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Full-text database providing popular middle school magazines and reference books covering subjects such as history, current events, science and sports.

Children's Programs
Subscription Database

Learn about the history of Missouri, its symbols, and its government through the informative facts. [Missouri Secretary of State]

Children's Programs

Includes census data from 2000 to 2010. Look for population estimates, health statistics, income data, poverty figures and more.

Adult Programs

A roll-by-roll listing of county records on microfilm held by the Missouri State Archives.

Adult Programs

Copies of death certificates issued beginning 1910 and that are at least 50 years old can be downloaded from this site. [Missouri State Archives]

Adult Programs

More than 735 kinds of plants and 410 different animals in Missouri are of concern to conservationists because they are uncommon or because their numbers are low or declining. Learn about them at the Missouri Department of Conservation.


The department does not regulate or monitor home schooling. There is no registration required with the state. There is no program for the inspection, approval, or accreditation of home schools in Missouri.

Children's Programs

Provides access to resources about technology, how to be safe and secure with it and understanding how to evaluate information found online.

Adult Programs

Access a rich archive of information about the history of Missouri and local communities. Included are educational resources like classroom curricula accessible through this website.

Subscription Database

The Division of Employment Security is responsible for the administration of the unemployment insurance benefit and tax program.

Adult Programs