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St. Paul's United Church of Christ
512 Main St.
Gerald, MO 63037

Also known as Deutsche Evangelische St. Pauls-Gemeinde, Shotwell

Digitized records
The following records are available digitally at

Roll Item Contents Years FHL Roll Comments
59 2 Baptisms 1906-1995 2047661 pp. 1-60
59 2 Confirmations 1907-1994 2047661 pp. 133-160
59 2 Marriages 1906-1995 2047661 pp. 157-182
59 2 Deaths 1907-1995 2047661 pp. 193-229
59 2 Communions 1906-1965 2047661 pp. 241-245
59 2 Collections/offerings 1906-1944 2047661 pp. 310-311
59 2 Constitution and Minutes   2047661 pp. 310-311
59 3 History & list of pastors   2047661 pp. 1-3
59 3 Baptisms 1860-1906 2047661 pp. 1-34
59 3 Confirmations 1860-1904 2047661 pp. 80-84
59 3 Marriages 1865-1906 2047661 pp. 120-125
59 3 Deaths 1856-1907 2047661 pp. 160-169
59 3 Members 1896 2047661 p. 226
59 3 Financial records 1894-1906 2047661 pp. 230-231
59 3 Collections 1898-1900 2047661 p. 240
59 3 English translation 1895-1906 2047661