Resources A to Z
Energy Basics
Explains energy concepts, periodic table, and has an energy calculator.
Children's Programs, Teen Programs
ePopUp Library
ePopUp Library is available at select MetroLink locations through Bi-State Development, St. Louis County government offices, Schnucks stores and St. Louis Lambert International Airport. By simply scanning a QR code, users get immediate access to thousands of popular digital books and audiobooks. There is no library card required and materials are available for 7-days.
Adult Programs
Digital Service
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is a freely available Web database made up of education-related reports and journal articles published from 1966 to the present. Free and accessible anywhere.
Adult Programs
Subscription Database
Explora - Educators Edition
Find more than 2100 full text scholarly journals and over 1700 peer-reviewed, full-text journals. Collection provides focus on education by providing full text for over 500 high-quality educational journals. [EBSCO]
Adult Programs
Subscription Database
Explora - Elementary
Designed specifically for elementary school students according to their needs and search abilities. Includes topic overview that provide students with a starting point for research and top videos from the Associated Press. [EBSCO]
Children's Programs
Subscription Database
Explora - General Research and eBooks
Designed specifically for general research in a public library. Includes topic overviews that provide a starting point for research and top videos from the Associated Press. [EBSCO]
Adult Programs, Teen Programs
Subscription Database
Explora - High School
Designed specifically for middle school and high school students according to their needs and search abilities. Includes topic overviews that provide students with a starting point for research and top videos from the Associated Press. [EBSCO]
Teen Programs
Subscription Database
Explore Census Data
Access demographic, economic and population data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Explore census data with visualizations and tutorials.
Adult Programs