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Searchable database of U.S. Supreme Court decisions since 1760.

Adult Programs

Inspired by Sylvia Plath's tenacity and curiosity, this growing resource of hand-selected entries identifies recent books for researchers, scholarly editions, selected memoirs, and notable works for a general audience.

Adult Programs, Teen Programs

Indexes and abstracts teacher and administrative trade journals. [EBSCO]

Adult Programs
Subscription Database

Multimedia resources to explore children's and young adult books and their authors.

Children's Programs, Teen Programs
Subscription Database

A wide variety of educational videos.

Adult Programs, Teen Programs

Video lessons across a variety of topics for elementary, middle, and high school, as well as university.


Provides middle and high school students with up-to-date, nonjudgmental, straightforward curricular and self-help support.

Children's Programs, Teen Programs
Subscription Database

The Athletic, a New York Times company, delivers in-depth sports coverage of your favorite teams and leagues. Access includes everything from breaking news and live commentary to long-form features, exclusive interviews, podcasts, and more. (

Adult Programs
Subscription Database

Information about starting and running a book discussion club, reading guides, book reviews and free courses to help you get more out of your reading.

Adult Programs

Provides an overview of homeschooling in the State of Missouri.

Children's Programs