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Local History Indexes

Indexed Source

The History of Sunset Hills: Sunset Hills, 50 years, 1957–2007. St. Louis: Sunset Hills Historical Society, 50th Anniversary Committee, 2006. R 977.865 H673 and circulating copy.

Photocopies of indexed articles may be requested by email from the History and Genealogy Department. Limit of three searches per request. Please review the library's lookup policy.


Personal Name Index

Last Name First Name Page Photo Notes
Abadie Eugene 61, 63    
Abadie Mary L 66    
Adamek [Mr] 97    
Albrecht Joseph, Rev 39   St Justin the Martyr
Albright W A 63    
Andrea Will 48    
Andree Shaun 58    
Armstead Elma, Mrs 58    
Ault David 135    
Baccene Philip 61, 69, 82    
Bacon Abbie 50    
Bacon Ethel 50    
Bacon Mary 50    
Bacon Nellie 50    
Bacon Roy 50    
Bartell Robin   4  
Barton Peter 50    
Beck Jonathan   4  
Beck Ronald 59    
Becker [Mr] 83    
Becker Emelia 49, 50    
Becker George 54    
Becker Helen 54    
Becker Johnny 54    
Becker Joseph 51, 89    
Becker Margaret 54    
Becker Rosa 49    
Becker Rosie 50    
Becker Walter 53    
Beesley Gary 36    
Beesley S B 36    
Beim Albert 89    
Bennett Elizabeth 72    
Benson Nancy   105, 106, 121    
Benz Charles 36    
Benz Linda 59    
Benz Nancy   122    
Berry Joseph Sale 73    
Berthold John 48    
Bessinger Agie 59    
Bessinger Craig   4  
Bessinger Pat  107, 121 46  
Bessinger Randall 36    
Biggs Mary Lou 121    
Bodine John 83    
Boli John 61, 69    
Boli William 61, 69, 74    
Boone Daniel 69    
Bopp [Mr] 18, 19    
Borzillo Laura 58    
Bost Anna 49    
Bost Annie 50    
Bost M 66    
Bost Maggie 49, 50    
Bost Mathias 45, 80    
Bost S 61    
Boulicault Marcel 55    
Bowles Lizzie 71   Mrs Richard Sappington
Bowman Andy 31, 33, 84    
Bradbury Elizabeth 59    
Breihan Elsworth 24    
Breihan Felicia 24, 59    
Bridger Jim 76    
Brindley Eleanor Sappington 71    
Brock Elwood 35    
Brock Floyd 35    
Brown Caroline 45    
Brown Charles, Dr 73    
Brown D S 66, 87    
Brown Henderson 73    
Bullard Bud 35    
Bullard [Mr] 84    
Bullard Robert 35    
Bully Louis 61    
Burgoyne Annie 47    
Burgoyne Ed 45    
Burgoyne John 45, 47    
Burhardt Lena 53    
Burnett Jeff 59    
Burnett Sheila 59    
Busch Adolphus 92    
Busch August  92    
Busch August II 94    
Busch Augustus A 94    
Bushmiller Eddie 50    
Butler [Dr] 74    
Byerly Bill 54    
Calvert J B 66    
Campbell Margaret Clark 76   Mrs Thomas Eddie
Carder Robert 121    
Carmona Mitchell 59    
Carothers Lee, Mrs 58    
Casebler Joseph 96    
Catalano Anthony 59    
Catalano Nick 58    
Cerre Gabriel 22, 29, 61, 69, 75    
Chastine Mamie 83   Mrs Gus LaRose
Chally Con 66    
Chenot James J 103, 104    
Chiswell J M 66    
Chomeau Henri  94    
Chott John 66, 89    
Chouteau Auguste 69    
Clamorgan Jacques 22, 61, 69, 74, 75    
Clark George Rodgers 29    
Clark William, Governor 29    
Clive J E 63    
Clive Jane  66    
Clyburn Mary, Mrs 58    
Cole A B 89    
Cole  A C 66    
Coleman Matilda 63    
Collins Kerry 59    
Collins Megan 59    
Collins Shawn   4  
Condi Marie Busch 92    
Coons [Captain] 33    
Cooper Noell 59    
Cornwell Brad 59    
Conrad George 66    
Coulter John 76    
Cox Fannie   84   Mrs Nicholas Waterhout
Cox Randy 59    
Cramer Matilda 113    
Crecelius John Philip 40    
Crecelius John Wilhelm 40    
Crumpton Amy 59    
Crumpton Terry 59    
Cummings Melanie 59    
Cummings Melissa 59    
Cunningham Jimmy 59    
Cunningham Patrick   58    
Dam Erik 121    
Danzer Mark 59    
Darr Deanna 59    
Davidson Claire Gempp 114    
Davis Diane Symsack 99    
Davis L Gordon 104    
Day Ned 58    
Dayball Carrie 97, 121    
DeGrand Arthur, Mayor 121    
DeGrendele E J 88    
DeGrendele Estella 49, 53    
DeGrendele Harry 50    
DeGrendele Laura 54    
DeGrendele Louise 49, 50    
DeGrendele Lucy 49    
DeGrendele Walter 53, 88    
DeGrendele William 54    
DeGrendele Willie 50    
Denny Robert F 55    
Dent Frederick, Col 46, 84, 85    
Dent Julia  84    
Didier Peter 61, 69, 70    
Dieckmeyer Robert 36    
Dieterle J M 66, 91    
Douglas Dona 58    
Douglas Mark   4  
Douglas Mike   4  
Dowling John 50    
Dowling Mabel 50    
Doyle F I 102    
Dressel John 52, 70 51  
Dressel Selma Kruse 52 51  
Duchek Michael 59    
Dussing K M 66    
Dwiggins Eugene 59    
Easley Stacy 59    
Ebers Tony 59    
Eddie A 66    
Eddie H 66    
Eddie J C 66    
Eddie John 63    
Eddie Thomas, Jr 63    
Eddie Thomas 61, 76    
Edmund [Mrs] 81    
Eime Charles 92    
Eime Clarence 56    
Engle Rod 59    
Erwin Hilda, Mrs 55    
Felumb Christine 59    
Fendler Janet, Mrs 59    
Fenton John 59    
Ferguson Robert Michael 37    
Ferry Joe 58    
Ferry Kathy 59    
Fiala Bill 59    
Fiala Jim 59    
Fick Joyce, Mrs 59    
Field Eugene 81, 133    
Field Raswel M 81    
Fieser Taffy   4  
Finch Jim 39    
Finch N Kathleen 37, 77    
Finch Patrick Edward 37    
Fine David 39, 77    
Fine Philip 31    
Flood W J 55    
Flood W J, Mrs 55    
Ford H D, Mrs 55    
Ford Harry D 55    
Fox Sandra 59    
Fozzy Carol  59    
Fozzy James 59    
Frances George 45    
Frances John 45    
Frances Kate 45    
Frances Mary 45    
Franklin Glen  24    
Franklin Joyce 24, 107    
Franz Grace 54    
Franz Joe 54    
Franz [Mr] 90    
Frederick Caroline 83   Mrs Jacob Heutel
Frederick Catherine 83   Mrs Martin Frederick
Frederick Charles 45, 82    
Frederick Charlotte 83   Mrs Henry Frederick
Frederick Cora 54, 83   Mrs Al Johner
Frederick Ellen 121    
Frederick Harry 45, 82    
Frederick Henrietta (Yetta) 49, 50, 83   Mrs Gust Reuter
Frederick Henry 36, 49, 50, 83    
Frederick Irene 83   Mrs Jeff Van Cleeves
Frederick J E J 82    
Frederick John 59    
Frederick Katie 83    
Frederick Lori   4  
Frederick Louise 54, 83   Mrs John Bodine
Frederick Martin 45, 66, 82, 83    
Frederick Mamie 53    
Frederick Minnie 54, 83   Mrs Carl Weber
Frederick Tina   4  
Frederick Val 36    
Frederick Valentine 83    
Frederick William 82    
Frederick Yetta 49    
Frederik J 61    
Gadsby [Dr] 99    
Gale A H 66    
Geil Craig 59    
Geil Jennifer 58    
Gempp Marjorie Elizabeth 114    
Gibler Donna 59    
Gibler Terry   59    
Gillham J M 63    
Gilliam Vincent 102    
Glenn Sallie Sappington 71    
Glenz George 41    
Glenz Margaretta 76    
Goetz O E 103    
Goetz Otto 110    
Goins Sam   4  
Goins Samuel E, Rev 41   Pastor, St Thomas Lutheran Church, 1968-
Gordon Bill 76    
Gormely Peter 48    
Grant Ellen Wrenshall 85    
Grant Frederick Dent 85    
Grant James Root 55    
Grant Julia  #85    
Grant Ulysses 46, 66, 131   U S President
Grant Ulysses Simpson 85    
Greenwald William 55    
Grendele E J 66    
Griesedieck Edmund, Father 25    
Griesedieck J 66    
Griesedieck Jos  66    
Griesedieck Joseph 78, 91, 133    
Grode M 66    
Grossherr Dorothea 78   Mrs Jacob Rott
Guntheroth Lori   4  
Hadley Willis 93    
Hadley Willis D 103, 104    
Hafner Richard 106    
Hagerdorn Everett 36    
Hall J B 66    
Hall Nancy   58    
Halloran Sean 59    
Hames Debra, Mrs 59    
Hammer Teddy J 36    
Hammer Terry K 36    
Hanes Shawn   4  
Hansen Estelle, Mrs 89, 92    
Hansen Kim 59    
Happel Johan 36, 40    
Harrell [Mrs] 55    
Harrell Glenn   4  
Hartman Joseph 102    
Hartman Joseph Edward 36    
Hartmann F G 66    
Hartmann I 66    
Hasecamp R T, Mrs 102    
Hatch Hy   61    
Hawkins Paula 59    
Hawkins Ronald 58    
Heetvold A I 63    
Heidel A C 66    
Heidel Dan  61    
Heidel Henry 50    
Heidel Maggie 50    
Heidel Margaret 49    
Heimbeecher A C 66    
Heinemann Dora 83   Mrs Valentine Frederick
Helfert George 36, 135    
Helfert Minnie 37    
Helfert Sophia 49    
Hentschell James 36    
Herr Jerold 37    
Herr John 37    
Heutel Mayme 53    
Heutel Ben 80, 88    
Heutel Benjamin 53, 88    
Heutel Henry 55, 88    
Heutel Jake 54    
Heutel Joe 54    
Heutel Johanna 53    
Heutel John 55, 66, 88    
Heutel Joseph 81, 88    
Heutel Lee Ben 54    
Heutel Mayme 53, 66    
Heutel P S 66    
Heutel Peter 81, 88    
Heutel W 66    
Heutel Wendle 81    
Hewitt Annie 45    
Hewitt Caroline 63    
Hewitt Charles 45, 47    
Hewitt Ella 63    
Hewitt John F  47, 63    
Hickman J 61, 63    
Hildebrand John 69    
Hilgert William 54    
Hill G W 63    
Hill R E 63    
Hinds Allison 58    
Hobbs James 105    
Hoch Lulu 49    
Hoch Mabel 54    
Hoffman Carl S, Judge 105    
Hornemann [Mr] 84    
Hume Robin 59    
Humes Rose 54    
Hunckler Dora 50    
Hunckler George 49, 50, 61, 89    
Hunckler Josephine 50    
Hunckler Lulu 50    
Hunckler Mamie 49    
Hunckler Tillie 81    
Hunkler Clara 54    
Hunkler Elizabeth 53    
Hunkler G A 66    
Hunkler George 49, 63,89    
Hunkler Henry 49    
Hunkler Katie 54    
Hunkler Lulu 49, 54    
Hunkler Mamie 49    
Hunkler Robert 54    
Hunzeker John 105    
Hunzeker John T 108    
Husky Arthur 58    
Huthmacher P 66    
Ilgen Hannah 78   Mrs Charles F Rott
Jaeger Christine 59    
Johner Al  83    
Johner Albert 110    
Johner Allen 36    
Johner Wayne 36    
Johnston Aggie 50    
Johnston Annie 50    
Johnston George 50    
Johnston Louis 50    
Johnston Willie 50    
Jones Jacqueline Busch 93   Mrs Willis Hadley
Jones L W 66    
Jones Robert 105    
Joslin Dawn 59    
Katert Joseph 61    
Kauchmann Lisette 66    
Kely Josephine 48    
Kely William 48    
Kempf Art 35    
Kempf Elmer 120    
Kempf Florenz 35    
Kempf Floyd 35    
Kempf Louis 54    
Kempf [Mr] 80    
Kendall Kissiorah  73   Mrs Harrison Long
Kennett L M 66    
Kennett Luther M 61, 63    
Kerr John L 35    
Kimker Albert 53    
Kimker Louis 81    
Kimker William 53    
Kincaid Mary Ann 71   Mrs Thomas Sappington
Kline William B 104    
Knight [Mr] 105    
Kitun Alexander 103, 104, 105    
Klaren Cle 61    
Kline William B 104    
Knoll Robert 37    
Koch Anna 49    
Koch Emelia 49, 50    
Koch Fred 49, 50, 61, 63, 80    
Koch Lulu 49, 50, 63    
Koch W F 66    
Koehler Augusta 49    
Koehler Catherine 82, 137   Mrs William Henry Von Eime
Koehler Christ 49    
Koehler Christie 50    
Koehler Eveline 50    
Koehler Evelyn 50    
Koehler Fred 49    
Koehler Freddie 50    
Koehler Willie 50    
Koehrer Glen 58    
Kraemer Loretta 54    
Kraemer Mildred 54    
Kraemer Milton 54    
Kraemer William 53, 66, 89    
Kraft Annie J 66    
Kraus Gerry   4  
Kretchman Fred 41    
Kribbs H J 66    
Kristanich Chrissie 59    
Krueger Paul 101, 120    
Krueger Ronald 96    
Krueger Ronnie 101    
Krumm George 25, 26    
Krumm John 26, 87    
Krumm Linda 59    
Krumm Lother 36    
Krumm Richard 36    
Krumm Tammy   4  
Kruse Selma 51, 52 52 Mrs John Dressel
Kuhlman Carl W 103, 104    
Kuhn Diane 58    
Kuhn Sally 59    
Kuhn Stephen 59    
Kunzelman Ronald 36    
Kyou Edmund 63    
LaCombe Francois 61, 69    
Lambert [Mrs] 92    
Lambert Martin 92    
Lambert Stafford (Casey) 92    
Lanham Charles 36    
LaPoint Paul 59    
LaRose Gus 83    
LaRose Robert 35    
Laumeier Henry 113, 114    
Laux Joe 35    
Lemp [Mr] 91, 136    
Lewis Mary 66    
Lindbergh Charles 98    
Lippelman C 66    
Loeffelman Debbie 78    
Loeffelman Johnny 78    
Long Alton 32    
Long Amanda 73   Mrs Joseph Sale Berry
Long Elizabeth Sappington 73   Mrs Wm L Long
Long Elizabeth 72   Mrs John Long
Long Emaline 73    
Long Harriett 73   Mrs Charles Brown
Long Harrison 73    
Long Isabella 72   Mrs James MacKay
Long Jacynthia 73    
Long James H 73    
Long John 29, 31, 32, 72    
Long John, Captain 29, 72    
Long John Fenton 73, 85    
Long John, Jr 29, 72    
Long Lawrence 72, 73    
Long Marian Braidfoot 73   Mrs Henderson Brown
Long Mary Ella 73   Mrs Thomas E Wright
Long Mary N 63    
Long Nancy   35, 39, 72   Mrs Eli Musick
Long Nancy   73   Mrs Thomas M. Mitchey
Long Thomas S 31, 72, 73, 75    
Long Thomas Sanford 73    
Long William L, Ensign 29    
Long William Lindsay 72, 73, 75, 86    
Long William, Jr 31, 72    
Longheinrich Annie 50    
Longheinrich Clara 49, 50    
Longheinrich George 89    
Longheinrich Walter 49, 50    
Longhenry Walter 35    
Love  Christine Gempp 114    
Loveridge [Mr] 96    
Lubbock [Mr] 71    
Lucas Emma 73    
Lucas Francis 25, 63    
Lucouis Francois 61    
Maag Amelia 45    
Maag Eliza 45    
Maag Emily 66    
Maag [Mr] 91    
Maag Philip 45    
Maag Rosie 45    
Machalek Charles W 36    
Mackay James 72    
Mackay Xeno 73    
Magg E 66    
Maret Robert 36    
Maret William 36, 45, 63, 66, 88    
Maret Wm   36    
Marks Jack 35, 36    
Martin Andrew 35    
Mason Jemima Sappington 71    
Matthews Luman, Judge 101    
Matthews Mary 63    
Matthews William 61    
Mauro E W 63, 66    
Mauro Elizabeth 63    
Maxter Sarah 66    
Mayfield Maning 63    
Mays Louis 101    
McAnulty B 61    
McClellan John 58    
McClellan Lucy 59    
McCormack Nancy  Sappington 60    
McCoy Robin 60    
McDonough J C 61    
McNair Alexander 29, 120    
McNary Gene  120    
McNaughton James 63, 81    
Meade William 81    
Medwick Joe 137    
Mehl George 40, 53    
Meier Virginia 54    
Meiser Darrel 55    
Menaugh Harry, Mrs 55, 60    
Menaugh Harry 55    
Merrill Charles 53, 60    
Metzger Emil 53    
Metzger Tillie 54    
Meyer [Mr] 55    
Meyer Cora 55    
Meyer Etta 50    
Meyer Gus 51, 66, 89    
Meyer Gust 51, 55    
Meyer J, Mrs 55    
Meyer James 49, 50, 54    
Meyer Louis 53    
Meyer Luetta 49    
Meyer Mamie 50    
Meyer Marie 49    
Meyer Mollie 49, 50    
Meyer W T 102    
Miller Lora 58    
Milne John 50    
Milne Nellie 50    
Mitchell Lynda   4  
Mitchey Thomas M 36, 73    
Molly Allen Paul 36    
Molly Brian Louis 37    
Molly Cara 58    
Molly Carl 59, 89    
Moore Alice Beim 89    
Moore Alwal 89, 103, 105, 109    
Morris Carrie 55    
Morrison E 61    
Mudd Hy T 61    
Mudd [Mr] 80    
Mueller Heinrich 40, 49    
Mueller John H  40    
Mueller Jonas 40    
Mullen Scott 35, 59    
Mullins Roy 35    
Murphy [Mr] 89    
Murphy Blanche 89    
Murphy F 66    
Musick Eli  39, 72, 73    
Musick Nancy Long 39, 72, 73    
Nebe Ed 61    
Nebe F 63    
Neller Virgil 35    
Neybour J 61, 69    
Nickels John 50    
Noerper Tony 59    
Nolau Thomas 61, 63    
Nollau Ernest 41    
Nothum Janine   4  
Nulsen [Mr] 91    
Ochs Peter 40, 77    
O'Dowd Dennis 59    
O'Dowd Kathleen 58    
Olfe Chrissy 58    
Olfe Scott 59, 116    
Otto Floyd 116    
Otto Henry 116    
Ottsen Michael 59    
Park John 61    
Parke Charles 31    
Parke John 63    
Parke Jon  32    
Parke Jonah 70, 71, 76    
Parke Margaret 71   Mrs Zephania Sappingron
Parke Samuel 29, 31    
Paul Charles F 103    
Payne Clark 121    
Peart T R 63    
Pecot Louis B 81    
Pecot Margaret 81    
Peilievre Fr  61, 69    
Peterman Edwin, Rev 41   Pastor, St Thomas Lutheran Church, 1961-1968
Pipkin E 66, 81    
Pipkin Enos 61, 63, 66, 81, 101    
Pipkin Fannie E 73    
Pipkin John H 32    
Pipkin Martha 71   Mrs Jonah Sappington
Pipkin P J F 63, 66    
Pipkin Philip 31    
Pipkin Philip, Col 77    
Platt Edward 35    
Port Dale 59    
Price Sterling, Colonel 33, 34    
Pyne Herbert 107    
Quinn [Mr] 90    
Ragan Donald   4  
Rassieur L 66, 87    
Rawlins Edward Anthony 36    
Redel Joseph  104, 105    
Reiss Monica   4  
Reistick Ed 35, 91    
Reiter Richard   4  
Reuter A 66    
Reuter Gust 66    
Richard C 66    
Richardson Margaret 71   Mrs Hartley Sappington
Richey Kristin 58    
Richey Todd 59    
Richter E 66    
Richter Mary 58    
Ritterhaus Eugene 61, 63    
Riviere Baptiste 69    
Robyn Hy 63    
Rogers Douglas 58    
Rogger Tosha 58    
Roof Elizabeth  82   Mrs August Von Eime
Root Jesse 78, 85    
Rott Amelia 78    
Rott Anna 78    
Rott Annie 45, 78    
Rott Baldazar 77, 95    
Rott Charles 78    
Rott Dorothea 66, 78, 79, 91    
Rott Emma 45, 78, 79    
Rott F Lucas 88    
Rott Fred 45    
Rott Helen 41, 45, 50    
Rott Henry 41, 45, 66, 63, 78, 79    
Rott J 88    
Rott J C 45, 61, 66, 77, 78    
Rott J R 83    
Rott Jacob 44, 45, 63, 66, 78, 95    
Rott John 78    
Rott John J 45, 66, 78, 98    
Rott Louis 45, 41, 66, 81    
Rott Louise 45    
Rott Margaret 45, 78    
Rott Margaretha 78    
Rott Martin 44, 61, 63    
Rott Philip 78    
Rott Rose 45, 78    
Rott Theresa 103, 104    
Rott Walter 50    
Rott William 78    
Rottweiler M 63    
Rouhac [Mr] 55    
Roux [Mrs] 54    
Rowe Vernon 35,103, 106    
Rowe W A 55, 97    
Rudder Benjamin 41    
Ruder Clarence, Jr 35    
Ruder Clarence, Sr 35    
Ruder Frank, Jr 35    
Ruhl Katherine 78   Mrs Jacob Rott
Runkel John Adam 40    
Russell [Dr] 52    
Russell Don 55    
Saddler Ray   105    
Sale Burkett H 63, 66    
Sale J H 61    
Sale Joseph, Judge 39, 75    
Sale Sarah 66    
Sale W S 66    
Sale Wm S 63    
Saller Ray J 103    
Sampson Clarence 50    
Sander E A 102    
Sanfilippo Kate 59    
Sappington Chas C 63    
Sappington David 32, 71    
Sappington Drusie 71, 72   Mrs Kincade
Sappington Eleanor 71, 73   Mrs Brindley
Sappington Elizabeth 71   Mrs Wm L Long
Sappington George 32, 71, 85, 96    
Sappington Hartley 71    
Sappington J P 66    
Sappington Jack 44    
Sappington Jemima 70, 71    
Sappington Jemima 71   Mrs Mason
Sappington Jack 70, 86    
Sappington John 70, 71    
Sappington John P 32    
Sappington Jonah 47, 71    
Sappington Jonas 45, 61, 63    
Sappington Joseph 32    
Sappington L Z 63    
Sappington Linton  32    
Sappington Lizzie Bowles 71   Mrs Richard Sappington
Sappington Madeline Tesson 71   Mrs Resin Sappington
Sappington Martha Pipkin 71   Mrs Jonah Sappington
Sappington Margaret Richardson 71   Mrs Hartley Sappington
Sappington Margaret 71   Mrs Jonah Parke
Sappington Mark 71    
Sappington Mary 71   Mrs Richard Wells
Sappington Mary Ann Kincaid 71   Mrs Thomas Sappington
Sappington Mattie 45, 71    
Sappington Nancy   71   Mrs McCormack
Sappington Patience 71   Mrs Achilles Smith
Sappington Percy 44    
Sappington Perry 31, 71    
Sappington Rebecca 71   Mrs Smith
Sappington Resin 70, 71, 86    
Sappington Richard 32    
Sappington Sallie Wells 71   Mrs John Sappington
Sappington Sallie 71   Mrs Glenn
Sappington Thomas 29, 31, 70, 71    
Sappington Tomas 63    
Sappington Tyrie 63    
Sappington William 45    
Sappington William L 31, 71    
Sappington Zephaniah  31, 71    
Sappington Zephaniah, Captain 29    
Schaefer Kurt 59    
Schiffman John 63    
Schleisner Almaritta 53    
Schleisner Clara 50    
Schleisner Rosie 50    
Schleisner Wenzel 89    
Schlueter M L 66    
Schmidt C 66    
Schmidt Heinrich 40    
Schmidt J 66    
Schmidt Sylvester 103, 110    
Schmitt John 63    
Schneider Friederich 40    
Schoenberg Randy 122    
Schultz J T 61    
Schultz John 63    
Schulz Louis 50, 55    
Schultz Minnie 54    
Schulz Alvin 35    
Schulz D C 66, 95    
Schulz J T 61    
Schulz Louis 54    
Schutz F 66    
Schwarz [Mr] 82    
Schwenker F 66    
Scott William 61    
Seabaugh Emily 58    
Sedwick Julie 59    
Seebold Billy 121    
Seebold William 122    
Seick F 66    
Shafer Sophia 61, 69    
Shellnutt Wayne 35    
Sheridan J 61    
Shiffmann H 61    
Shwentker Eddie 50    
Simpson Ulysses 85    
Sleisner Barbara 45    
Sleisner Dora 45    
Sleisner Mary 97    
Sleisner Wenzel 45, 55, 63, 66    
Small G H 66    
Smith Achillies 31, 71    
Smith Alice 66    
Smith Becky 58, 59    
Smith Chris 59    
Smith George  106    
Smith Larry 121    
Smith Linda   4  
Smith Patience 71   Mrs Achilles Smith
Smith Rebecca, Mrs 71    
Smith Sara   4  
Smith Stephen, Captain 97    
Spalding Paul 35    
Spalding Robert 35    
Spears Tullis 36    
Spelling Leonard 35    
St John [Mr] 74    
Stamm Keith 59    
Stamm Mark   4  
Steiger Donald 35    
Steiger [Mr] 83    
Steinegger John 44, 63    
Steinegger Secily 63    
Stephens Mike 58    
Stephens Richard 59    
Stethen Charles 50    
Stethen George 50    
Stevens C W, Dr 63    
Stockell Frank  36    
Stockstrom L 66    
Stockstrom Louis 66, 91    
Stoker [Mr] 83    
Stolz E H D 66, 89    
Stolz Katie 78   Mrs John J Rott
Stolz Theobold 41    
Sturdy Charles 36, 66    
Sturdy Minnie 66    
Sturdy Oswald 61, 63, 76    
Sturdy T 48, 66    
Sturdy William 48, 66    
Sublett Caroline 61, 63, 66    
Sutton James 61    
Sutton James C 63    
Sutton John L 63    
Symsack Kenneth 25    
Symsack Stephen 25    
Tatman [Mr] 95    
Tautpheaus Chris 41    
Tesson A P 63    
Tesson Asa 18, 61, 66, 96    
Tesson Madeline 71   Mrs Resin Sappington
Tesson Michael 31    
Tesson Michael Honore 74    
Theiss Adam 40    
Theiss Otto 31    
Thias Edward J 95, 110    
Thomas M L, Mr 109    
Tichy Nick 35    
Tichy William 35    
Timon C J 61    
Todd Craig   4  
Tracy J J 61    
Tracy J L 63    
Trautwein Hilda, Mrs 55    
Troegler [Mr] 82    
Tyler Thomas 69    
Ude [Mr] 82    
Valentine Bud 35    
Vandover S 61    
Vandover S T 63, 75    
Vandover Sam 75    
Vesper John 61    
Vinyard Keith 59    
Vogel Kenneth 105    
Vogelsang Ed 35    
Vogt Lawerence 36    
Vogt William 36, 66    
Von Eime Augusta 82    
Von Eime Catherine Koehler 82   Mrs William Henry Von Eime
Von Eime Charles 82    
Von Eime Christine Gempp 82    
Von Eime Emily 82    
Von Eime Gottlieb 82    
Von Eime Henry 82    
Von Eime Josephine 82   Mrs Gottlieb Von Eime
Von Eime Louise 82    
Von Eime William Henry 82, 136    
Von Eime Wm 61, 63,66, 82    
Von Eime Wm Henry 61, 63    
Voorhees Oliver 106    
Wahlig Augusta 53    
Wahlig Charles 49, 50    
Wahlig Fred 49    
Wahlig Freddie 50    
Wahlig G W 66    
Wahlig George 45, 51, 66    
Wahlig Gus 45, 51, 80    
Wahlig Katie 50    
Wahlig Peggy 58, 59    
Wahlig Philip 61    
Wahlig Robert 36    
Wahlig Tony 53    
Wahlkenhauser Sybilia 45    
Waldo Rickey   4  
Wallach Stanley 54    
Wallach Walter 54    
Walls Todd 59    
Waterhout A 66    
Waterhout Andrew 53, 55, 84, 99    
Waterhout Bob 99    
Waterhout Emelie 50    
Waterhout Emily 84    
Waterhout Helen 84    
Waterhout Laura 50    
Waterhout Mary 84    
Waterhout 66    
Waterhout Nicholas 33, 83, 84    
Waterhout Nick 63, 84, 85    
Waterhout Orval 35, 105    
Waterhout Robert 53, 84    
Waterhout Vera 84    
Watkins John 61, 69    
Watson Jeff   4  
Watson Selma 74    
Watson Wesley 74    
Weber Carl 50    
Weber Charles 61, 63, 80    
Weber Dana 59    
Weber Karl 49, 83    
Weber Mark 35    
Weber Martin 35, 50, 83    
Weber Mary 83    
Weber Peter 66, 80, 85    
Wells Joseph  29, 31    
Wells Mary 71   Mrs Richard Wells
Wells Richard 31, 71    
Wells Sallie 71, 73   Mrs John Sappington
Werner Johan 40    
Westfall Buzz 124, 125    
Westrup G 66    
Westrup [Mr] 98    
Wheat Conrad 61, 69    
White Sam 63    
Whitmore Julianna   4  
Wiesehan Walter, Jr 35    
Wilson Jim 36    
Winter George 134    
Winter Robert 134    
Wittemann Anna 82   Mrs. William Von Eime
Wohlschlaeger [Mr] 33    
Wohlschlaeger Amadee 103, 110    
Wohlschlaeger Friederich 40    
Wohlschlaeger Jacob 41, 86    
Wohlschlaeger Violet 103    
Wolf C D 31    
Wolff Dietrich 40    
Wolk Amy 59    
Wolk J 63    
Wolkenhauser Geo 61, 63, 66    
Wrenshall Ellen 85    
Wuch Lisa 59    
Wundrack William 105    
Wurtz Charles 61, 105    
Young [Mrs] 53    
Young Rey F 105    
Zang Karen 59    
Zeiss Emil 35    
Zschiegner Doris 121    
Zschiegner Martin 106, 121    


Photos of Buildings, Groups, Etc.

Title Page
Third Grade of Rott Elementary School, 1970-71 4, 46
St John's Evangelical Kirsch on Lindbergh Blvd - Founded 1831 38
St Lucas Evangelical & Reformed Church on Denny Road - Founded 1880 38
Resurrection Lutheran Church on Sappington at Concord Road 38
St Thomas Lutheran Church, LCA on Lindbergh Blvd - Founded 1962 38
St Justin the Martyr Catholic Church on Eddie & Park Road - Founded 1965 38
Rivers of Lif Church on Lindbergh Blvd 39
Life Christian Center on Gravois Road 39
Log Cabin School, 1865-1884 43
First Rott School, 1884-1906 43
Class of the Second Rott School, 1906-1931 43
Third Rott School, 1931-1948 43
Rott School Class of 1931 43
Township 44 North, Range 6 East - Pitzman Atlas 62
Township 44 North, Range 5 East - Pitzman Atlas 1878 64, 65
1838 Atlas City and County of St Louis                               67, 68
Martin Rott Home on West Watson Road - 1840's 79
Wm Henry VonEime Home on Hadley Hill Road - 1852 79
Previous Bast-Seebold property 79
J E J Frederick Farm on West Watson Road - 1850's 79
Rock Alva Jos Griesedieck property 79
Schulz home on Lindbergh Blvd - 1913 79
Charles Eime Farm on Old Gravois - 1902 80
Jacob Row "The Castle" on West Watson Road 80
Nulsen Home on Rott Road - 1913 80
Mill Hill Father House on Gravois and Hadley Hill Road 80
Sunset Auto Company on Gravois Road - 1912 99
W A Rowe Floral Co on Lindbergh Blvd - 1918 99
Brown Orchard Farm Maryhurst on Lindburgh Blvd 99
Hwy 66 Clover Leaf Overpass - 1931 100
Westrup's Service Station on Lindbergh Blvd - 1931 100
Hunkler's General Store - 1920s` 100
Heineman's Resort on Brush Lake - 1920's 100
Maret's Restaurant on Lindbergh Blvd 100
Laumeier Park 100
Oldest tree - 9 Roosevelt Drive - 286 year old white oak 122