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Laurel Hill Memorial
2000 Pennsylvania Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63133


Microfilm Index

Section Start Frame # End Frame # SLCL Microfilm #
Harrel Mausoleum 7769 7778 85
Garden of Honor 7779 7787 85
Masonic 7788 7912 85
Nativity 7913 8096 85
Prayer 8097 8197 85
Resurrection, #1-4 8198 8831 85
Section 2 8832 8984 85
Section 4 8985 9283 85
Christos Garden 9284 9398 85
Roses 9399 9411 85
Sunburst Circle 9412 9463 85
Sunset 9464 9509 85
Vista 9510 9548 85
Apostles, 1-3 9620 9877 86
Dawn 9878 9971 86
Reverence 9972 0093 86
Nazarene 0094 0118 86
Sunset 0119 0123 86
Audubon 0124 0140 86
Devotion 0141 0297 86
Lotus 0298 0320 86
Sermon on the Mount 0321 0378 86
Good Shepherd 0379 0510 86
Gethsemane 0511 0566 86