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Gould, Emerson W. Fifty Years on the Mississippi: Gould’s History of River Navigation. Saint Louis: Nixon-Jones,1889. Reprint 1951. R 386.2 G696 and circulating copy

"Containing a history of the introduction of steam as a propelling power on ocean, lakes and rivers--the first steamboats on the Hudson, the Delaware, and the Ohio rivers--navigation of western rivers before the introduction of steam--character of the early navigators--description of first steamboats--steamboat New Orleans in 1811, and sixty consecutive boats, when and where built--their effect upon the settlement of the valley of the Mississippi--character and speed of boats at different periods--appropriations by Congress for the improvement of western water ways-- floods in the Mississippi valley for 150 years--Mississippi river commission and its work. Rapid increase and decline of river transportation. Causes of the decline--destruction of steamboats on western waters--biographies of prominent steamboatmen."

Captain Gould became president of the Atlantic and Mississippi Steamship Company and subsequently president of the Western River Improvement and Wrecking Co., formerly owned by Eads and Nelson. He was president of the St. Louis and Miami Packet Company, 1865-1866. Most river aficionados recognize E. W. Gould as a 19th century river historian,

He wrote to numerous aging river men to obtain biographies and memories and compiled extensive lists of 19th century steamboats. Gould’s History has not yet been equaled by any other historian, and it forms a sound historical foundation to which any subsequent river and steamboat historian must inevitably first turn.

Name Index

Last name First name Page(s)
Able Daniel 401, 420
Able Barton 420, 544
Abrams Cap't 523
Adams Cap't 366
Anders M. G. 390
Anderson William 140
Armitage J. 140, 141
Armstrong John 381
Atchison Cap't 515
Backer Nicholas 230
Bacon Charles P. 381
Baird Abner 232, 395
Baker J. 140
Baker I. F. 389
Baker C. 417
Baldwin Cap't 355, 366
Ballenger John 368
Baranco Cap't 233
Barger Cap't 366
Barker D. F. 367, 368, 370
Barker Jonathan H. 379, 382
Barner S. M. 140
Barnes William 419
Barr  - 34
Barron Cap't 417
Batchelor Charles W. 372
Beckwith Jacob 141, 231
Beemer Samuel 374
Beers Cap't 366
Belt L. T. 363, 523
Belt S. T. 419
Belt Cap't 478
Beltzhoover Melchoir W. 372
Benedict D. S. 171
Bennett Abraham 350
Bennett Elisha 372
Bernard Cap't 366
Bersie Cap't 515
Berthoud Nicolas 140
Biddle Bolden 374
Bissel Cap't 417
Blakeley R. 518, 519, 520
Bliss N. 141, 377
Boardman A. P. 234, 358
Bofinger John N. 383, 388, 411
Bohlen Mr. P. R. 393
Boies Cap't 370
Boone Mr. Daniel 275
Booth Benjamin , 141
Booth Cap't 374
Bossu Cap't 132
Bosworth B. 140, 231
Bowman Geoege W. 372
Brandenberg S. 141
Breckenridge H. N. 141
Brierly Cap't 417
Brookhart John 40
Brown John I. 233
Brown E. 368
Brown John Wesley 377
Brown Joseph 480
Buckner H. S. 206, 207
Bullock Mr. Robert 461
Burch Hiram 374, 441
Burke Cap't 417
Burke John 560
Butcher Eph. 372
Byrne J. M. 140
Byrne J. W. 141
Cafferes Cap't 384
Calhoon Dick 372
Cameron Cap't 515
Campbell John 140
Campbell Hugh 372
Campbell Cap't 442, 444
Cannon John W. 234, 469, 472, 536-537
Carroll Edward 377
Carroll Herculous 591
Carter Frank 382, 534, 544
Casey T. J. 380, 390
Castleman Cap't 453
Castlemar Cap't 393
Catterlin Cap't 370
Cecil William 374
Champromere Cap't 232
Choat Louis 155
Church Charles B 390, 394, 397, 398, 400, 479, 480
Clark Thomas 232
Clark Sam 372
Clark J. D. 390, 394
Claugh S. 140
Clay Cap't 523
Clemment Cap't. 101, 164
Coalfax Cap't 115
Cochran George 372, 499
Cole   515
Colson Cap't 421
Connelly William 372
Connery E. 234
Converse Joe 534
Cossen Cap't 365
Cotton J. A. 232, 233
Coulson S. B. 428
Cox M. A. 372
Craig  Silas 115, 140
Crane Cap't 232
Crawford John 456
Crockerell William L. 448
Crooks Benjamin 235
Crooks Cap't 379
Cummings S. 140
Cummings John 353-355
Cummins Cap't 481
Curry Cap't 232
Dalfares Cap't 232
Davidson William F. 516, 517
Davidson P. L. 518
Davis John B. 160, 428
De Hart (de Hart) John 101, 106, 138, 140, (158), 164, 232, 240
De Hart (de Hart) Robinson 102, 106 140, (158), 240
Dean Samuel 374
Dean William 374
Dean Cap't 379
DeHaven Cap't 417
Delacney James 560
Delma P. 235
Dent M. P. 351
DeSmet Father 422-426
Devinney John 372
Devinney Henry 372, 383
Devinney P. 420
Devinney Cap't 523
Dickey E. M. 518
Diegan Cap't 31
Dobbin Hamilton 374
Dollis Cap't 370
Dozier Frank 385
Duble John A. 369
Dugas Cap't 232
Duplises F. 140
Durham S. B. 368
Eades James B. 289, 298, 299, 301, 316-320, 483, 485-487, 487-488, 593
Ealer H. A. 234, 366
Edmond I. D. 378
Edmond John D. 379, 381
Ellison John 368
Enlow J. B. 141
Ensign Cap't 473
Erwin Moses 368, 370, 394
Estes Joseph 394
Evans Mr. Oliver 241-242
Evans W. S. 384, 421
Farragut Commodore 395, 570
Fawcett I. H. B. 368
Finch Cap't 366
Fink (Mr.) Mike 47-52, 59-60, 65, 73, 268
Fisher James 372
Fisher S. L. 438
Fitch (Mr.) John 15-20, 24,79, 80
Fitheon Cap't 515
Fitzgerald Cap't 381
Fluuger "Col Plug" Mr. 45-47, 268
Ford G. W. 383
Ford Rufus 421
Forsythe J. 141
Forsythe William "Billy" 372, 400
Fox Cap't 591
Freligh J. H. 398
Fritz R. S. 390
Fulkerson Isaac 560
Fulton (Mr.) Robert  7-10, 11-15, 20-26, 80, 82, 96, 134-136,138, 143-144, 150, 156, 163-166, 167, 177, 197-199, 231, 240, 498,  
Fulton William H. 350
Furgeson J. 385
Gabbert W. H. 519
Gale A. 102, 157
Garrison Cornelius K 391, 394
Gillham Cap't 417
Girty James 60
Gleim E. H. 519, 520
Glime Ben V. 420
Glover Cap't 233
Goddin Cap't 366
Goll Cephas 520
Gore P. 417
Gormley James 372
Gormon Cap't 568
Goslee Cap't 394
Goslee J. W. 399
Goslee Thomas 566
Gosler G. W. 390
Gould E. W. (letters) 292-309, 358-360, 410-411, 411-413 413-416, 546-548, 548-550, 551-554, 556-557, 557-558, 584-586, 586-589 
Gould E. W. 383, 388, 405, 417, 484, 515, 521
Grace R. J. 372, 379
Graham Cap't 232
Gray John T. 140, 231
Gray R. C. 372, 414, 515, 517
Greelee Thomas 372
Greelee Robert 372
Greenough John 385
Greenough Jonathan 419
Gregg I 140
Gregg  J. 101, 104, 164
Grice W. A. 233
Griffith Thomas H. 516
Grity Mr. Sam 268
Gross A. 141, 233
Guird R. P. 140
Guzard Cap't 112
Hall Cap't 475, 476
Hamilton Cap't 455, 456
Harland John 368
Harris Smith 344, 515
Harris Scribe 515
Harris R. S. 519
Harris D. S. 519, 520
Hart S. 141
Hart Jesse 355
Hazlett Jake 372
Hewes T. W. 113, 115, 116, 140
Hewitt Stephen 520
Hicks Frank 394, 399, 523
Holloway C. M. 382
Holton J. A. 140
Honorie Francis 140
Hooper Isaac 232, 233, 365, 391
Hoople G. D. 369
Hopkins B. 140
Howell A. 462
Hunter Cap't 356
Hurd J. Y. 519
Hurt Henry 560
Hutchinson Benjamin 372, 417
Huxhurst George 140
Irwin A. R. 390
Jacobs Adam 372
Jacobs J. W. 385
James Noe 232
James Levi 376
Jenkins D. 141, 172
Johnston Wash 374
Jones I. H. 383, 436
Keating William 374
Keer W. H. 141
Keiser John P. 402
Kennett Cap't 365
Keppner Cap't 368
Kercheval F. C. 417
Kimball John R. 235
Kimball P. F. 235
Kimball Cap't 232
King Enoch 566
Kinney Jo. 418
Kleinfelter John 372, 383, 397
Kouns John 234
Kouns Geo. S. 234
Kouns Isaac H. 236
Kountz William J. 372, 414, 421, 428
Kountz Cap't 379, 383
Kyle John 382
LaBarge Jos. 422
LaBarge John 422
LaBrosse Cap't 55
Lamb Wallace 560
Lamoth William P. 419
Land B 141
Latrobe Mr. I. H. B. 82, 87
Latrobe C. J. 89
Laughton W. H. 519
Laurant Cap't 231
Lawrence Joab 421, 544
Leathers T. P. 233, 536
Leathers Wm. 233
Lee Sr. James 394, 396, 400, 476, 478
Leonard William 560
Lightner Joseph 428
Littleton Mike 515
Livingston (Mr.) Chancellor 82, 83
Lodwick M. W. 519
Lodwick Preston 519, 520
Lodwick Kennedy 519
Logan F. F. 369
Lonsdale J. 141
Louderback Jim 374
Lowry Henry 544
Lucas M. E. 519
Lyhe Henry 518
Lynn William 141
Mahe Cap't 232
Mallory Cap't 391
Marcy Cap't 237
Marsh Grant 427
Marshall Charles E. 366, 391, 397
Mason A. G. 372
Mason Sameul 374, 375
Mason Henry 374
Mason Jerry 374
Mason I. M. 402
McCalister Cap't 515
McClain William 368, 380
McClew James 379
McCombs Cap't 233
McConnell Robert 543
McCord James 438
McGill A. 368
McKeaver James 150
McKee H. 366
McKenny J. 420
McKenzie Mr. 422-427
McKinney J. P. 419
McLain Hugh 374
McLain John 374
McLain Charles 374
McLain Alexander 374
McMeal Daniel 141
McMillin O. H. 420
McMullen Oliver 398
Meekin C. H. 368
Miller Silas 366, 368
Miller Marsh 397, 398
Miller George 499
Mills John 141
Minor Theophilas 141
Moffet Cap't 243
Molen Grafton 367, 368
Molloy John 563, 566, 567
Montgomery Edward 383, 560
Moore John 361, 368
Moorehead Cap't 244
Morehouse Cap't 366
Morehouse D. B. 519
Morey Samuel J. 26
Morris William 140
Morrison I. H. 233, 444
Nanson Joseph 417, 419
Nelson Cap't 114
Newell T. H. 390, 394
Noe James 232, 233
Offord Cap't 115
Offut H. J. 141
Ogden Frank 164
Oliver P. A. 140
O'Neal James 420
Paras Berditt 390
Paris Burdett 480
Parisot S. H. 351
Parker J. W. 519
Parkinson James 372
Patterson Commodore 139
Patterson James 374
Paul D. 140
Paulfrey John A. 140
Paxon C. 140
Pepper James H. 568
Perrin Cap't 449
Perry Commodore 356
Perry Samuel 376
Pierce James 140
Pittman Cap't 246
Poe Adam 372
Poe Jake 372
Porter David 135
Preble Commodore 541
Prentis D. 140
Prewett Mr. John 396-397
Price Hiram 372
Quivey Charles 61
Ralston William 391
Randolph Cap't 366
Rea T. W. 419
Read Jacob 102, 103
Rearick G. 141
Reed H. 140, 231, 370
Reno Samuel 372
Revels Cap't 105
Reynolds Cap't 515
Rhodes Cap't 523
Rider Samuel 524, 525
Ringling Cap't 366
Roades Greathouse 374
Roades Bazel 374
Robbirds Newman 400
Robert E. Lee vs The Natchez 536-537
Roberts Jr. P. 234
Robertson J. L. 465, 466
Rodney Cap't 383
Roe John J. 388, 401
Rogers Cap't 383, 522, 523
Roosevelt (Mr.)Nicholas J 82-89, 168, 196
Rudd D. F. 234
Rumsey (Mr.) James 78
Russell John 366, 523
Ruter A. 141
Sanders J. 141
Sanford C. B. 233
Sargent Cap't 523
Scale S. F. 234
Schenk J. B. 369
Scott Cap't 10, 523
Scudder Jonathan A. 402, 403
Sebastian John 369
Selby Cap't 396
Sellock Cap't 232
Shackelford J. 140, 170
Shalcross John 141
Shannon Mr. Joseph R. 395
Shaw D. H. 234
Shaw J. 417
Shible E. A. 524
Shiller Mr. Edward 394-
Shirley John T. 397, 398
Shreve Henry M. 101, 105, 110, 111, 138, 140, 143, 149, 156, 165-166, 167, 169, 213, 235, 237, 243-244, 290, 296, 311, 312, 324, 338, 439, 541
Shrodes Cap't 380
Silver D. H. 385
Smith Cap't 366
Smith Joseph 372
Smith J. F. 390
Smith Henry W. 401, 402
Smith Orrin 515, 519, 520
Smithers Cap't 366
Smoker Cap't 447
Sower John 140
Sparks Cap't 236
Stackpole Cap't 5232
Stephen Charles 372
Stephens L. 141
Sterling Mark 350
Stine Albert 369
Stockdale T. J. 372
Stone Daniel 372
Stoneman William 374
Stout Jacob 10
Strader Jacob 376-379, 381
Streck F. M. 232, 233
Sturges Thos 140, 141
Sturgon E. T. 368, 534, 539
Sullivan (Sulivan) John L. 93, 104
Summons John Blair 377, 381
Swager Joseph 169
Swan J. C. 154, 534
Switzer Cap't 383
Thomasson St. Clair 233, 390, 399, 400
Thorwegan Cap't 358
Throckmorton Cap't 515
Titus Cap't 458
Todd Joseph 430
Towers G.M. 141
Townsend James 560
Tufts A. W. 233
Twain Mr. Mark 391, 489-496
Tyson Cap't 445
Underwood John 368
Urton Cap't 231
Vail Stephen 140
Van Dusen Cap't 383
Van Houten Cap't 447
Vanhook I. C. 385
Voohries J. G.  140
Wade R. M. 369
Wade J. P. 369
Walker William 141
Wallace P. C. 234
Walworth Cap't 233
Ward James 231, 366, 516
Waters William 141, 235
Weaver Jno. B. 419
Welsh Mike 235
Welton Louis A. 420
Whips Cap't 113
White J. M. 392
Whiting C. 141
Whitten David 520
Wilder A. H. 428
Williams Cap't 518
Williamson John A. 369
Williamson O. C. 369
Williamson I. M. 384
Wilson Cap't 232
Winters Jonah 140
Wolff Joseph 350
Wood Cap't 232
Woodward Isaac 372
Worden Jones 520
Wray W. 390
Wright Jesse 235, 370
Wright W. H. 472
Yore James A. 419
Young E. 140
Young R. C. 234, 366
Zeizer Cap't 105