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In the early years of the last century, The Wisconsin Historical Society published five compilations of items extracted from the Draper Manuscripts.  The items were selected from across the various series and volumes to explain in a chronological order some of the events of the Revolutionary War and the time immediately preceding it.

The five, in historical order, are:

  • Documentary History of Dunmore's War, 1774.
  • The Revolution on the Upper Ohio, 1775–1777.
  • Frontier Defense on the Upper Ohio 1777–1778.
  • Frontier Advance on the Upper Ohio, 1778–1779.
  • Frontier Retreat on the Upper Ohio, 1779–1781.

Each of these volumes contains an index of names.  By finding a name in the index, a researcher can go to the page in the compilation.  The page in the documentary will list the citation of the original document in the Draper Manuscripts.


Other authors have also compiled histories from the Draper Manuscripts. The patterns of indexing and citation vary with the individual author. Some of these works are:

Harry G. Enoch

  • 'Affair at Captina Creek'
  • 'In Search of Morgan’s Station and 'the Last Indian Raid in Kentucky''

Louis Knott Koontz

  • "The Virginia Frontier, 1754—1763"

Jared C. Lobdell

  • "Further Materials on Lewis Wetzel and the Upper Ohio Frontier"
  • "Indian Warfare in Western Pennsylvania and Northwest Virginia at the Time of the Revolution"
  • "Recollections of Lewis Bonnett, Jr. (1788-1850)"
  • "The Bonnett and Wetzel Families"

Edward P. McCullough

  • "The Early History of Montgomery County, Kentucky"

Dale Payne

  • "Biographical Sketches of the Pioneers"
  • "Narratives of Pioneer Life and Border Warfare"