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Digital access to the most comprehensive collection of American periodicals published between 1684 and 1912.

Adult Programs
Subscription Database

Searchable full text and indexing of many U.S. and international newspapers, including print and online-only resources.

Adult Programs, Teen Programs
Subscription Database

A digital collection of over 5700 foundational books in the humanities and social sciences.

Adult Programs
Subscription Database

Covers the people and events in African American history from the 1400's to the present.

Adult Programs, Teen Programs
Subscription Database

Primary source material providing insight into the cultural life and history during the first half of the 1800s.

Adult Programs
Subscription Database

Access more than 400 million U.S. and foreign records, including an extensive online collection of early American records.

Adult Programs
Subscription Database

Covers more than 15,000 years of American Indian history and culture. More than 600 Native American groups represented.

Adult Programs, Teen Programs
Subscription Database

Get access to a large number of databases of interest to genealogists and historians. In library use only.

Adult Programs
Subscription Database

Access to a growing collection of digitized records of baptisms, confirmations, marriages and burials for Protestant churches in Germany.

Adult Programs
Subscription Database

Access primary sources and materials relating to LGBTQ history and culture since 1940. [Gale Primary Sources]

Adult Programs, Teen Programs
Subscription Database