Ohio | Hamilton | Johnson, Joseph W | Pike | Wellsville | 6 | 567 |
Davenport | Andy | 23 | VA | Louisa | Thompson, William | Monroe | Hannibal | 3 | 131 |
Davenport | James | 18 | MO | Saline | Carter, Charles | Saline | Marshall | 4 | 635 |
Daventport | Smith | 24 | MO | Callaway | Harrison, James | Audrain | Wellsville | 6 | 608 |
David | Abram | 19 | MO | Osage | Hancock,Rolla | Osage | Jefferson City | 3 | 865 |
Davidson | Charles | 29 | KY | / | Davidson, Joseph | [blank], KY | Kansas City | 3 | 972 |
Davidson | Charles | 29 | KY | / | Davidson, Joseph | [blank] | Kansas City | 3 | 924 |
Davis | Albert | 49 | SC | / | Davis, Milton V | Callaway | Fulton | 2 | 857 |
Davis | Alexander | 30 | TN | [blank] | Davis, Jo | Howard | Fayette | 2 | 761 |
Davis | Amsted | 18 | MO | Caldwell | Davis, Tilton | Lafayette | Lexington | 4 | 103 |
Davis | Anthony | 18 | MO | Lafayette | Ward | Lafayette | Lexington | 4 | 209 |
Davis | David | 23 | MO | Ray | Davis, Nal | Ray | Lexington | 4 | 197 |
Davis | Demps | 44 | VA | Pittsylvania | Davis, Ichabod | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 257 |
Davis | Ezekial | 37 | KY | Lincoln | Davis, Cathrine; Mrs | Monroe | Mexico | 4 | 867 |
Davis | Frank | 19 | MO | Camden | Davis, James | Camden | Jefferson City | 3 | 713 |
Davis | George | 20 | MO | St Louis | Sullivan, George | Audrain | Mexico | 4 | 856 |
Davis | Gilbert | 25 | VA | Washington | Davis, Clark | Warren | Hermann | 3 | 290 |
Davis | Harrison | 32 | MO | Perry | Davis, Elizabeth | Perry | Cape Girardeau | 2 | 82 |
Davis | Henry | 30 | KY | Flemming | Davis, George | Callaway | Fulton | 2 | 942 |
Davis | Henry | 19 | VA | Prince Edward | Davis, Burgess B | Chariton | Brunswick | 1 | 687 |
Davis | Henry | 40 | VA | Campbell | Davis, John M | Chariton | Brunswick | 1 | 615 |
Davis | Henry | 23 | MO | Howard | Hughes, Harvey | Howard | Tipton | 5 | 813 |
Davis | Henry | 43 | MD | unknown | Davis, Semove | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 325 |
Davis | Isaac | 23 | MO | Lincoln | Davis, Curtis | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 122 |
Davis | Isaac | 30 | MO | Lincoln | Davis, Ichabud [?] | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 291 |
Davis | James | 22 | MO | Monroe | Davis, William | Monroe | Mexico | 4 | 850 |
Davis | James | 28 | MO | Randolph | Davis, Joseph | Randolph | Macon | 4 | 396 |
Davis | Jerry | 23 | MO | Callaway | Davis, Amelia; Mrs | Callaway | Fulton | 2 | 940 |
Davis | John | 19 | MO | Monroe | Davis, William | Monroe | Mexico | 4 | 849 |
Davis | Joseph | 47 | TN | Wilson | Davis, Elizabeth | Benton | Sedalia | 5 | 329 |
Davis | Joseph | 21 | KY | Boone | Fesler, William | Monroe | Hannibal | 3 | 270 |
Davis | Mason | 20 | MO | Ray | Ham, John | Lafayette | Kansas City | 3 | 951 |
Davis | Morris | 33 | MO | Saline | Brown, Rily | Saline | Marshall | 4 | 754 |
Davis | Owen | 26 | MO | Boone | Dodd, Thomas | Boone | Jefferson City | 3 | 501 |
Davis | Preston | 29 | KY | Jessamine | McCampbell, Wallace | Randolph | Macon | 4 | 480 |
Davis | Primus | 24 | MO | Randolph | Buchartt, George H; Judge | Randolph | Macon | 4 | 544 |
Davis | Rush | 30 | TN | Williamson | McClellan, William | Cooper | Tipton | 5 | 743 |
Davis | Samuel | 26 | KY | Jessamine | McCampbell, James A | Randolph | Macon | 4 | 543 |
Davis | Spencer | 24 | TN | [blank] | Isam, Jonathan | Carroll | Carrollton | 2 | 179 |
Davis | Spencer | 45 | VA | Buckingham | Davis, James | Warren | Troy | 6 | 148 |
Davis | Uel | 19 | MO | Mississippi | Davis, Tandy J | Mississippi | Charleston | 2 | 289 |
Davis | Walker | 37 | KY | Garrett | Pulliam, Richard | Chariton | Brunswick | 1 | 616 |
Davis | Wesley | 34 | MO | Saline | Snody, Jane | Saline | Marshall | 4 | 753 |
Davison | Frank | 38 | VA | Frederick | Davison, Wm | Saline | Marshall | 4 | 721 |
Davison | James | 19 | MO | Cass | [blank] | [blank] | Kansas City | 3 | 942 |
Davison | William | 24 | MO | Polk | Davison B | Dallas | Springfield | 5 | 543 |
Davison | William | 24 | MO | Polk | Davison, Brucken | Dallas | Springfield | 5 | 540 |
Dawkins | John | 22 | MO | Carroll | Dawkins, Levi | Randolph | Macon | 4 | 555 |
Dawson | Fleming | 30 | VA | Abermarle | Dawson, Robert H | Callaway | Fulton | 2 | 795 |
Dawson | Powhatan | 49 | VA | Ambrose | Dawson, Robert H | Callaway | Fulton | 2 | 788 |
Day | Charles | 30 | KY | Frankfort | Brisintine, Griffin | Ralls | Hannibal | 3 | 227 |
Day | James | 28 | KY | Mason | White, John R | Howard | Tipton | 5 | 887 |
Dean | Levi | 28 | KY | Scott | Deen, Jessee | Lafayette | Lexington | 4 | 79 |
Dear | Frank | 22 | KY | [blank] | Dear, Nancy; Mrs | Shelby | Hannibal | 3 | 216 |
Deen | Levi | 29 | KY | Scott | Deen, Jessee | Lafayette | Lexington | 4 | 79 |
Dehart | Charles | 20 | MO | Howard | Dehart, John | Howard | Glasgow | 2 | 1046 |
Dehart | Jo | 26 | KY | Lincoln | Dehart, John | Howard | Glasgow | 2 | 1063 |
Delaney | Samuel | 40 | MO | Howard | Delaney, Joseph | Randolph | Macon | 4 | 560 |
Delany | George | 21 | MO | Monroe | Delany, John | Monroe | Hannibal | 3 | 100 |
Delany | George | 37 | VA | Greenbriar | Delany, John | Monroe | Hannibal | 3 | 71 |
Delany | Gilbert | 34 | VA | Fauquier | Delany, John | Monroe | Hannibal | 3 | 61 |
Demastus | Isham | 22 | MO | St Charles | Demastus, Isaac | Carroll | Chillicothe | 2 | 332 |
Demastus | Isham | 22 | MO | Saint Charles | Demastus, Isaac | Carroll | Chillicothe | 6 | 868 |
Denizen | James | 17 | MO | Cole | Stanly, Theo | Cole | Jefferson City | 3 | 422 |
Denney | Alexander | 17 | MO | Randolph | Denney, Rice | Randolph | Macon | 3 | 1120 |
Denney | Jeremiah | 17 | MO | Howard | Denney, James | Howard | Mexico | 4 | 946 |
Dennis | William | 53 | MO | Prince Edward | Gilliam, James | Chariton | Brunswick | 1 | 659 |
Denny | Jim | 21 | MO | Cooper | Denny, David | Randolph | Glasgow | 2 | 1026 |
Denny | Manuel | 25 | MO | Howard | Denny, Alx | Randolph | Glasgow | 2 | 1060 |
Denny | Samuel | 22 | [blank] | [blank] | Denny, John A | Clay | Liberty | 4 | 266 |
Denwoody | Green | 22 | KY | [blank] | Denwoody, James | Lafayette | Lexington | 4 | 111 |
Devenport | Newton | 20 | MO | Saline | Carter, Charles | Saline | Marshall | 4 | 648 |
Devin | Charles | 42 | KY | Mercer | Devin, Wam R | Polk | Springfield | 5 | 495 |
Devin | Charles | 42 | KY | Mercer | Devin, Wm R | Polk | Springfield | 5 | 486 |
Dewvall | Wallace | 18 | MO | Ray | Dewfvall, James | Ray | Lexington | 4 | 176 |
Dice | Robert | 27 | VA | Bedford | Price, N H | Carroll | Carrollton | 2 | 116 |
Dickens | Charles | 24 | MO | Howard | Dickens, Richard; Jr | Chariton | Glasgow | 2 | 1028 |
Dickens | Cornelius | 23 | MO | Howard | Dickens, Richard | Howard | Glasgow | 2 | 1027 |
Dickerson | Henry | 44 | NC | Mecklenburg | Richards, Thomas H | Howard | Fayette | 2 | 669 |
Dickerson | Samuel | 40 | KY | Bourbon | Dickerson, Landsford | Monroe | Hannibal | 3 | 112 |
Dickson | Edward | 20 | KY | Franklin | Dickson, Willis | Clinton | Plattsburg | 5 | 90 |
Dickson | William | 23 | KY | Franklin | Dickson, Willis | Clinton | Plattsburg | 5 | 91 |
Digges | Frank | 40 | VA | Louisa | Ragland, Wm | Cooper | Booneville | 1 | 534 |
Digges | Nathaniel | 37 | VA | Louisa | Kuckelham, Agustus | Cooper | Booneville | 1 | 447 |
Digges | Nathaniel | 37 | VA | Louisa | Ruckelham, Agustus | Cooper | Booneville | 1 | 447 |
Diggs | George | 20 | KY | Washington | Diggs; Widow | Monroe | Macon | 3 | 1149 |
Diggs | Harrison | 22 | MO | Boone | Hudson, Elbina; Mrs | Boone | Jefferson City | 3 | 462 |
Diggs | Peter | 17 | VA | Unknown | Diggs, Jesee | Montgomery | Warrenton | 6 | 430 |
Diggs | Robert | 20 | MO | Howard | Diggs, Frank | Howard | Lebanon | 4 | 61 |
Diggs | William | 23 | KY | Scott | Worley, Kitty; Mrs | Monroe | Hannibal | 3 | 102 |
Digs | Baziel | 20 | MS | Unknown | Hutchins, A W | Lafayette | Warrensberg | 6 | 415 |
Digs | Sandy | 19 | MO | Cooper | Chilton; Dr | Cooper | Tipton | 5 | 881 |
Dillard | Elsley | 20 | MO | Callaway | Dillard, James | Callaway | Wellsville | 6 | 596 |
Dillard | Thornton | 32 | VA | [blank] | Dillard, Margaret | [blank] | Mexico | 4 | 1060 |
Dilorth | Thomas | 26 | MO | Boone | Payne, Noah | Boone | Columbia | 2 | 501 |
Dines | Charles | 17 | MO | Shelby | Dines, John Wesley | Shelby | Hannibal | 3 | 261 |
Dinwiddie | George | 18 | MO | Howard | Dinwiddie, Thomas; Dr | Howard | Fayette | 2 | 757 |
Dinwiddie | Martin | 19 | MO | Howard | Knaus, Thomas | Howard | Fayette | 2 | 630 |
Dinwiddie | Solomon | 43 | KY | Madison | Dinwiddie, Thomas; Dr | Howard | Fayette | 2 | 658 |
Divers | Squire | 19 | VA | Franklin | Divers, Berry | Callaway | Fulton | 2 | 821 |
Dixon | Andrew | 27 | MO | Cooper | Tucker, Wm | Cooper | Booneville | 1 | 382 |
Dixon | Charles | 45 | VA | Orange | Buchanan, James W | Carroll | Carrollton | 2 | 270 |
Dixon | James | 18 | MO | Callaway | Dixon, Josiah | Callaway | Jefferson City | 3 | 870 |
Dobbins | Louis | 20 | MO | Cooper | Baird, Wm E | Cooper | Booneville | 1 | 504 |
Dodd | Henderson | 18 | NC | Johnson | [blank] | [blank] | Springfield | 5 | 539 |
Doeksy | Samuel | 36 | MO | Chariton | Doeksy, John | Chariton | Marshall | 4 | 637 |
Dogan | John | 16 | KY | Pulaski | Prather, Phillip | Saline | Booneville | 1 | 548 |
Donahoe | Albert | 19 | VA | [blank] | Donahoe, Alanzo | Carroll | Carrollton | 2 | 160 |
Donahoo | Amos | 25 | MO | Howard | Clark, Jas; Judge | Chariton | St Joseph | 5 | 178 |
Donaldson | Sam | 25 | MO | Clay | Donaldosn, W W | Clay | Liberty | 4 | 322 |
Donathan | William T | 33 | KY | Bracken | Ward, Allis B | Lafayette | Lexington | 4 | 245 |
Donehue | Edward | 18 | MO | Chariton | Clark, James | Chariton | Marshall | 4 | 683 |
Doniphan | Nelson | 19 | [blank] | [blank] | Doniphan, Alex W | Clay | Liberty | 4 | 288 |
Doolin | Clark | 18 | MO | Saline | Galbreath, Henry | Lafayette | Lexington | 4 | 90 |
Doolin | Green | 21 | MO | [blank] | Galbreath, Henry | Saline | Lexington | 4 | 98 |
Dorsey | Jacob | 45 | KY | [blank] | Aufit, Alfred | Lafayette | Lexington | 4 | 109 |
Dorsey | Thomas | 22 | VA | Charleston | Dorsey, Caleb | Pike | Benton Barracks | 6 | 844 |
Dorson | Charles Henry | 19 | MO | Lafayette | Alvin, Mason | Carroll | Warrensberg | 6 | 770 |
Dorson | Henry | 19 | MO | Lafayette | Mason, Alvin | Carroll | Warrensberg | 6 | 359 |
Doser | Thomas | 30 | KY | / | Dorce, William; dec'd | Callaway | Jefferson City | 3 | 861 |
Dosier | Thomas | 30 | KY | / | Dorce, William; dec'd | Callaway | Jefferson City | 3 | 861 |
Dougherty | Hardin | 19 | MO | Howard | Dougherty, Mrs E | Howard | Hannibal | 3 | 258 |
Dougherty | Henry | 22 | KY | Jessamine | Dougherty, John | Howard | Fayette | 2 | 773 |
Douglas | George | 19 | MO | Boone | Free | Linn | Laclede | 4 | 15 |
Douglas | Mat | 18 | MO | Boone | Douglass, Henry | Boone | Jefferson City | 3 | 603 |
Douglas | Vincent | 37 | VA | Loudon | Vanderinder, John | Monroe | Hannibal | 3 | 212 |
Douglas | Wm | 23 | [faded] | [faded] | [faded] | Cooper | Booneville | 1 | 397 |
Douglass | Charles | 45 | VA | Culpepper | Heidel, Charles; Dr | Carroll | Carrollton | 2 | 225 |
Douglass | Charles | 45 | VA | Culpepper | Heidel, Ignats; Dr | Carroll | Carrollton | 2 | 225 |
Douglass | James A | 16 | MO | Monroe | Arnold, William | Monroe | Hannibal | 3 | 139 |
Dow | Lerenzo | 26 | KY | Allen | Motly, Sarah | Moniteau | Jefferson City | 3 | 432 |
Dow | Lorenzo | 28 | MO | Callaway | Hubbard, Harvey | Callaway | Jefferson City | 3 | 776 |
Dowall | George | 25 | KY | Breckinridge | Dowall, Christopher | Macon | Macon | 4 | 488 |
Downing | David | 20 | MO | Scotland | Downing, William | Howard | Macon | 4 | 503 |
Dowrey | Columbus | 21 | MD | Unknown | Ewing, A C | Lafayette | Lexington | 4 | 233 |
Doyle | Lewis | 32 | KY | Bourbon | Blackburn, Henry | Desha, AR | Ironton | 3 | 323 |
Drain | Benjamine | 22 | MO | Boone | Drain, Anthony | Boone | Fayette | 2 | 656 |
Drain | John | 18 | MO | Boone | Drain, Antony | Boone | Fayette | 2 | 717 |
Drain | John | 18 | MO | Clarke | Allen, John | Montgomery | Wellsville | 6 | 633 |
Drain | William | 19 | MO | Boone | Drain, Antony | Boone | Fayette | 2 | 718 |
Drake | Archy | 31 | VA | Hiertan | Watson, Christy | Cole | Jefferson City | 3 | 742 |
Drake | David | 45 | [blank] | [blank] | Drake, Miles | Clay | Liberty | 4 | 275 |
Drake | George | 27 | KY | Adair | Drake, Thos W; dec'd | Carroll | Carrollton | 2 | 135 |
Drake | John R | 18 | MO | Carroll | Henton, John; dec'd | Carroll | Carrollton | 2 | 164 |
Draper | Daniel A | 22 | MO | Monroe | White, James M | Monroe | Hannibal | 3 | 269 |
Draper | David A | 22 | MO | Monroe | White, James M | Monroe | Hannibal | 3 | 269 |
Draper | Gilbert | 50 | NC | Person | Murray, Benjamin | Callaway | Jefferson City | 3 | 784 |
Drew | Bob | 26 | VA | Clarke | Harris, James J | Cooper | Booneville | 5 | 628 |
Drew | John | 32 | VA | Clark | Ham, Jas J | Cooper | Booneville | 1 | 546 |
Drew | John | 32 | VA | Clark | Hams, Jas J | Cooper | Booneville | 1 | 546 |
Driver | Anderson | 40 | KY | Madison | Barnam, C F | Boone | Columbia | 2 | 493 |
Driver | Anderson | 40 | KY | Madison | Barnam, Jno F & C F | Boone | Columbia | 2 | 493 |
Drumin | Jacob | 20 | AR | Randolph | Linley, Jacob | Randolph, AR | Rolla | 5 | 164 |
Dryden | Harry | 47 | MD | unknown | Dryden, Joshua | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 301 |
Dryden | Henry | 47 | MD | Somerset | Dryden, J H | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 330 |
Dryden | Jack | 49 | MD | unknown | Dryden, Litteton | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 302 |
Dryden | Jesse | 29 | MD | Baltimore | Dryden, Littleton | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 878 |
Dryden | Jessie | 29 | MD | Baltimore | Dryden, Littleton | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 35 |
Dryden | Lewis | 18 | MO | Linn | Menafee, Robert | Linn | Laclede | 4 | 31 |
Dryden | Salem | 30 | MD | Baltimore | Dryden, Littleton | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 34 |
Dryden | Salem | 30 | MD | Baltimore | Dryden, Littleton | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 877 |
Dudgeon | Ambrose | 18 | MO | Howard | Dudgeon, Alexander | Howard | Fayette | 2 | 759 |
Dudley | Allen | 21 | TN | Sullivan | [blank] | Barry | Springfield | 5 | 454 |
Dudley | George Wash | 21 | KY | Fayette | Dudley, James | Audrain | Mexico | 4 | 921 |
Dudley | James | 20 | MO | Callaway | King, George | Callaway | Jefferson City | 3 | 783 |
Dudley | Robert | 18 | MO | Davis | Miles, Jno | Carroll | Carrollton | 2 | 154 |
Dudley | Thomas | 20 | MO | Perry | Wilson, Frank | Perry | Cape Girardeau | 2 | 108 |
Duggens | Phillip | 18 | MO | Perry | Duggens, Elizabeth | [blank] | Cape Girardeau | 2 | 90 |
Duglass | Arch | 19 | MO | Howard | Duglass, John | Howard | Macon | 4 | 419 |
Dulin | Anthony | 29 | MO | Marion | Dulin, Thomas | Callaway | Fulton | 2 | 863 |
Dullard | Willis | 24 | VA | Augusta | Dullard, Franklin | Callaway | Mexico | 4 | 897 |
Duncan | Charles | 23 | MO | Cooper | Reed, James | Cooper | Tipton | 5 | 926 |
Duncan | Edward | 22 | MO | Callaway | Bruner, James M | Callaway | Jefferson City | 3 | 766 |
Duncan | Frederick | 49 | VA | Nelson | Duncan, Garrett | Boone | Jefferson City | 3 | 707 |
Duncan | Frederick | 19 | KY | Hardin | Hagan, Fielder | Monroe | Hannibal | 3 | 229 |
Duncan | Green | 18 | MO | Callaway | Duncan, Geo T | Callaway | Jefferson City | 3 | 768 |
Duncan | Isaac | 43 | KY | Pulaski | Duncan,William | Miller | Jefferson City | 3 | 880 |
Duncan | Meredith | 25 | VA | Campbell | Duncan, John | Callaway | Jefferson City | 3 | 851 |
Dunham | George | 19 | MO | Boone | Dunham, Sam | Boone | Jefferson City | 3 | 513 |
Dunham | Nathan | 20 | MO | Boone | Dunham, Sam | Boone | Jefferson City | 3 | 505 |
Dunlap | Juber | 47 | KY | unknown | Dunlap, David M; estate | Callaway | Fulton | 2 | 832 |
Dunlap | William | 44 | MO | St Louis | [blank] | Callaway | Fulton | 2 | 923 |
Dunn | Alfred | 30 | KY | Barren | Dunn, Thos | Benton | Sedalia | 5 | 331 |
Dunn | George | 27 | MO | [blank] | Dunn, Edmund | Johnson | Lexington | 4 | 122 |
Dunn | Reuben | 23 | TN | Hayword | [blank] | [blank] | Kingston | 3 | 1046 |
Dunscomb | Henry | 46 | NC | Stokes | Dunscomb, William | Cole | Jefferson City | 3 | 816 |
Dupee | Peter | 41 | VA | Henrico | Dupee, Asa | St Francis | Ironton | 3 | 383 |
Duvall | Dick | 18 | MO | Lafayette | Duvall, Wm | Lafayette | Lexington | 4 | 101 |
Duvall | Robert | 21 | VA | Frederick | Duvall, James | Ray | Chillicothe | 2 | 393 |
Dye | Alfred | 19 | KY | Harrison | Tucker, Green | Cooper | Tipton | 5 | 920 |
Dye | Henry | 22 | MO | Cole | Dye, Noah | Lafayette | Laclede | 4 | 6 |
Dyer | Archey | 21 | MO | Marion | Pepper, William A | Marion | Hannibal | 3 | 161 |
Dyer | Henry Bragg | 24 | MO | Callaway | Dyer, Samuel | Callaway | Fulton | 2 | 847 |
Dyer | Henry Clay | 23 | MO | Callaway | Dyer, Samuel; dec'd | [blank] | Fulton | 2 | 836 |
Dyer | James | 44 | VA | Pittsylvania | Dyer, Nancy; Mrs | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 251 |
Dyer | Jordan | 15 | MO | Lincoln | Dyer, John | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 311 |
Dyer | Jordan | 15 | MO | Lincoln | Dyer, John | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 319 |
Dyer | Thomas | 28 | MD | unknown | Dyer, George J | Lincoln | Troy | 6 | 240 |
Dyle | John | 20 | MO | Cooper | Dyle, Stephen | Cooper | Marshall | 4 | 782 |
Dysart | George | 32 | MO | Randolph | Dysart, Nicholas | Randolph | Macon | 4 | 502 |
Dysart | Isaac | 18 | MO | Macon | Dysart, James | Macon | Macon | 4 | 356 |
Dysart | Isaac | 18 | MO | Macon | Dysart, James | Macon | Macon City | 6 | 765 |
Dysart | Nelson | 39 | KY | Casey | Dysart, James | Macon | Macon | 4 | 399 |
Dysart | Warren | 19 | MO | Randolph | Dysart, Nicholas | Randolph | Macon | 4 | 376 |