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Last Name First Name Book Page SLCL Item FHL
Aberer Emma L Y3 178 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Allair William Y3 530 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Amberg Wilhelmina Y3 446 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Ames Henry Y3 396 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Arhelger Margaretha Y3 16 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Bagnell William Y3 65 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Baier Joseph F Y3 730 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Bailey John H Y3 545 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Baker Belle Y3 259 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Baker Richard H Y3 546 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Banes Benjamin F Y3 342 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Barnes Charles Wardell Y3 124 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Barrett James Y3 590 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Barry Michael J Y3 339 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Bauer Anna F Y3 733 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Beasley Margaret K Y3 464 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Beck Minnie Y3 508 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Becker Edward C Y3 407 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Beers John Y3 175 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Bemis Lucy M Y3 217 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Bendl Marie Y3 358 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Benedict Asenith Van Auken Y3 369 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Bennett James Y3 325 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Bennholz Clara K Y3 166 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Benson Arthur E Y3 15 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Berberich Lizzie Y3 141 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Bergmeier Frederick William Y3 71 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Bergstrom Vendla Y3 150 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Berhaupt Anna Y3 267 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Berthold Martha J Y3 133 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Bevis Alfred Y3 100 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Bick Katharine  (also Catharine) Y3 230 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Bigelow Rachel B Y3 14 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Billingsley Fannie L Y3 144 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Bisso Antione  (Antoine) Y3 403 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Bleha Charles A Y3 312 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Blumeyer Lizzie Y3 708 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Boehning Henry Y3 490 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Bolfing Elsbeth Y3 331 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Bollmann Margaretha Y3 286 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Bolte Herman Y3 106 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Bond Max Y3 626 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Boogher Jesse Leland Y3 209 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Borden Patrick Y3 466 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Bouton Charles Leonard Y3 180 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Bowers Lizzie Y3 90 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Bradshaw John J Y3 665 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Bramsch Louise Y3 17 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Braun Joseph Y3 596 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Bredenkamp Louise A C I Y3 390 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Brice Sarah Pepper Y3 612 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Brinkmann Mary Y3 685 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Brockschmidt Frederick Y3 649 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Brodsky Daniel Y3 157 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Brown John Linn Y3 604 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Bryan John E Y3 135 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Buchanan Mary F Y3 608 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Buckley Denis Y3 137 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Buehler Henry Y3 229 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Buettmann Bernard H Y3 275 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Bunemann Elizabeth Y3 436 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Burgy John C Y3 385 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Burke George P Y3 308 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Bussen Rosa Y3 31 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Butler Robert P Y3 105 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Butler Wallace C Y3 152 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Cale Mary Ann Y3 738 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Campion Keene J Y3 585 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Canaday Govern H Y3 264 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Carroll Michael Y3 251 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Clapp Mary E Y3 23 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Clark Charles C Y3 41 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Cohen Harry J Y3 447 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Connelley Catherine Y3 715 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Cook Isaac Y3 658 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Costello Mary Y3 747 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Coughlin Mary Y3 620 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Coulter Marion Y3 475 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Court William Frederic Y3 706 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Cox Charles A Y3 688 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Coyne Michael Y3 694 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Cranley Edward J Y3 192 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Currie Elizabeth Y3 564 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Dalton Maurice Y3 348 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Dalton Thomas Y3 680 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Davis Anna Maria Y3 336 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Davis William D Y3 641 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Davis William Harding Y3 216 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Dayball Mary Y3 333 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Dean Georgie Jenks Y3 459 CIWI-33 2 1405769
DeForest Annie M Y3 662 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Dempsey Ellen Y3 454 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Deschaseaux Joseph G Y3 108 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Diestelhorst William Y3 657 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Diren Peter Y3 151 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Donaghue Agnes R Y3 233 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Dupierris Johanna Y3 678 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Earhart D Benton Y3 719 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Ehrler Sophia Lotta Y3 605 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Ellenburg Paul Y3 669 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Elliot William H Y3 752 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Ellis William M Y3 50 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Ely Phebe P Y3 512 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Emling Jacob Y3 206 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Engel Leon Y3 1 CIWI-33 2 1405769
English R P Y3 274 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Erl Amanda Y3 481 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Erman Henry C Y3 422 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Eschrich Albert J Y3 542 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Espenschied Charles Y3 551 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Estep Estelle Y3 654 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Evans Arthur Y3 383 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Evertowski John Y3 496 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Evertz Ernst Y3 667 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Faerber Lizzie Y3 317 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Feldhaus Luise Y3 189 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Feldmann Dora H Y3 153 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Ferriss Dennis Y3 732 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Feuerborn William Frederick Y3 516 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Fick August Y3 74 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Field Mary Y3 188 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Fischer Anton Y3 190 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Fischer Doris L Y3 119 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Fischer Henry Y3 295 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Fitzgerald William P Y3 163 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Flammang Mary Y3 501 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Fleming Brace A Y3 394 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Fleschert Anna M Y3 435 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Fogarty Mary A Y3 601 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Foristal Daniel Y3 195 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Fowler Leila M Y3 362 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Fry James F Y3 205 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Gannon Joseph P Y3 440 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Gartland Agnes Y3 444 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Garvin William E Y3 4 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Geitz Lillie Hammerstein Y3 485.5 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Gerber Edward Y3 616 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Giese Harry R Y3 311 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Gietner Carrie Y3 299 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Gladding Ida E Y3 532 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Glazebrook Thomas B Y3 543 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Gleason Margaret Alice Y3 548 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Godt Bertha Y3 123 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Goeman Elizabeth T Y3 430 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Gottfried Fernando F Y3 248 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Gould Mary E Y3 426 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Grahl Annie M Y3 698 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Graul Robert E Y3 456 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Graupner Amelia O Y3 527 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Green George W Y3 745 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Green Mary Jane Y3 682 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Greiner Louisa Y3 631 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Griesedieck Clarence S Y3 391 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Griffith Richard Y3 220 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Grossenheider Oscar H Y3 244 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Grossman Harry L Y3 25 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Grote August H Y3 33 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Grundrich Helena Y3 262 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Guelker Bernardina Y3 318 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Gundlach John H Y3 140 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Haenel Oswald Albin Y3 661 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Hagensieker Henry Y3 75 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Hall Maggie Y3 215 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Ham Robert Y3 115 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Hamilton Lillie Y3 277 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Hanebrink Sarah Y3 684 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Hanley Isabella  (also Isabelle) Y3 212 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Hanson Nels O Y3 727 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Harlow Esther Y3 441 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Hart Michael Y3 257 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Haumueller Theodore Henry Y3 393 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Havermann Otto Y3 37 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Hayes Hannah Y3 482 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Heggeman Elizabeth Y3 420 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Heitkamp Charlotte Y3 208 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Heitzman Joseph J Y3 647 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Heller Helene Y3 686 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Helmerichs Albert Y3 139 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Henke Charles Y3 6 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Henske Andrew A Y3 677 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Hentscher Emma Barbara Y3 337 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Herkert Fred Y3 91 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Herman Josefa Y3 120 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Herrscher Helene Y3 185 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Hertwig Wilhelmine Y3 450 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Hess George J Y3 55 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Heuer Julius August Y3 485 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Hickey John Y3 270 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Higgins William T Y3 401 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Hilbig Bertha Y3 486 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Hill Charles W Y3 726 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Hillenkoetter William F Y3 646 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Hirschhausen Gerhard H Y3 633 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Hoelzle George Y3 334 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Hoffmann Mary Theresa Y3 218 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Hohl Cora B Y3 593 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Holdren John D Y3 749 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Holmes Ida F Y3 488 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Hopkins Mary Daniher Y3 470 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Horn Henry F Y3 610 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Howard Alexander Carpenter Y3 61 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Huegel Mary Y3 583 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Huesmann Ida Y3 511 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Huffington Francis Marion Y3 402 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Humburg Andrew P Y3 323 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Humphrey Mary C Y3 198 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Hunstein Sophia Y3 207 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Illmer Alvina Y3 540 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Jackson Amanda Y3 652 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Jackson Thomas Julian Y3 112 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Jahns Albert C Y3 316 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Johnson Mary E A Y3 272 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Jones Francis Joseph Y3 586 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Jordan William Edgar Y3 538 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Julius Gaudenzia Y3 622 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Kahre Louise Mary Y3 22 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Kamp Henry B Y3 704 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Kampman Minnie Y3 63 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Karge Rosalia P Y3 588 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Kastleman Ike Y3 693 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Kauffman Mary Y3 707 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Keck Frederick W Y3 164 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Keckeler William C Y3 699 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Kesl Emma B Y3 254 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Kesselman Ike Y3 693 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Kienzle Dora L Y3 285 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Killian Pierce D Y3 261 CIWI-33 2 1405769
King Goodman Y3 360 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Kirkman Kate Thompson Y3 238 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Kirns Emilia Y3 48 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Klages Henry C Y3 460 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Klinger Alvina I Y3 392 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Koch Christian F Y3 397 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Koeller Louise Y3 656 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Kotthoff Elizabeth Y3 211 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Kraatz Harry J Y3 58 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Kramlich Walter Edward Y3 77 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Kriege Henry W Y3 13 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Krumrei Anna Y3 158 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Kuhn Louis E Y3 458 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Kuntz John C Y3 336 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Landrum Mary J Y3 414 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Langenbach William Y3 592 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Langewisch Ida Y3 379 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Langhans Otto Y3 537 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Leichtweiss Moritz Y3 95 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Leisse Louise Y3 7 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Leonori Charles L Y3 438 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Leuszler Estelle Estep Y3 654 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Levy Leopold Y3 352 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Lindner Rosina Y3 34 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Lingner Theresa Elizabeth Y3 412 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Linne Elsata G M Y3 10 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Lohmeyer Louis H Y3 143 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Ludewig Gerhard Y3 513 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Ludwig Benedict J Y3 632 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Lueke Johanna Y3 236 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Lurtz Louis E Y3 627 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Maher Margaret Y3 350 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Malecek Stephan Y3 757 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Manner Katharina Y3 213 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Marsh Marguerite T Y3 268 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Martin Meredith Y3 2 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Massa Emilia Y3 405 CIWI-33 2 1405769
McDonald Richard C Y3 250 CIWI-33 2 1405769
McGonagle Alice E Y3 517 CIWI-33 2 1405769
McHale Martin Y3 378 CIWI-33 2 1405769
McHugh Christopher S Y3 148 CIWI-33 2 1405769
McIntyre Bridget Y3 491 CIWI-33 2 1405769
McMahon Mary T Y3 49 CIWI-33 2 1405769
McTague James H Y3 571 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Meany Mary Y3 83 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Meuser Catherine Y3 607 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Meyer Clementine F Y3 755 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Meyer Gustav Y3 553 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Mickermann William F Y3 279 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Miller Isaac William  (also Isaac Wilson) Y3 174 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Miller Jakob Y3 103 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Miller Peter Y3 594 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Miltenberger George Y3 653 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Minstermann Bertha Y3 722 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Mitchell Nora Y3 96 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Mithoefer Clara S Y3 361 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Moehlenhof Maria Y3 743 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Moehrle George Y3 549 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Mohr Frederick Y3 461 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Moll Hedwig Y3 225 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Montgomery Margaret E Y3 712 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Morris Calvin S Y3 673 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Mueller Carrie Y3 468 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Mueller Jacob Y3 432 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Mueller Maria A E Y3 525 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Muffler Emil Y3 204 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Muich Michael Y3 676 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Mullenschlader Margaret Y3 321 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Muller Ernst  (also Mueller) Y3 555 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Muntzel Martin W Y3 169 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Mutz Mary Y3 488 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Negele Johanna Y3 638 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Nemirovsky Nathan W Y3 746 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Neun Lissette Y3 231 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Neustedt William Y3 247 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Nicklin Edward B Y3 716 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Niemeyer J Fred Y3 363 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Niggeman Mary A Y3 38 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Nolkemper Elise Y3 187 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Noll Caroline Y3 691 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Nowotny Mary Louise Y3 219 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Oertel Ernst Y3 433 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Oeters Edward A Y3 21 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Okenfuss Louise Y3 155 CIWI-33 2 1405769
O'Neil Mary A Y3 301 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Ostermann Agnes Y3 690 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Oswald Josef Y3 109 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Oswald Maria Y3 227 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Oswald Marie Y3 111 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Pagonyi Louis Y3 193 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Park Lenorr L Y3 87 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Peretti Charles Y3 642 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Pesch William J Y3 296 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Pfau Joseph Y3 160 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Pfister Minnie Y3 310 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Pillmann Charles Emil Y3 723 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Plumer Ida M Y3 136 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Plumpe Charlotte Y3 249 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Pogue Angelina E Y3 500 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Porter Jeffrey Y3 32 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Pott Elizabeth Y3 117 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Powell Terrence Austin Y3 424 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Powers James E Y3 650 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Radigan James E Y3 427 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Ratchford James P Y3 553 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Ratz Elizabeth E  (alias Nellie) Y3 520 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Ratz Nellie Y3 520 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Regensburger Charles Y3 483 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Reilly Lavina Crow Y3 245 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Reuter Auguste Y3 602 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Reuther John Frank Y3 701 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Reynolds Louisa  (nee Strobans) Y3 101 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Rheine Meta Y3 121 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Riche Charles S Y3 281 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Ridgely Frank Eugene Y3 567 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Riechmann Bertha Y3 522 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Riepe Frederick William Y3 442 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Ringwald Mina Y3 700 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Roberts James A Y3 89 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Robing William H Y3 742 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Robinson Clemie E Y3 597 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Roblee Joseph H Y3 577 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Roe Elizabeth Y3 59 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Rondberg Samuel Y3 45 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Ross Emma A Y3 502 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Rotchford James P Y3 553 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Roth George A Y3 170 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Rozier Lucie C Y3 586 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Rudd James M Y3 300 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Runger Frederick Y3 81 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Ryan Patrick M Y3 382 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Sadler Alexander Lincoln Y3 751 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Sametz Mary Y3 85 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Schaefer Augusta Y3 98 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Schatz Wilhelmina Y3 30 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Schaumburg Ernestina Y3 725 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Scheer John Henry Y3 639 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Schlief Eleanor L Y3 674 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Schmidt Lena Y3 134 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Schmidt Max Y3 563 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Schneider Fritz Y3 452 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Schneider Louisa Y3 130 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Schnelle Emily Y3 366 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Schoenbeck Charles W Y3 565 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Schopp Valentine Y3 328 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Schott Ida Y3 176 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Schriewer Mary A Y3 387 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Schuermeyer Henry Y3 748 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Schuettner Clara Y3 9 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Schulenburg Louis C Y3 162 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Schulze Carl Y3 455 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Schwarz Albert Y3 234 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Schwarze August Y3 514 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Schweiger Sophie Y3 386 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Scott Minerva Y3 165 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Scruggs Charles O Y3 423 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Senesky Fischel Y3 618 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Shelby Alfred Y3 625 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Sippel Henry Y3 443 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Slaughter Charles S Y3 495 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Smith Edward Y3 186 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Smith Fannie Y3 202 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Snowert Pauline Y3 507 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Stauder Joseph Y3 340 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Stegall Jasper N Y3 19 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Stephan Helen M Y3 266 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Stephenson Reuben Y3 648 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Stocke Mary Y3 389 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Stocker Adolph Y3 666 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Stone Mary Y3 671 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Straeter Anton Y3 168 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Straus Bertha L Y3 27 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Strobans Louisa  (see Reynolds) Y3 101 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Stuermann Augusta Y3 713 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Stupp Peter Y3 635 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Sullivan Elizabeth M Y3 510 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Sullivan Mary A Y3 463 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Tansey George J Y3 696 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Temm Margaret A Y3 534 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Terrell Maud M Y3 126 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Thompson Marie H Y3 398 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Toenges Louise S Y3 728 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Torlotting Catherine Y3 315 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Turner Gaston Soulard Y3 643 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Twist John Y3 736 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Unger Frank Y3 36 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Uthoff Helen Y3 740 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Van De Vyver Henry Y3 697 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Vogel Charles Y3 196 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Von Brixen Fred Y3 276 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Von der Ahe Edward C Y3 221 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Von der Linde Katie Y3 271 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Walker Charles W Y3 717 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Walker Esther P Y3 493 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Wall Frederika Y3 368 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Walsh Ellen Y3 47 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Walsh Johanna Y3 427 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Walz Leopold C Y3 497 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Ward Samuel Dobbs Y3 280 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Wasem Katharina Y3 599 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Weatherby Harriet N Y3 53 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Weber Anna C Y3 72 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Weber August Y3 556 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Weber James Y3 354 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Weinberg David Y3 672 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Weitekemper Elizabeth Y3 258 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Welle Amalia Y3 471 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Wendt August Y3 429 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Werly Jessie A Y3 252 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Wessels Herman Y3 364 CIWI-33 2 1405769
West Thomas H Y3 573 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Westhus Henry C Y3 474 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Whelpley Henry Milton Y3 523 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Whitaker Edwards Y3 79 CIWI-33 2 1405769
White Annie Rives Y3 278 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Widbin Charles Y3 320 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Wiegand Charles Y3 97 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Williams Silas N Y3 498 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Wilson George J Y3 381 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Winkler William Y3 561 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Wirth Christine Y3 462 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Witbrodt Fred W Y3 711 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Witherspoon Sewall A Y3 621 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Woodlock James Y3 572 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Wrausmann Charles Y3 756 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Wunsch August Y3 729 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Wyatt Margaret Y3 329 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Zacek William Y3 576 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Zimmer Frank J Y3 237 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Zurheide Charles H Y3 404 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Zwengrosch John Y3 413 CIWI-33 2 1405769
Zykan Amalie Y3 327 CIWI-33 2 1405769