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Names in this index were compiled from the following sources:     

  • Official Catholic Directory, 1841, 1844, 1846 – 1861, 1864 – 1870 (available years)
  • St. Louis City Directories, 1870, 1872, 1874 – 1900 (available years)
Name Parish Dates
Salari, Decius Jesuit 1849–1851
Salvatelli, J. B. St. Bonaventure 1874-1877
Santois, F. St. Francis Xavier 1870-1875
Saulnier, Edmond Calvary Cemetery 1864
Saulnier, Edmond Cathedral 1850–1859,1861
Saulnier, Edmond Hospital Chapel 1848–1849
Saulnier, Edmond St. Patrick 1846
Saulnier, Edmond St. Philomena's Asylum 1857–1861
Saulnier, Edmond Sts. Mary and Joseph 1841
Sautois, F. St. Ferdinand 1855–1856
Sautois, Florian St. Francis Xavier 1858–1860,1864–1869
Schaefer, Henry St. Agatha 1888-1890
Schaefer, Joseph St. Bernard 1877-1878
Schaefers, Joseph J. St. Nicholas 1879-1900
Schilling, A. SS Peter & Paul 1870
Schilling, Augustine J. Our Lady Perpetual Help 1876-1900
Schindel, E. St. Boniface 1864–1869
Schindel, E. Sts. Peter and Paul 1861
Schindel, E. A. St. Boniface 1872-1895
Schlecter, N. J. St. Joseph 1889-1900
Schlefers, Christian St. Liborius 1896-1898
Schlefers, Christian H. St. Augustine 1898-1899
Schmaltzer, V. F. St. Bonaventure 1875-1876
Schmidt, J. G. St. Rose 1900
Schmidt, Joseph St. Nicholas 1877-1878
Schmidt, Wm. St. Joseph 1872
Schmidt, Wm., A. St. Mary Victories 1879
Schmulders, E. Cathedral 1867–1868
Schneider, Jos. St. Alphonsus 1872-1874
Schneiderhahn, Max St. Francis de Sales 1897-1900
Schoenmakers, J. St. Francis Xavier 1841
Schrage, Henry St. Agatha 1884-1900
Schrage, Henry St. Liborius 1876-1883
Schramm, John St. Barbara 1895-1900
Schramm, John St. Nicholas 1888
Schreiber, F. St. Liborius 1859
Schroeder, Joseph Holy Trinity 1888-1900
Schulak, Francis X. Jesuit 1866
Schulte, F. H. St. Mary Victories 1885-1886
Schulte, William Our Lady Perpetual Help 1900
Schulte, William St. Bernard 1898
Schultz, J. L. Annunciation 1890-1891
Schultz, J. L. St. Leo 1892
Schweihoff, Stephen St. Liborius 1856–1869
Scott, J. Diocesan Seminary 1856–1858
Seisl, Martin St. Joseph 1849–1854
Seling, B. St. Mary of Victories 1857
Seretta, John Diocesan Seminary 1847
Seretta, John St. Vincent de Paul 1846
Shaefer, Charles St. Liborius 1892-1894
Shaw, Henry Holy Angels 1897-1898
Shea, E. F. Assumption 1872
Shea, E. F. St. John 1874-1875
Shea, Edward Old Cathedral 1870
Shea, Edward J. St. Kevin 1880-1900
Shea, J. O. St. Kevin 1884-1887
Shea, W. L. St. Kevin 1898-1900
Shea, W. L. Visitation 1896-1897
Shields, J. T. Immaculate Conception 1889-1890
Shields, J. T. St. Lawrence O'Toole 1893-1894
Shields, James St. Rose 1895-1896
Shields, Joseph St. Teresa 1892
Shields, Joseph T. St. Matthew 1895-1900
Shultz, John Jesuit 1849
Siegrist, S. Assumption 1848–1849
Siegrist, Simon Sts. Peter and Paul 1850–1857
Siessner, Otto St. Liborius 1900
Smarius, C. F. Jesuit 1850–1852,1857–1858
Smarius, C. F. St. Francis Xavier 1859–1860
Smedts, John Jesuit 1846–1849,1853–1855
Smedts, John St. Ferdinand 1852
Smith, C. P. Assumption 1874-1891
Smith, C. P. St. Agnes 1892-1898
Smith, C. P. St. John 1872-187
Smith, Edward Old Cathedral 1875
Smith, Th. St. Vincent de Paul 1867–1868
Smolders, Charles St. Alphonsus 1872-1875
Smulders, Egidius St. Alphonsus 1876
Smyth, C. St. John the Apostle 1864–1869
Smyth, E.M. St. Vincent de Paul 1864–1865
Smyth, F. Vincentian 1865
Smyth, L. St. Martin 1865
Smyth, L. St. Mary–Bridgeton 1865
Sonneschien, W. St. Mary of Victories 1866
Soutors, F. St. Francis Xavier 1861
Speich, Michael F. St. Elizabeth (Col'd) 1896-1900
Spicher, Peter Jesuit 1849–1851
Spicher, Peter St. Francis Xavier 1853–1854
St. Cyr, Irenaeus Cathedral 1848
St. Cyr, Irenaeus St. Patrick 1846
St. Cyr, M. Christian Brother 1866
Stack, W. T. SS Mary & Joseph 1882
Stack, Wm. T. St. Lawrence O'Toole 1879-1883
Stanowski, Urban St. Stanislaus 1887-1900
Staudinger, N. St. Nicholas 1867–1869
Staudinger, Nicholas St. Nicholas 1870-1878
Stehle, James Sts. Mary and Joseph 1853–1857
Stepka, V. St. Bernard 1895-1896
Stevens, J. SS Peter & Paul 1900
Stolte, Bernard St. John 1899-1900
Straetmans, J. Jesuit 1867–1869
Strombergen, Johannes Holy Trinity 1872
Strombergen, John A. Our Lady of Help (?) 1874-1875
Stroombergen, J. A. St. Mary Victories 1877-1879
Stuer, Francis St. Joseph 1899-1900
Stuntebeck, F. Jesuit 1864–1869
Sullivan, J. St. Bridget 1859
Sullivan, J. St. John the Apostle 1858
Sullivan, J. St. Malachy 1861
Swagers, D. Jesuit 1865–1866
Swift St. Malachy 1869
Tallon, P. W. St. Lawrence O'Toole 1877-1887
Tallon, Patrick W. Holy Name 1888-1900
Tannrath, John St. John 1895-1898
Tannrath, John St. Mary Victories 1892-1894
Tannrath, John J. St. Agnes 1899-1900
Taylor, Michael Old Cathedral 1900
Tchieder, Peter St. Joseph 1855
Tehan, John F. X. Jesuit 1864–1869
Tehan, P. St. John the Apostle 1854
Tettemer, Joseph H. Holy Name 1898-1900
Thibaudier, A. Sts. Mary and Joseph 1846–1847
Thobe, Henry Holy Ghost 1900
Thobe, Henry Holy Trinity 1889-1891
Tichy, John St. John Nepomuk 1900
Tihen, F. St. John 1887-1890
Timon, John Cathedral 1844–1847
Tobyn, Myles St. James the Greater 1868
Tobyn, Myles St. John the Apostle 1860–1861
Tobyn, Myles St. Malachy 1864–1868
Tobyn, Myles St. Patrick 1859
Tobyn, Myles W. Old Cathedral 1870-1887
Tobyn, Myles W. SS Mary & Joseph 1887-1900
Tolksdorf, Paul St. Anthony 1896-1899
Toomey, J. J. St. Patrick 1895-1898
Touhy, J. T. St. Bridget 1884-1892
Touhy, James St. Paul the Apostle 1892-1895
Tracy, J. A. St. Lawrence O'Toole 1896-1900
Tracy, M. J. St. Francis Xavier 1879
Trojan, Francis/ J. St. John Nepomuk 1857–1864
Trumm, P. A. St. Bernard 1879
Truyens, Charles Jesuit 1850–1857
Tscheider, P. Jesuit 1852, 1857
Tschieder, P. St. Joseph 1870-1876
Tschieder, P. St. Joseph 1864–1869
Tucker, R. St. Lawrence O'Toole 1866
Tucker, R. St. Patrick 1867
Tuohy, John T. St. Patrick 1897-1898
Tutting, Henry St. Boniface 1875
Uhland, J. G. St. Vincent de Paul 1870-1886
Uhland, John G. St. Vincent de Paul 1853–1869