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Last Name First Name Book Page SLCL Item FHL
Maag Philipp F E2 198 CIWI-13 2 1405580
Maas Regina D2 61 CIWI-12 3 1405579
Maass Anna M V 363 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Maass August Ludwig W 499 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Maass Maria Louise Amalia W 19 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Macdonald Harry Rainy S 427 CIWI-8 1 1405575
MacDonald James A2 417 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Macdonald Mary U 323 CIWI-8 3 1405575
MacDowell Mary M 267 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Macfarlane John K M G2 288 CIWI-14 1 1405581
Macha Anna U 200 CIWI-8 3 1405575
Macha Martin R 680 CIWI-7 3 1405574
Machling George S 333 CIWI-8 1 1405575
Machule Antoinette I2 239 CIWI-14 3 1405581
Mackenzie Mary V 660 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Mackey Eliza X 502 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Mackey Ellen N 398 CIWI-6 1 1405573
Mackey Mary Annastasia X 75 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Mackie James H C2 630 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Mackle Patrick N 585 CIWI-6 1 1405573
Mackwitz Rudolph S 492 CIWI-8 1 1405575
MacRee Mary U 44 CIWI-8 3 1405575
Madden Patrick D2 630 CIWI-12 3 1405579
Madelaine Louis Pierre T 403 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Madill George A G2 350 CIWI-14 1 1405581
Madill Julia A X 428 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Madison John F M 271 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Maendlen William B2 525 CIWI-12 1 1405579
Maes Jacob Q 123 CIWI-7 2 1405574
Maes Virginia J2 6 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Maffitt Julia C A2 353 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Maginn John W X 99 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Magner David X 570 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Magoffin John W 694 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Magrath Patrick R 625 CIWI-7 3 1405574
Maguire George O 334 CIWI-6 2 1405573
Maguire John J2 698 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Mahar Peter Z 184 CIWI-10 3 1405577
Maher Charles G2 123 CIWI-13 4 1405580
Maher Patrick N 154 CIWI-5 3 1405572
Maher Paul D N 563 CIWI-6 1 1405573
Maher Thomas M 230 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Maher Thomas R E2 482 CIWI-13 2 1405580
Mahler Sabina C2 95 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Mahoney James Q 309 CIWI-7 2 1405574
Mahoney Margaret I2 415 CIWI-14 3 1405581
Mahoney Michael A2 350 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Mahony Denis Y 612 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Maichel Anna B2 566 CIWI-12 1 1405579
Maichel Jacob T 389 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Maier Carl E2 538 CIWI-13 2 1405580
Maier Erhard Z 582 CIWI-11 1 1405578
Maier Magdalena G2 282 CIWI-14 1 1405581
Mailia Patrick Q 369 CIWI-7 2 1405574
Maillia Patrick Q 369 CIWI-7 2 1405574
Mallay Luke A W 388 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Mallinckrodt Gustavus M 452 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Mallon Jane R 528 CIWI-7 3 1405574
Malmros Charles E2 297 CIWI-13 2 1405580
Malone Bridget X 310 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Malone Daniel W 379 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Malone Jeff T 637 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Malone Patrick C2 243 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Maloy Dennis M 372 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Manderfield Sarah O 684 CIWI-6 2 1405573
Manewal August H2 335 CIWI-14 2 1405581
Maney Regina X 616 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Mange Elias T 133 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Mangels Henry F2 482 CIWI-13 3 1405580
Mangeng Frank B2 707 CIWI-12 1 1405579
Manion Jane V 317 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Manion Michael Q 434 CIWI-7 2 1405574
Manion Patrick P Z 250 CIWI-11 1 1405578
Mann Caroline P 200 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Mann Charles R 97 CIWI-7 3 1405574
Mann Hugh M B2 44 CIWI-11 3 1405578
Mann John J M 187 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Mann Mary F2 631 CIWI-13 3 1405580
Mannhardt Alice Agnes R 95 CIWI-7 3 1405574
Manning Catherine J C2 604 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Manning Daniel A V 559 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Manning John G I2 189 CIWI-14 3 1405581
Manning Michael X 459 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Manning Thomas B2 266 CIWI-11 3 1405578
Manny Edmund A V 503 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Mansekund Catharina V 697 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Mansfield Thomas U 611 CIWI-9 1 1405576
Manshardt Adam W 272 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Mansur Alvah B2 63 CIWI-11 3 1405578
Mantkowski Andreas W 41 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Marbach Wendelin D2 489 CIWI-12 3 1405579
Marcagi John X 586 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Marconnot Victorine J2 511 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Marcrander Adam S 135 CIWI-7 4 1405574
Marcrander Josephine J2 312 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Marcus Adolph P 77 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Marcus Adolphus P 77 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Mares Joseph W C2 535 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Mares Mathias Y 277 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Mareshal Louis M W 163 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Margenan William A2 153 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Marguard John Frederick W 659 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Mark Catharine T 20 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Mark Emil W 38 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Marks Jacob G2 52 CIWI-13 4 1405580
Marlatt Elias S D2 508 CIWI-12 3 1405579
Marple Mary E B2 376 CIWI-11 3 1405578
Marquartt Herman Z 160 CIWI-10 3 1405577
Marsch Albert B2 176 CIWI-11 3 1405578
Marsch William X 134 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Marschall Anna M P 328 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Marschall Gottlieb W 154 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Marschall Johann Adam N 596 CIWI-6 1 1405573
Marsh William Z 456 CIWI-11 1 1405578
Marshal Louis M W 163 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Marshall Jane T 277 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Marshall Mary F2 668 CIWI-13 3 1405580
Marshall Sarah D2 524 CIWI-12 3 1405579
Marshall William R 438 CIWI-7 3 1405574
Marshall William E2 97 CIWI-13 2 1405580
Marstall John G I2 37 CIWI-14 3 1405581
Marten Frederick Wilhelm C2 601 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Marten Friederich Wilhelm C2 601 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Martens Hein Q 23 CIWI-7 2 1405574
Martens Lena F2 493 CIWI-13 3 1405580
Martin Annie A2 583 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Martin Charles E S 514 CIWI-8 1 1405575
Martin Edward Z 512 CIWI-11 1 1405578
Martin Elizabeth W 556 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Martin Elizabeth Lavina I2 80 CIWI-14 3 1405581
Martin Frank C2 703 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Martin George Douglas X 692 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Martin Hattie C Z 597 CIWI-11 1 1405578
Martin James D2 104 CIWI-12 3 1405579
Martin Jane G2 704 CIWI-14 1 1405581
Martin Jane Elizabeth P 435 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Martin John G U 585 CIWI-9 1 1405576
Martin Mark M G2 548 CIWI-14 1 1405581
Martin Mary C2 581 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Martin Mary E H2 209 CIWI-14 2 1405581
Martin Peter N 136 CIWI-5 3 1405572
Martin Robert T 50 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Martin Robert N M 225 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Martin Samuel H2 500 CIWI-14 2 1405581
Martin Sarah U 34 CIWI-8 3 1405575
Martin Thomas C F2 82 CIWI-13 3 1405580
Martin William E2 73 CIWI-13 2 1405580
Marting Gerhard H E2 170 CIWI-13 2 1405580
Marting John A F2 438 CIWI-13 3 1405580
Martini Christian G X 382 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Martini Jakob W 649 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Martini Mary C2 583 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Marvin Enoch M M 307 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Marx Frederick I2 215 CIWI-14 3 1405581
Marx Solomon U 456 CIWI-8 3 1405575
Marx Solomon J2 508 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Marzluf John Y 430 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Mascheck Bartholimeo N 94 CIWI-5 3 1405572
Mascheck John Y 708 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Maschmeier Johann Friederich D2 339 CIWI-12 3 1405579
Masek Anna V 681 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Mason Emma S U 423 CIWI-8 3 1405575
Mason Helen M H2 303 CIWI-14 2 1405581
Mason J Howard W 407 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Massa Joseph A X 56 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Masschelein Charles X 486 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Massengale Henry S 558 CIWI-8 1 1405575
Massman August V 228 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Massot Aurelia T 383 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Mastebrock Anna Maria M 223 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Mastebrook Augusta B2 292 CIWI-11 3 1405578
Masterson Catharine V 587 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Masterson John Q 546 CIWI-7 2 1405574
Masterson Michael V 586 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Masterson Peter X 356 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Masure Marie Madeleine O 70 CIWI-6 2 1405573
Masy Joseph de Z 87 CIWI-10 3 1405577
Materne Martha J2 3 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Materni Guglielmo F2 227 CIWI-13 3 1405580
Math Jurgen August B2 265 CIWI-11 3 1405578
Matheis David Z 457 CIWI-11 1 1405578
Mathews Edward A R 6 CIWI-7 3 1405574
Mathews Elisabeth A2 245 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Mathews James B2 52 CIWI-11 3 1405578
Mathews Owen N 669 CIWI-6 1 1405573
Mathews Patrick V 475 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Mathews Paul B2 86 CIWI-11 3 1405578
Mathey Charles Ferdinand Y 182 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Matlack George P 403 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Matousek Elizabeth Z 546 CIWI-11 1 1405578
Matt Leopold S 436 CIWI-8 1 1405575
Mattfeld Louis V 640 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Mattfeldt August D U 439 CIWI-8 3 1405575
Matthes J Gottlob M 178 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Matthews George X 40 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Matthews George W J2 218 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Matthews James George J2 454 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Matthews John W 135 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Matthews Sophia C2 451 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Matthey Adele U 456 CIWI-8 3 1405575
Matthis Susie T 232 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Mattick Frederick X 554 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Mauch Henry S 208 CIWI-8 1 1405575
Maude John B N 23 CIWI-5 3 1405572
Mauer Louis X 266 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Mauldieger Walpurga M 259 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Mauntel John Frederick N 116 CIWI-5 3 1405572
Mauntel Maud W R 656 CIWI-7 3 1405574
Maurer Adam T 653 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Maurer Agnes Ernestine X 252 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Maurer August O 45 CIWI-6 2 1405573
Maurer Ignatz V 198 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Maurer Maria Catharina W 283 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Maurice John H P 238 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Mausehund Henry T 47 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Mautner Michael Y 185 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Maxwell Henry J2 37 CIWI-15 2 1405582
May Annie A J2 419 CIWI-15 2 1405582
May Ben W 616 CIWI-9 3 1405576
May George H S 137 CIWI-7 4 1405574
May Gottlieb G2 222 CIWI-14 1 1405581
Maye Lizzie W C P 570 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Mayer Abram B B2 637 CIWI-12 1 1405579
Mayer Adelheid I2 9 CIWI-14 3 1405581
Mayer Adelheyt I2 9 CIWI-14 3 1405581
Mayer Anton X 260 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Mayer Babette U 63 CIWI-8 3 1405575
Mayer Christiana F Z 400 CIWI-11 1 1405578
Mayer Conrad S 120 CIWI-7 4 1405574
Mayer John P 392 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Mayer John G W 531 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Mayer Lorenz X 60 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Mayer Wilhelm W 661 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Mayer Wilhelm W 667 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Mayer William W 661 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Mays Mary W 618 CIWI-9 3 1405576
McAdam Catherine Y 330 CIWI-10 2 1405577
McAleer Francis W 90 CIWI-9 3 1405576
McAleice Margaret D2 415 CIWI-12 3 1405579
McAllister Daniel W V 414 CIWI-9 2 1405576
McAually David R Y 296 CIWI-10 2 1405577
McAvedy Rose O 205 CIWI-6 2 1405573
McAvoy James I2 118 CIWI-14 3 1405581
McBride Cora Y 149 CIWI-10 2 1405577
McBride Hannah O 614 CIWI-6 2 1405573
McBrine William E2 382 CIWI-13 2 1405580
McCabe Annie Margarnetta G2 638 CIWI-14 1 1405581
McCabe Hugh V 396 CIWI-9 2 1405576
McCabe John N 110 CIWI-5 3 1405572
McCabe John F Z 3 CIWI-10 3 1405577
McCabe John H A2 657 CIWI-11 2 1405578
McCabe John T B2 689 CIWI-12 1 1405579
McCain Harrison B2 390 CIWI-11 3 1405578
McCale Bridget M 218 CIWI-5 2 1405572
McCarthy Anna J2 562 CIWI-15 2 1405582
McCarthy Bridget J2 319 CIWI-15 2 1405582
McCarthy Eliza W 518 CIWI-9 3 1405576
McCarthy James T 470 CIWI-8 2 1405575
McCarthy James X 209 CIWI-10 1 1405577
McCarthy John Q 366 CIWI-7 2 1405574
McCarthy John X 488 CIWI-10 1 1405577
McCarthy Margaret C2 206 CIWI-12 2 1405579
McCarthy Margaret D2 498 CIWI-12 3 1405579
McCarthy Michael A2 155 CIWI-11 2 1405578
McCarthy Patrick M 133 CIWI-5 2 1405572
McCarthy Patrick N 329 CIWI-5 3 1405572
McCarty Edward P N 580 CIWI-6 1 1405573
McCarty Lydia E P 329 CIWI-6 3 1405573
McClanahan Jeremiah M 387 CIWI-5 2 1405572
McClean Mary Ann O 311 CIWI-6 2 1405573
McClure James N F2 610 CIWI-13 3 1405580
McClure William M A2 530 CIWI-11 2 1405578
McCluskey Ann E2 649 CIWI-13 2 1405580
McCluskey James V 56 CIWI-9 2 1405576
McCord James S C2 108 CIWI-12 2 1405579
McCormack Daniel C2 36 CIWI-12 2 1405579
McCormack Edward A H2 169 CIWI-14 2 1405581
McCormick Samuel T I2 44 CIWI-14 3 1405581
McCosh Maria M X 197 CIWI-10 1 1405577
McCourt Courtney Elizabeth J2 170 CIWI-15 2 1405582
McCourt James O 472 CIWI-6 2 1405573
McCoy Helen Mar H2 157 CIWI-14 2 1405581
McCoy Margaret V 169 CIWI-9 2 1405576
McCrann Mary S 425 CIWI-8 1 1405575
McCreery Mary J T 335 CIWI-8 2 1405575
McCreery Mary J U 358 CIWI-8 3 1405575
McCreery Wayman Crow F2 643 CIWI-13 3 1405580
McCreery William H X 352 CIWI-10 1 1405577
McCrillis L F O 347 CIWI-6 2 1405573
McCullen Bernard U 674 CIWI-9 1 1405576
McCullough Joseph T Q 607 CIWI-7 2 1405574
McCune Lucy M C2 296 CIWI-12 2 1405579
McDaniel James F2 385 CIWI-13 3 1405580
McDermott Mary X 653 CIWI-10 1 1405577
McDermott Michael P 128 CIWI-6 3 1405573
McDonald Anna F B2 544 CIWI-12 1 1405579
McDonald Bernard V 556 CIWI-9 2 1405576
McDonald Eliza E2 334 CIWI-13 2 1405580
McDonald Hugh Q 312 CIWI-7 2 1405574
McDonald James T 202 CIWI-8 2 1405575
McDonald John U 501 CIWI-9 1 1405576
McDonald Katie D2 34 CIWI-12 3 1405579
McDonald Margaret H2 536 CIWI-14 2 1405581
McDonald Matthew T 433 CIWI-8 2 1405575
McDonald William E2 129 CIWI-13 2 1405580
McDonough Margaret Y 262 CIWI-10 2 1405577
McDonough Margaret G2 484 CIWI-14 1 1405581
McDonough Thomas H2 479 CIWI-14 2 1405581
McDonough Thomas H2 656 CIWI-14 2 1405581
McDowell Catharine M U 308 CIWI-8 3 1405575
McDowell John J N 241 CIWI-5 3 1405572
McElevey James G2 243 CIWI-14 1 1405581
McElroy Emily Q 115 CIWI-7 2 1405574
McElroy John A Q 367 CIWI-7 2 1405574
McEnaney John M 55 CIWI-5 2 1405572
McEnaney Mary S 60 CIWI-7 4 1405574
McEntire Charles B A2 599 CIWI-11 2 1405578
McFaddin Delilah R 445 CIWI-7 3 1405574
McFall Louisa S C2 531 CIWI-12 2 1405579
McFarland A A I2 387 CIWI-14 3 1405581
McFaul Catharine A O 417 CIWI-6 2 1405573
McFeely John Y 306 CIWI-10 2 1405577
McGann Frederick J Y 649 CIWI-10 2 1405577
McGarry Ann Y 406 CIWI-10 2 1405577
McGarry Patrick X 386 CIWI-10 1 1405577
McGee James P 423 CIWI-6 3 1405573
McGee John W 585 CIWI-9 3 1405576
McGinley Charles V 161 CIWI-9 2 1405576
McGinness Francis L H2 227 CIWI-14 2 1405581
McGinnis Bridget L C2 436 CIWI-12 2 1405579
McGinnis John S 198 CIWI-8 1 1405575
McGinnis Mary Ellen Z 352 CIWI-11 1 1405578
McGinnis Owen A2 564 CIWI-11 2 1405578
McGinnis Stephen J2 357 CIWI-15 2 1405582
McGinniss John Hays Q 523 CIWI-7 2 1405574
McGinniss Philip C2 313 CIWI-12 2 1405579
McGintie Jane J2 294 CIWI-15 2 1405582
McGinty John S 192 CIWI-8 1 1405575
McGlinn Patrick N 540 CIWI-6 1 1405573
McGowan Irving H2 346 CIWI-14 2 1405581
McGowan Mary A U 458 CIWI-8 3 1405575
McGowen Michael P 219 CIWI-6 3 1405573
McGrade Thomas O 553 CIWI-6 2 1405573
McGrath Ellen U 671 CIWI-9 1 1405576
McGrath Kate B2 204 CIWI-11 3 1405578
McGrath Maria Y 145 CIWI-10 2 1405577
McGrath Mary J A2 636 CIWI-11 2 1405578
McGrath Nicholas O 642 CIWI-6 2 1405573
McGrath Patrick R 625 CIWI-7 3 1405574
McGregor Margaret M 514 CIWI-5 2 1405572
McGrievy Charles I2 183 CIWI-14 3 1405581
McGuffin John M P 502 CIWI-6 3 1405573
McGuigan Patrick V 356 CIWI-9 2 1405576
McGuire John D2 555 CIWI-12 3 1405579
McGunnegle George K M 564 CIWI-5 2 1405572
McHale James Hart H2 47 CIWI-14 2 1405581
McHale Lizzie G2 113 CIWI-13 4 1405580
McHale Michael O 565 CIWI-6 2 1405573
McHale Thomas U 161 CIWI-8 3 1405575
McIlvain Robert N 313 CIWI-5 3 1405572
McIlvaine George R U 45 CIWI-8 3 1405575
McIlvaine Orville N 192 CIWI-5 3 1405572
McInerny Catherine Z 545 CIWI-11 1 1405578
McIntyre Bridget B2 568 CIWI-12 1 1405579
McIntyre Daniel G2 227 CIWI-14 1 1405581
McIntyre Duncan D S 52 CIWI-7 4 1405574
McIntyre George I2 608 CIWI-15 1 1405582
McKay Mary E S 563 CIWI-8 1 1405575
McKee Henry Q 547 CIWI-7 2 1405574
McKee James B J2 485 CIWI-15 2 1405582
McKeeley George O 202 CIWI-6 2 1405573
McKellops Henry J F2 360 CIWI-13 3 1405580
McKelvey Andrew S 632 CIWI-8 1 1405575
McKenna John O 486 CIWI-6 2 1405573
McKenzie Charles V 123 CIWI-9 2 1405576
McKenzie Ellen V 52 CIWI-9 2 1405576
McKenzie Hannah N 278 CIWI-5 3 1405572
McKeon Francis Q 517 CIWI-7 2 1405574
McKeown Hugh Z 463 CIWI-11 1 1405578
McKinna Merritt J J2 427 CIWI-15 2 1405582
McKinney John R 102 CIWI-7 3 1405574
McKinzie Mollie J2 86 CIWI-15 2 1405582
McKissock Thomas S 618 CIWI-8 1 1405575
McKittrick Adam McMechan N 135 CIWI-5 3 1405572
McKittrick Hugh Y 289 CIWI-10 2 1405577
McKowen John P 316 CIWI-6 3 1405573
McLagan Alexander E2 609 CIWI-13 2 1405580
McLaran Charles V 296 CIWI-9 2 1405576
McLaren John A2 578 CIWI-11 2 1405578
McLaughlin Alexander S 585 CIWI-8 1 1405575
McLaughlin Daniel M 44 CIWI-5 2 1405572
McLaughlin Honora V 255 CIWI-9 2 1405576
McLaughlin James M 305 CIWI-5 2 1405572
McLaughlin Mary J2 251 CIWI-15 2 1405582
McLaughlin Patrick T 638 CIWI-8 2 1405575
McLean James Henry R 268 CIWI-7 3 1405574
McLean Lawrence Y 176 CIWI-10 2 1405577
McLoughlin Anna D2 317 CIWI-12 3 1405579
McLure Mary X 490 CIWI-10 1 1405577
McMahan Patrick Q 623 CIWI-7 2 1405574
McMahon Ann B2 503 CIWI-12 1 1405579
McMahon Jane V 627 CIWI-9 2 1405576
McMahon Kate J2 383 CIWI-15 2 1405582
McMahon Margaret H2 418 CIWI-14 2 1405581
McMahon Michael J Y 594 CIWI-10 2 1405577
McMahon Richard W 670 CIWI-9 3 1405576
McMahon Rosanna G2 675 CIWI-14 1 1405581
McManus Bridget J2 602 CIWI-15 2 1405582
McManus Daniel C2 395 CIWI-12 2 1405579
McManus Sarah A2 42 CIWI-11 2 1405578
McMechan Margaret P 598 CIWI-6 3 1405573
McMillan William G2 251 CIWI-14 1 1405581
McMorrow Patrick I2 22 CIWI-14 3 1405581
McMurray Margaret B2 146 CIWI-11 3 1405578
McMurray William A U 273 CIWI-8 3 1405575
McNair Louisa D I2 391 CIWI-14 3 1405581
McNally Owen C2 75 CIWI-12 2 1405579
McNally William Platt X 19 CIWI-10 1 1405577
McNamara Patrick D2 333 CIWI-12 3 1405579
McNeary Thomas W 647 CIWI-9 3 1405576
McNery Mary I2 328 CIWI-14 3 1405581
McNevin Thomas Y 209 CIWI-10 2 1405577
McNichols Henry H2 83 CIWI-14 2 1405581
McNiff John N 628 CIWI-6 1 1405573
McNiff Peter C N 537 CIWI-6 1 1405573
McNulty James F2 382 CIWI-13 3 1405580
McNulty Mary Ann J2 251 CIWI-15 2 1405582
McPhail Ruth S C2 378 CIWI-12 2 1405579
McPherson Mary A P 26 CIWI-6 3 1405573
McQuade Mary D2 43 CIWI-12 3 1405579
McRee Mary U 44 CIWI-8 3 1405575
McRosky Anna L C2 442 CIWI-12 2 1405579
McTighe Michael Z 684 CIWI-11 1 1405578
McTigue John Z 697 CIWI-11 1 1405578
McVoy Delilah Z 261 CIWI-11 1 1405578
McWhorter W H I2 709 CIWI-15 1 1405582
McWilliam Robert J2 38 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Mead John A A2 48 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Mead Phebe E W 545 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Meador Carrie D2 427 CIWI-12 3 1405579
Meagher William A D2 595 CIWI-12 3 1405579
Meaney Alice U 67 CIWI-8 3 1405575
Meany John S 522 CIWI-8 1 1405575
Meany Owen P N 198 CIWI-5 3 1405572
Mears Martin W 349 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Mebus Johanna B2 592 CIWI-12 1 1405579
Meckel Carl P 394 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Meckfessel Christ H J2 333 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Medart Margaretha E2 469 CIWI-13 2 1405580
Medart Martin V G2 712 CIWI-14 1 1405581
Medley Andrew J D2 265 CIWI-12 3 1405579
Medley Richard J G2 108 CIWI-13 4 1405580
Meegan James X 548 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Meehan Catharine T 252 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Meer John B X 246 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Megran William Q 619 CIWI-7 2 1405574
Mehl John T 376 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Mehl John Philip M 166 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Mehli John Y 470 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Mehnert Frank A W 583 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Mehnkens Therese F I2 393 CIWI-14 3 1405581
Mehrkens William A2 480 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Meiborger Joseph U 676 CIWI-9 1 1405576
Meibuerger Joseph U 676 CIWI-9 1 1405576
Meiburger Joseph U 676 CIWI-9 1 1405576
Meidell Niels I2 519 CIWI-15 1 1405582
Meier Adolphus T 510 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Meier Albert V 227 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Meier August Y 499 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Meier Christian T 574 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Meier Elisabeth F2 239 CIWI-13 3 1405580
Meier Emily J L X 535 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Meier Ernst Ludwig C2 590 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Meier Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig U 168 CIWI-8 3 1405575
Meier Gottlieb Dietrich N 175 CIWI-5 3 1405572
Meier Helene B2 352 CIWI-11 3 1405578
Meier Henry E2 498 CIWI-13 2 1405580
Meier Lambert O 11 CIWI-6 2 1405573
Meier Lorenz O 604 CIWI-6 2 1405573
Meier Louisa N 548 CIWI-6 1 1405573
Meier Maria X 272 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Meier Maria Adelheid O 643 CIWI-6 2 1405573
Meier Peter R 307 CIWI-7 3 1405574
Meier Robert G A A2 628 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Meier Theresia V 320 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Meier Wilhelmiene I2 633 CIWI-15 1 1405582
Meierarnd William R 247 CIWI-7 3 1405574
Meierhoff Wilhelm I2 71 CIWI-14 3 1405581
Meilves Theresia V 63 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Meinard Anna I2 584 CIWI-15 1 1405582
Meinecke Carl R 677 CIWI-7 3 1405574
Meinecke William F2 414 CIWI-13 3 1405580
Meiners Hermann D2 372 CIWI-12 3 1405579
Meiners J William X 437 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Meiners John Wilhelm X 437 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Meinert Catherine Philomena F2 627 CIWI-13 3 1405580
Meinhard Joseph C2 217 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Meinhardt Anna M C2 668 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Meinhardt Christine Z 510 CIWI-11 1 1405578
Meinhardt Heinrich Y 7 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Meinhardt John J2 196 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Meinholtz John F Y 318 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Meinig Elizabeth (formerly Knippenberg) D2 220 CIWI-12 3 1405579
Meininger George J2 232 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Meinsohn Gertrude X 143 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Meis Anna (nee Thien) C2 270 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Meis Gerhard B2 74 CIWI-11 3 1405578
Meise Frederick M 625 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Meisel Andrew J2 129 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Meisi John Philip N 206 CIWI-5 3 1405572
Meisser Margaret J2 503 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Meissner Elizabeth N 670 CIWI-6 1 1405573
Meister Frederick W B2 715 CIWI-12 1 1405579
Meister Frederike D2 590 CIWI-12 3 1405579
Mellin Anna Sophia H2 634 CIWI-14 2 1405581
Melling Theodore G2 686 CIWI-14 1 1405581
Mellor Medora V 224 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Melody Patrick T 282 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Melvin Sarah X 274 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Menaugh Hugh M 206 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Menaugh Julia W 315 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Mendell Cicerro O 201 CIWI-6 2 1405573
Menges John W 614 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Menke Anna Maria P 148 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Menke Bernard F2 60 CIWI-13 3 1405580
Menke Casper V 580 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Menkens Hermann Wilhelm Z 37 CIWI-10 3 1405577
Menkhaus Caspar H J2 271 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Menne Mary S 122 CIWI-7 4 1405574
Mennemann Henry T 366 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Menniges Angela T 268 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Mensendick Ferdinand T 370 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Mentel Valentine H Q 475 CIWI-7 2 1405574
Mentrup Christian S 125 CIWI-7 4 1405574
Mentrup Mathias R 107 CIWI-7 3 1405574
Mepham Julia A E2 157 CIWI-13 2 1405580
Merello Andrew E2 522 CIWI-13 2 1405580
Merigan Peter Y 163 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Merkel Anna Maria (see Knoll) D2 156 CIWI-12 3 1405579
Merkel Joseph V 631 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Merkel Martin H2 326 CIWI-14 2 1405581
Merkel Mary V 599 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Merkel Richard W 40 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Merrett Sallie E N 638 CIWI-6 1 1405573
Merrill Cyrus I2 639 CIWI-15 1 1405582
Merrill Franklin P D2 8 CIWI-12 3 1405579
Merrill William H2 352 CIWI-14 2 1405581
Merrill William E V 432 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Merriman Amy A E2 324 CIWI-13 2 1405580
Merriman Anne X 331 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Merritt Margaret S T 79 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Mersman Joseph J V 533 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Merten Stephen H G2 291 CIWI-14 1 1405581
Merten Wilhelmina J A2 341 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Mertens Paul Richard U 184 CIWI-8 3 1405575
Mertensmeier Stephen R 498 CIWI-7 3 1405574
Merton James F D2 352 CIWI-12 3 1405579
Mertz Katherine C2 361 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Merz Daniel C2 681 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Mesier Joanna E S 458 CIWI-8 1 1405575
Meskendorf John Gerhard V 315 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Mesnier Caroline B2 516 CIWI-12 1 1405579
Mesnier Charles Z 501 CIWI-11 1 1405578
Messmer Rosina W 552 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Messmore Alvan L D2 448 CIWI-12 3 1405579
Mestemacher Cacilie G2 345 CIWI-14 1 1405581
Metcalfe Edward L S 642 CIWI-8 1 1405575
Metz Daniel Y 439 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Metzger George N Y 385 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Metzger Joseph X 591 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Metzger Peter Christian V 555 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Metzner Katherina Y 496 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Meuser Charles W F2 690 CIWI-13 3 1405580
Mevissen Christian M 7 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Mey Josephine W 568 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Meyer Adelbert Albany F2 163 CIWI-13 3 1405580
Meyer Adolph V 120 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Meyer Agathe H2 701 CIWI-14 2 1405581
Meyer Albert G G2 372 CIWI-14 1 1405581
Meyer Albert H J2 362 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Meyer Albert H Jr W 171 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Meyer Anna Maria Z 369 CIWI-11 1 1405578
Meyer Anna Marie W 262 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Meyer August R 80 CIWI-7 3 1405574
Meyer Caroline J2 547 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Meyer Casper H X 241 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Meyer Charles G A2 549 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Meyer Christoph Henry P 81 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Meyer Eliza N 63 CIWI-5 3 1405572
Meyer Elizabeth B2 581 CIWI-12 1 1405579
Meyer Engel N 306 CIWI-5 3 1405572
Meyer F William E2 648 CIWI-13 2 1405580
Meyer Ferdinand T 499 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Meyer Florence W 630 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Meyer Fred W J2 224 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Meyer Frederick V 594 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Meyer Frederick C2 603 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Meyer Frederick J I2 84 CIWI-14 3 1405581
Meyer George T C2 569 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Meyer Gustavus N 19 CIWI-5 3 1405572
Meyer Heinrich X 221 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Meyer Helene B2 352 CIWI-11 3 1405578
Meyer Henry M 27 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Meyer Henry C X 598 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Meyer Henry C B2 599 CIWI-12 1 1405579
Meyer Henry William X 383 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Meyer Herman Fr A2 687 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Meyer Herman H V 462 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Meyer Hermann C2 636 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Meyer Hermine I2 343 CIWI-14 3 1405581
Meyer Isaac P 501 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Meyer Johan Y 501 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Meyer Johan M I2 1 CIWI-14 3 1405581
Meyer Johanna A2 213 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Meyer John N 333 CIWI-6 1 1405573
Meyer John E2 15 CIWI-13 2 1405580
Meyer John H V 505 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Meyer John Henry M 291 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Meyer Joseph N 60 CIWI-5 3 1405572
Meyer Joseph P 389 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Meyer Joseph Y 282 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Meyer Julius E2 416 CIWI-13 2 1405580
Meyer Justine I2 62 CIWI-14 3 1405581
Meyer Karl W 309 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Meyer Leonhard C2 190 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Meyer Louis T 232 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Meyer Louis I2 653 CIWI-15 1 1405582
Meyer Magdalena P 123 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Meyer Marie Y 166 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Meyer Mary C2 171 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Meyer Mina Carolina M 491 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Meyer Minna Carolina M 491 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Meyer Peter W 327 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Meyer Rudolph I2 556 CIWI-15 1 1405582
Meyer Simon R 278 CIWI-7 3 1405574
Meyer Wendolin Q 470 CIWI-7 2 1405574
Meyer Wolfgang A2 682 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Meyerpeter Frank Z 640 CIWI-11 1 1405578
Meyerpeter Henry H A2 326 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Meyers Herman J2 169 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Meyers Margaret (formerly Tolle) E2 146 CIWI-13 2 1405580
Meyers Sophia B2 490 CIWI-12 1 1405579
Meyersieck Jobst Henry Z 68 CIWI-10 3 1405577
Meynen Johanna I2 370 CIWI-14 3 1405581
Meyrer August U 222 CIWI-8 3 1405575
Meyrose Bernard P 415 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Meysenburg Theodore August F2 327 CIWI-13 3 1405580
Michael George O 117 CIWI-6 2 1405573
Michaels Morris J2 417 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Michel Adrien Y 710 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Michel Gertruda T 80 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Michel Gertruda (nee Petrie) P 556 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Michel Jacob M 525 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Michel Jacob J2 408 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Michel Johann B2 646 CIWI-12 1 1405579
Michel John F2 459 CIWI-13 3 1405580
Michel John Heinrich S 383 CIWI-8 1 1405575
Michel Maria Y 515 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Michel Peter R 301 CIWI-7 3 1405574
Michel Philip Henry P 556 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Michel Philip Henry T 80 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Michel Rosina B J I2 52 CIWI-14 3 1405581
Michiels Thomas N 445 CIWI-6 1 1405573
Middelkamp Gerhardt W 549 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Middendorf John H B2 374 CIWI-11 3 1405578
Middendorf Joseph A2 496 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Middendorff Gerhard H V 125 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Middleton Andrew M 207 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Miehe Henry William W 214 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Miersch F Ferdinand W 65 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Mierson Doris B2 621 CIWI-12 1 1405579
Mierson James M 485 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Miessler Johann Gottfried Herman S 392 CIWI-8 1 1405575
Miksouski Elizabeth G2 65 CIWI-13 4 1405580
Milbert James A Q 617 CIWI-7 2 1405574
Milbratz Carl P 518 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Miles Stephen B C2 88 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Millen Anna Sophia H2 634 CIWI-14 2 1405581
Miller Andrew J B2 182 CIWI-11 3 1405578
Miller Anna S U 664 CIWI-9 1 1405576
Miller Augustus S 494 CIWI-8 1 1405575
Miller Casper Z 383 CIWI-11 1 1405578
Miller Catherine Z 312 CIWI-11 1 1405578
Miller Charles Q 222 CIWI-7 2 1405574
Miller Ferdinand F Y 583 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Miller Fidelia F2 151 CIWI-13 3 1405580
Miller Fred A G2 570 CIWI-14 1 1405581
Miller Frederick H X 301 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Miller Geneva M V 143 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Miller George B W 431 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Miller Gustav G2 659 CIWI-14 1 1405581
Miller Herman S 640 CIWI-8 1 1405575
Miller James U 374 CIWI-8 3 1405575
Miller John M 394 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Miller John C S 288 CIWI-8 1 1405575
Miller John O V 321 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Miller John Z C2 284 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Miller Joseph S R 360 CIWI-7 3 1405574
Miller Lawrence G B2 586 CIWI-12 1 1405579
Miller Lucy Maria X 492 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Miller Margaret Q 632 CIWI-7 2 1405574
Miller Margaret E2 335 CIWI-13 2 1405580
Miller Mary N 581 CIWI-6 1 1405573
Miller Mary A X 26 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Miller Mary A H2 392 CIWI-14 2 1405581
Miller Max E2 134 CIWI-13 2 1405580
Miller Mina W 350 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Miller Robert A O 677 CIWI-6 2 1405573
Miller Samuel N 124 CIWI-5 3 1405572
Milligan Rose A V 281 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Mills Archibald E J2 111 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Mills Frances M J2 111 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Mills Harriet B2 249 CIWI-11 3 1405578
Mills John O 306 CIWI-6 2 1405573
Miltenberger Eugene M 661 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Miltenberger Maria Catharina W 124 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Miltenberger Therese M 617 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Minch George F2 146 CIWI-13 3 1405580
Mincke George M 480 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Mincke Heinrich P 183 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Mincke Julius H S 361 CIWI-8 1 1405575
Mincke Louisa M I2 66 CIWI-14 3 1405581
Minckler Jennie A P 170 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Minnigerode Theodore Z 550 CIWI-11 1 1405578
Minor Francis V 466 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Minor Virginia L X 477 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Minwegen Adam T 667 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Miragoli Ettore Lanta U 554 CIWI-9 1 1405576
Misher Nellie C2 496 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Mitchell Charles T S 331 CIWI-8 1 1405575
Mitchell John J I2 325 CIWI-14 3 1405581
Mitchell Mildred C2 452 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Mitchell Robert I2 143 CIWI-14 3 1405581
Mitchell Samuel E2 639 CIWI-13 2 1405580
Mitchell William G X 83 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Mitscha Charles Z 577 CIWI-11 1 1405578
Mittelberg Johanna V 157 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Mittendorf Heinrich G2 34 CIWI-13 4 1405580
Moakley Jeremiah X 297 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Moehlmann Peter H L I2 668 CIWI-15 1 1405582
Moehrie William M 169 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Moellenbeck Anna Y 17 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Moellenbeck Henry R 245 CIWI-7 3 1405574
Moellenbrock Arnold R 208 CIWI-7 3 1405574
Moeller Caspar W 74 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Moeller Christian M 537 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Moeller Frederick D2 72 CIWI-12 3 1405579
Moeller Frederick J2 620 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Moeller Frederick W M 63 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Moeller Hartman O 166 CIWI-6 2 1405573
Moeller Heinrich Gottlieb U 232 CIWI-8 3 1405575
Moeller Hermann H C2 295 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Moeller John B2 259 CIWI-11 3 1405578
Moeller Maria X 632 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Moelling Theodore G2 686 CIWI-14 1 1405581
Moellmann John Arnold E2 687 CIWI-13 2 1405580
Moench Amelia C2 430 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Moench Elsie Y 528 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Moennikes Christiana T 603 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Moerschel Jacob O 287 CIWI-6 2 1405573
Moeser Elizabeth Y 341 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Mogge George E2 534 CIWI-13 2 1405580
Mohan Patrick I2 288 CIWI-14 3 1405581
Mohle Christine X 537 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Mohle Friedrich X 538 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Mohn Elizabeth L M V 659 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Mohr Hermann X 170 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Mohr Leopold C2 226 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Mohrmann Bernhard W 586 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Mohrmann Johann Heinrich E2 63 CIWI-13 2 1405580
Mojean Herman F Y 471 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Moke George A H2 130 CIWI-14 2 1405581
Mokler Mary G2 315 CIWI-14 1 1405581
Molitor Anna Y 501 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Moll Frederick G A2 267 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Moller Caspar P 17 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Moller Frank V 581 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Moller Heinrich Gottlieb U 232 CIWI-8 3 1405575
Moller Lizetta Y 386 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Molloy John Y 586 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Molloy Mary X 301 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Moloney David V 612 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Moloney Margaret X 534 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Moloney Thomas R 469 CIWI-7 3 1405574
Monaghan Mary E2 475 CIWI-13 2 1405580
Monahan James Albert W 366 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Monahan Patrick W 336 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Monks James A T 171 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Monks Joseph T 426 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Monks William H W 105 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Mont Christina T 614 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Montgomery Edward P 231 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Montgomery Hannah C2 309 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Monti Bernard N 578 CIWI-6 1 1405573
Moody Hariet F2 133 CIWI-13 3 1405580
Mooers Lydia P V 150 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Mook George J E2 520 CIWI-13 2 1405580
Moonan Mary Jane X 118 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Mooney Ann X 50 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Moore Ann C Z 572 CIWI-11 1 1405578
Moore Caroline P X 471 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Moore Clarissa W 282 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Moore Eliza J H2 252 CIWI-14 2 1405581
Moore Elizabeth C R 23 CIWI-7 3 1405574
Moore Francis R W 684 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Moore John S Q 95 CIWI-7 2 1405574
Moore Louise X 24 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Moore Margarette C2 337 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Moore Martin W 331 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Moore Thomas T 139 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Moormann John O 466 CIWI-6 2 1405573
Moraghan Patrick N 268 CIWI-5 3 1405572
Moran Delia P 157 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Moran Lizzie C F2 535 CIWI-13 3 1405580
Moran Mary C2 533 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Moran Patrick U 406 CIWI-8 3 1405575
Moran Patrick V 112 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Moran Susan R 611 CIWI-7 3 1405574
Moran Thomas J H2 26 CIWI-14 2 1405581
More E Anson C2 235 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Morehouse Elizabeth B2 148 CIWI-11 3 1405578
Morey John H E2 472 CIWI-13 2 1405580
Morgan Benjamin T C W 345 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Morgan Magdalena V 692 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Morgener Anton S 189 CIWI-8 1 1405575
Morhaus Gerhard A2 12 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Moriarty Timothy J2 199 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Morisse Caroline V 330 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Morisse Julius V 345 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Moritz Charles A2 668 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Moritz Margaret B2 3 CIWI-11 3 1405578
Morrill Mary E S 139 CIWI-7 4 1405574
Morris Evan C2 94 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Morris Frances Haywood T 140 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Morris Paulina Y 575 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Morrison Ann G2 650 CIWI-14 1 1405581
Morrison James Lowry Donaldson T 147 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Morrison Margaret M 292 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Morrison Robert V 302 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Morrison William H Z 249 CIWI-11 1 1405578
Morrison William N Z 536 CIWI-11 1 1405578
Morrissey James C2 136 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Morrissey James B2 242 CIWI-11 3 1405578
Morschel Christian F2 80 CIWI-13 3 1405580
Mortimer Edward H2 285 CIWI-14 2 1405581
Mortimer Sarah X 664 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Mortland Thomas L H2 98 CIWI-14 2 1405581
Morton Isaac W J2 233 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Morton Joseph B O 202 CIWI-6 2 1405573
Moser Anna B2 658 CIWI-12 1 1405579
Moser Johann G A2 488 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Moses Heinrich U 369 CIWI-8 3 1405575
Moses Mary F2 117 CIWI-13 3 1405580
Moses S Gratz A2 167 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Mosley George W J2 457 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Motte Jesse W I2 379 CIWI-14 3 1405581
Motz Peter H O 127 CIWI-6 2 1405573
Motz Sebastian C2 32 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Moulton Jonathan Benjamin A2 120 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Mounds Anna Y 221 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Mower Sarah A P 483 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Moxham Mary A D M 447 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Moxter Ernst D A2 118 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Mrazek Frank A2 232 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Mucke Gustav V 663 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Muckel Margaretha E2 243 CIWI-13 2 1405580
Muckian Thomas V 42 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Mudd Henry Hodgen D2 247 CIWI-12 3 1405579
Mudd Henry T I2 509 CIWI-15 1 1405582
Mudd Robert H J2 429 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Muegge C F A E2 589 CIWI-13 2 1405580
Muegge Johanna S 313 CIWI-8 1 1405575
Muehlberg Wilhelmine X 496 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Muehlhausen William S 81 CIWI-7 4 1405574
Muehlsiefen Henry J2 87 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Mueller Anna H2 239 CIWI-14 2 1405581
Mueller Anna Barbara T 190 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Mueller Anna Elizabeth (nee Vogel) I2 25 CIWI-14 3 1405581
Mueller Anton M 439 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Mueller Anton O 212 CIWI-6 2 1405573
Mueller August W 144 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Mueller Bernhard Y 658 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Mueller Berthold F Y 100 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Mueller Carl Hermann Otto G2 626 CIWI-14 1 1405581
Mueller Caroline A2 266 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Mueller Caspar P 17 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Mueller Charles T 396 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Mueller Charles W 302 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Mueller Charles C2 687 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Mueller Christian Y 485 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Mueller Diedrich M 405 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Mueller Elisabeth I2 95 CIWI-14 3 1405581
Mueller Ernst U 409 CIWI-8 3 1405575
Mueller Ernst S H2 551 CIWI-14 2 1405581
Mueller Eugen M 81 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Mueller Frederick N 600 CIWI-6 1 1405573
Mueller Frederick O 276 CIWI-6 2 1405573
Mueller Frederick Q 362 CIWI-7 2 1405574
Mueller Friedericke Z 349 CIWI-11 1 1405578
Mueller George A2 400 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Mueller Henry T 460 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Mueller Henry H2 147 CIWI-14 2 1405581
Mueller Henry G2 399 CIWI-14 1 1405581
Mueller Henry August V 304 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Mueller Henry William G2 156 CIWI-13 4 1405580
Mueller Ignatz F H2 668 CIWI-14 2 1405581
Mueller Jacob J2 379 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Mueller Johann B D2 275 CIWI-12 3 1405579
Mueller Johann Baptist A2 542 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Mueller Johanna C N 263 CIWI-5 3 1405572
Mueller John O 37 CIWI-6 2 1405573
Mueller John U 102 CIWI-8 3 1405575
Mueller John A2 30 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Mueller John H M 447 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Mueller John H A2 497 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Mueller John R W 558 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Mueller Joseph N 649 CIWI-6 1 1405573
Mueller Joseph F W 286 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Mueller Julia G2 585 CIWI-14 1 1405581
Mueller Julius O 94 CIWI-6 2 1405573
Mueller Katharine Z 210 CIWI-11 1 1405578
Mueller Leo X 656 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Mueller Leonhard M 130 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Mueller Louis V 333 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Mueller Magdalena P 72 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Mueller Margaretha F2 167 CIWI-13 3 1405580
Mueller Mathias S 324 CIWI-8 1 1405575
Mueller Max E2 134 CIWI-13 2 1405580
Mueller Sophia Z 571 CIWI-11 1 1405578
Mueller Valentine J2 190 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Mueller William Frederick T 160 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Muellhaupt Henry Z 448 CIWI-11 1 1405578
Muellmann Henry Wilbrand O 43 CIWI-6 2 1405573
Muench William M 628 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Muenchaw Charles W M 587 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Muenter Christiana S 519 CIWI-8 1 1405575
Muessmann Gerhard F B2 72 CIWI-11 3 1405578
Mueth August W 561 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Mueth Joseph X 215 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Muirhead William H2 301 CIWI-14 2 1405581
Mulcahy John J2 58 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Muldoon Patrick X 553 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Mulford Ruth H P 32 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Mulhal William Z 599 CIWI-11 1 1405578
Mulhall William Z 599 CIWI-11 1 1405578
Mulhern Mary H2 515 CIWI-14 2 1405581
Mullally John U 643 CIWI-9 1 1405576
Mullally John P S 443 CIWI-8 1 1405575
Mullan Hugh Y 123 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Mulleeney Mark N 632 CIWI-6 1 1405573
Mullen George B F2 224 CIWI-13 3 1405580
Mullen James X 346 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Mullen John Z 175 CIWI-10 3 1405577
Mullen Margaret E2 205 CIWI-13 2 1405580
Mullen Martin X 545 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Mullen William Pinkerton V 589 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Muller Bernhart D2 182 CIWI-12 3 1405579
Muller Elisabeth X 259 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Muller George M 466 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Muller George S 570 CIWI-8 1 1405575
Muller George C S 101 CIWI-7 4 1405574
Muller Jacob J2 379 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Muller Jakob Y 27 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Muller Johan Urban F2 359 CIWI-13 3 1405580
Muller John U 102 CIWI-8 3 1405575
Muller John X 206 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Muller Magdalena P 72 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Muller Wendelin O 471 CIWI-6 2 1405573
Mullery John Y 136 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Mullery Thomas W 219 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Mulligan Patrick S 54 CIWI-7 4 1405574
Mulligan Peter Aloysius V 216 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Mullmann Heinrich Wilbrand O 43 CIWI-6 2 1405573
Mulqueen Jeremiah U 230 CIWI-8 3 1405575
Mulrennan Patrick V 419 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Mulrooney Patrick N 550 CIWI-6 1 1405573
Mundt Fredericke I2 414 CIWI-14 3 1405581
Mundy Ezra N 43 CIWI-5 3 1405572
Mundy Rebecca N 393 CIWI-6 1 1405573
Munford James E T 479 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Munter Christiana S 519 CIWI-8 1 1405575
Murdoch Alexander P 207 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Murnane Julia A F2 341 CIWI-13 3 1405580
Murphy Anne M 122 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Murphy Annie E V 260 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Murphy Bernard R 407 CIWI-7 3 1405574
Murphy Bridget V 317 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Murphy Delia J2 539 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Murphy Edward J2 676 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Murphy George T J2 33 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Murphy Jeremiah W 358 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Murphy Jerimiah H2 637 CIWI-14 2 1405581
Murphy John M 245 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Murphy John P 602 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Murphy John X 228 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Murphy John Z 637 CIWI-11 1 1405578
Murphy Joseph F2 273 CIWI-13 3 1405580
Murphy Margaret V 43 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Murphy Margaret V 48 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Murphy Margaret I2 194 CIWI-14 3 1405581
Murphy Margareth N 615 CIWI-6 1 1405573
Murphy Mary M 158 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Murphy Mary Q 151 CIWI-7 2 1405574
Murphy Mary I2 342 CIWI-14 3 1405581
Murphy Mary J2 594 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Murphy Mary A2 608 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Murphy Patrick T 215 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Murphy Patrick W 557 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Murphy William X 575 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Murray Ann J2 591 CIWI-15 2 1405582
Murray Elisa A A2 102 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Murray Hugh C2 377 CIWI-12 2 1405579
Murray James Y 532 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Murray John T 321 CIWI-8 2 1405575
Murray Joseph N 1 CIWI-5 3 1405572
Murray Mary B2 178 CIWI-11 3 1405578
Murray Peter F2 370 CIWI-13 3 1405580
Murry Daniel P 270 CIWI-6 3 1405573
Mury Susanna Y 78 CIWI-10 2 1405577
Musinger Karoline A2 614 CIWI-11 2 1405578
Mussler Joseph M 422 CIWI-5 2 1405572
Mussman Mary Christine Cresentia D2 138 CIWI-12 3 1405579
Muszbach Christian X 691 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Mutting John H2 472 CIWI-14 2 1405581
Myers Daniel X 209 CIWI-10 1 1405577
Myers Mary Ann I2 283 CIWI-14 3 1405581
Myers Sophia V 554 CIWI-9 2 1405576
Mygl Frank W 470 CIWI-9 3 1405576
Mynders Arnold H O 496 CIWI-6 2 1405573