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Local History Indexes

Indexed Source

Scharf, J. Thomas. History of Saint Louis City and County from the Earliest Periods to the Present Day Including Biographical Sketches of Representative Men. Philadlephia: L.H. Everts, 1883. R 977.866 S311

Note: This is index only lists businesses and organizations mentioned in the book.


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Subject Page
A. M. E. Church 1907
Alexian Brothers' Hospital 1555
American Central Insurance Company 1417
American Legion of Honor 1803-1804
American Protestant Association 1808-1809
American Sunday School Union 1758
Ancient Order of Druids 1800-1801
Ancient Order of Foresters 1805
Ancient Order of Hibernians 1764-1765
Ancient Order of United Workmen 1802
Annunciation Church 1663
Athenaeum 1905
Atlantic and Pacific Railroad 1167-1168
Baden and St. Louis Railroad Company 1211
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company 1185-1188
Band of Hope 1768-1769
Bank of Commerce 1389-1390
Bank of the State of Missouri 1387-1389
Baptist Church (Colored) (Webster Groves) 1912
Baptist Church (Kirkwood) 1906-1907
Baptist Headquarters, St. Louis Branch House and General Depository of the American Baptist Publication Society 1672-1674
Bar Association of St. Louis 1514-1515
Barnum's Hotel 1442-1443
Beaumont and Bernard Streets Baptist Churches 1680-1681
Beaumont Medical Club 1544
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks 1807
Benton Street German Church [Methodist] 1696-1697
Benton-Bellefontaine Railroad Company 1211
Bethania Church, U. A. C. (German) [Lutheran] 1737-1738
Bethania German Evangelical Church 1733-1734
Bethel Cemetery 1931
Bethlehem Church [German Evangelical] 1734-1735
B'nai B'rith 1810-1811
B'nai El Congregation 1739
Board of St. Louis Marine Underwriters 1421
Boatmen's Exchange 1366
Boatmen's Savings Bank 1399-1403
Bonhomme Presbyterian Church 1898
Branch Bank of the United States 1387
Bremen Savings Bank 1404
Bridgeton Academy 1895
Bridgeton Lodge, No. 8, F. & A. M. 1895-1896
Bridgeton Methodist Episcopal Church South 1896
Calvary Protestant Episcopal Church  1727-1728
Carondelet Baptist Church 1681
Carondelet Gas Company 1440
Carondelet German Evangelical Church 1734
Carondelet Home Mutual Insurance Company 1421
Carondelet Presbyterian Church 1708
Carondelet Turnverein 1772
Carter Line (Red River Packet Company) 1123
Cass Avenue and Fair Grounds Railway Company 1212
Catholic Knights of America 1768
Catholic Orphan Association 1759
Catholic Total Abstinence and Benevolent Society 1766-1767
Centenary Church [Methodist] 1692-1693
Central Church [Disciples of Christ] 1743
Central Church [Methodist] 1688
Central Presbyterian Church 1706-1707
Central St. Louis Unterstuetzungs Verein 1770
Century Club 1820
Cesko-Slovansky Podporujici Spolek 1811
Chamber of Commerce and Merchants' Exchange 1340-1361
Chapter of Temperance and Wisdom 1768
Chebra Kadish Congregation 1740
Chicago and Alton Railroad 1195-1196
Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company 1196-1197
Children's Hospital 1566
Chouteau Avenue Church [Methodist] 1695
Christian Church of Crève Coeur 1899
Church of Jesus Christ 1883
Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel 1667
Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succor 1667-1668
Church of SS. Peter and Paul 1659-1660
Church of St. Anthony of Padua 1663-1664
Church of St. Ferdinand 1889-1890
Church of St. John the Evangelist 1662-1663
Church of the Assumption 1663
Church of the Holy Name 1668
Church of the Immaculate Conception 1667
Church of the Messiah 1728-1730
Church of the Sacred Heart 1667
Church of the Sacred Heart 1890
Church of the Unity 1730-1731
Citizens' Railway Company 1208
Citizens' Savings Bank 1404
City Hospital 1550-1551
College for Medical Practitioners 1547-1548
Colored Baptist Churches 1682-1683
Colored Freemasons 1791
Colored Knights of Pythias 1802
Colored Odd Fellows 1800
Commercial Bank of St. Louis 1395-1397
Concord Farmers' Club 1881-1882
Concordia Club 1818
Concordia College and Theological Seminary 1735
Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church 1907
Concordia Turnverein 1772
Congregation Scheerish Israel 1740
Congregational Church (Webster Groves) 1912
Continental Bank of St. Louis 1395
Convent and Hospital of the Franciscan Sisters 1555-1556
Convent and Hospital of the Franciscan Sisters 1555-1556
Convent of the Carmelite Nuns 1760
Convent of the Good Shepherd 1759
Convent of the Sisters of St. Joseph at Nazareth 1883
Convent of the Sisters of St. Mary 1759-1760
Cosmopolitans 1811
Cotton Exchange 1361-1364
Coulson Line of Steamers 1122
Councils of Royal and Select Masters 1789
Covenant Hall Association 1764
Covenant Mutual Life Insurance Company 1417
Cumberland Presbyterians 1712-1713
Deaf Mute Club 1820
Des Peres Presbyterian Church 1708
Des Peres Presbyterian Church 1913
Deutsch Orden Harugari 1804-1805
Diamond Jo Line 1117
Dispensary 1549-1550
Dreinigkeits Church, U. A. C. [Lutheran] 1736
East St. Louis and Carondelet Railway 1202
East St. Louis Connecting Railway 1202
Eclectic School of Medicine 1566-1567
Eden Methodist Episcopal Church South 1914
Eighth Street German Church 1697
Emmanuel Church (Episcopal) (Webster Groves) 1912
Equitable Life Assurance Society 1420
Erin Benevolent Society 1758
Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Cross (Saxon) 1736-1737
Evangelical Lutheran Emanuel's Church of Central 1913-1914
Evangelical Lutheran St. John's Church 1899
Evangelical Lutheran St. Paul's Church, U. A. C., at Des Peres 1914
Evangelical Thological College 1915
Exchange Bank 1389
Farmers' and Mechanics' Mutual Aid Association of St. Louis 1764
Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company 1882
Father Mathew Young Men's Total Abstinence and Benevolent Society 1769
Father Mathew Young Men's Total Abstinence and Benevolent Society 1769
Fee-Fee Baptist Church 1674-1675
Fenton Lodge, No. 180, A. O. U. W. 1904
Fenton Lodge, No. 281, F. & A. M. 1903-1904
Fenton Methodist Episcopal Church South 1903
Fifth Congregational Church 1749
Fifth National Bank of St. Louis 1395
First Church [Disciples of Christ] 1743
First Church, Carondelet [Methodist] 1694-1695
First Congregational Church 1743-1746
First German Baptist Church 1679
First German Church [Methodist] 1696
First German Cumberland Presbyterian Church (Gethsemane Congregation) 1713
First German Presbyterian Church 1711
First Methodist Episcopal Church South 1690-1692
First National Bank of St. Louis 1393
First New Jerusalem Society of St. Louis [Swedenborgian] 1741-1743
First Presbyterian Church 1701-1704
First United Presbyterian Church 1712
Florissant Public School 1889
Florissant Valley Lodge, No. 19, National American Association 1888-1889
Fort Bellefontaine 1886
Fourth Baptist Church 1680
Fourth National Bank of St. Louis 1394-1395
Franklin Bank 1397
Franklin Insurance Company 1419
French Benevolent Society 1758
Garrison Avenue Baptist Church 1682
Gartside Coal and Towing Company 1123
German Emigrant Aid Society 1764
German Evangelical Friedens Church 1733
German Evangelical Lutheran Reformed United Church of Central 1913
German Evangelical St. John's Church 1883
German Evangelical St. Lucas Church 1883
German Evangelical St. Paul's Church 1882
German Evangelical Zion's Church 1913
German General Protestant Orphans' Association of St. Louis 1764
German Medical Society [Deutsche Medicinische Gesellschaft] 1543
German Mutual Fire Insurance Company 1421
German Mutual Life Insurance Company 1418-1419
German New Jerusalem Society [Swedenborgian] 1743
German Protestant Orphan Asylum 1915-1916
German-American Bank 1399
Germania Association 1819
Germania Saengerbund 1632-1633
Germans' Savings Institution 1403
Girls' Industrial Home 1761-1652
Glasgow Avenue Presbyterian Church 1710
Glasgow House 1442
Glendale School for Boys 1883
Good Ladies 1809
Good Samaritan Hospital 1565-1566
Goode Avenue Church [Methodist] 1689
Goode Avenue Mission [Methodist] 1689
Grace Episcopal Church 1906
Grace Protestant Episcopal Church 1723-1724
Grand Avenue Presbyterian Church 1705-1706
Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Missouri 1778-1789
Grove Council, Legion of Honor (Webster Groves) 1913
Gruetli Verein 1765-1766
Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad 1171
Harmonie Club 1817-1818
Helvetia Huelfs-Gesellschaft 1765
Henry Shaw Musical Society 1635
Holy Trinity (German) Church 1660
Home for Aged and Infirm Israelites of St. Louis 1763-1764
Home of the Friendless 1760-1761
Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri 1564-1565
Hope Mutual Fire Insurance Company 1418
Hotel for Invalids 1545
House of Industry 1551
House of Refuge 1557
House of the Guardian Angel 1760
Humboldt Institut oder Deutsche [Humboldt Medical College] 1546
Hyde Park Church [Congregational] 1749-1750
Illinois and St. Louis Railroad and Coal Company 1202
Immanuel's Church, U. A. C. [Lutheran] 1736
Improved Order of Red Men 1803
Independent Evangelical Church of the Holy Ghost 1731-1732
Independent Evangelical Protestant Church (German) 1734
Independent Order Free Sons of Israel 1806
Independent Order of Chosen Friends 1808
Independent Order of Good Fellows 1800
Independent Order of Good Templars 1767
Independent Order of Odd Fellows 1794-1800
Independent Order of Red Men 1803
Indianapolis and St. Louis Railroad 1200
Insurance Exchange 1421
International and Great Northern Railroad 1179
International Bank of St. Louis 1395
Iron Hall 1800
Jefferson Insurance Company 1420
K Line of Packets 1122
Kansas City Packet Company  1121
Kesher Shell Barzell 1812
Kirkwood Council, No. 616, Royal Arcanum 1905
Kirkwood Council, No. 8, Legion of Honor 1905
Kirkwood Council, No. 8, Legion of Honor 1905
Kirkwood Lodge, No. 484, F. & A. M. 1905
Kirkwood School District 1907
Kirkwood Seminary 1907-1909
Knights and Ladies of Honor 1802-1803
Knights of Father Mathew 1770
Knights of Honor 1807-1808
Knights of Labor 1806
Knights of Pythias 1801
Knights of the Golden Rule 1807
Knights Templar Commanderies 1789-1791
Kosmos 1812
Laclede and Crevecoeur Lake Railway Company 1171-1172
Laclede Bank 1397
Laclede Gas-Light Company 1439-1440
Laclede Mutual Fire Insurance Company 1419-1420
Lafayette Bank 1393
Lafayette Park Presbyterian Church 1711
Lasalle Frauen Unterstuetzungs Verein 1812
Legion of Honor 1804
Liberal league 1770
Liederkranz 1633-1634
Lindell Hotel 1443-1445
Lindell Railway Company 1211
Little Sisters of the Poor 1558
Log Bethel or Little Bethel (Methodist Church 1931
Louisville and Nashville Railroad 1201
Louisville and Nashville Railroad 1201
Lucas Avenue Cumberland Presbyterian Church 1713
Lutheran Orphans' Home 1916
Maccabees 1800
Maennerchor 1901
Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad 1184-1185
Marine Engineers' Association, No. 6 1765
Marvin Mission [Methodist] 1695
Masonic Order 1774-1778
Mechanics' Bank of St. Louis 1390-1392
Mechanics' Benevolent Society 1758
Mechanics' Exchange 1364-1366
Memorial Tabernacle [Presbyterian] 1711-1712
Mercantile Club 1819-1820
Merchants' National Bank 1389
Merchants' Southern Line Packet Company 1121
Merchants' St. Louis and Arkansas River Packet Company 1123
Methodist Episcopal Church 1902
Methodist Episcopal Church (Colored) 1896
Methodist Episcopal Church South 1901
Methodist Episcopal Church South 1906
Methodist Episcopal Church South of Clayton 1911
Methodist Orphans' Home 1762
Millwrights' Assembly 1765
Missionary Baptist Church (Colored) 1902
Missouri Eye and Ear Infirmary 1555
Missouri Gymnastic Society 1774
Missouri Medical College 1544-1545
Missouri School of Mid-Wifery 1565
Missouri State Board of Immigration 1367
Missouri State Mutual Fire and Marine Insurance Company 1416-1417
Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad 1179
Mizpah Presbyterian Church 1896-1897
Morning Star Lodge (Colored), F. & A. M. 1905
Mound City Mutual Fire Insurance Company 1417-1418
Mound City Street Railway Company 1212
Mount Calvary Protestant Episcopal Church 1727
Mount Olive Saengerbund 1911
Mount Sinai Cemetery 1883-1884
Mount Zion Methodist Episcopal Church South 1915
Mullanphy Emigrant Home 1764
Mullanphy Emigrant Relief Fund 1762-1763
Mullanphy Savings Bank 1404
Musical Union 1635
Musiker Unterstuetzungs Verein 1633
Naples Packet Company 1122
National Americans 1812
New Antioch Church 1930-1931
New Bethel Methodist Church 1931
New Orleans Anchor Line 1118-1119
North Baptist Church 1679
North Presbyterian Church 1707-1708
North St. Louis Church [Disciples of Christ] 1743
North St. Louis Mutual Fire Insurance Company 1420
North St. Louis Turnverein 1773-1774
Northwestern Savings Bank 1404
Novitiate of St. Stanislaus 1892-1895
Ohio and Mississippi Railroad 1179-1184
Old Banking House of James H. Lucas and Co. 1407-1413
Old Baptist Antioch Church 1930
Old Fort St. Charles the Prince 1886
Order of Mutual Protection 1806
Orpheus 1633
Ouachita River Packets 1123
Pacific Hotel 1446
Page Avenue Church [Methodist] 1695
Park Avenue Baptist Church 1681
Patriotic Sons of America 1810
Pennsylvania Railroad Company 1194-1195
People's Railway Company 1208-1211
Pilgrim Congregational Church 1746-1748
Planters' Hotel 1441-1442
Plymouth Church [Congregational] 1749
Polyhymnia Society 1632
Post-Graduate School of the Missouri Medical College 1545
Presbyterian Church (Ferguson) 1897
Presbyterian Church (Kirkwood) 1906
Presbyterian Church (Webster Groves) 1912
Protestant Episcopal Church fo the Advent 1728
Protestant Episcopal Church of the Good Samaritan 1728
Protestant Episcopal Church of the Holy Communion 1726-1727
Protestant Episcopal Church of the Holy Innocents 1728
Protestant Episcopal Mission Church of the Good Shepherd 1728
Protestant Episcopal Orphans' Home 1554
Protestant Orphan Asylum 1915
Providence Presbyterian Church 1708-1709
Provident Savings Institution 1403
Public School (Ferguson) 1897
Quarantine Hospital 1553
Quinn Chapel [Methodist] 1697
Rapid Transip Company 1213
Reformed Presbyterian Church 1713
Rock Bethel (Methodist Church) 1931
Rock Hill Presbyterian Church 1914
Rose Hill Baptist Church (Colored) 1907
Royal Arcanum 1811
Royal Templars of Temperance 1809
Sacred Heart Order 1890-1891
Safe Deposit Company of St. Louis 1403-1404
Schweitzer Maennerchor 1634
Scientific Association of German Physicians [Wissenschaftliche Verein Deutsche Aerzte] 1544
Scottish Clans 1808
Second Baptist Church 1675-1678
Second Baptist Church (Colored) 1907
Second German Cumberland Presbyterian Church 1713
Second German Presbyterian Church 1711
Second National Bank 1393
Second Presbyterian Church 1704-1705
Seven Wise Men 1805
Shamrock Society 1767-1768
Sisters of Loretto 1891-1892
Socialer Saengerchor 1632
Socialer Turnverein 1771-1772
Society of Pedagogy 1774
Sons of Herman 1805-1806
Sons of Temperance 1766
South Presbyterian Church 1710
South St. Louis Railway Company 1212-1213
South St. Louis Turnverein 1771
Southern Hotel 1446-1449
Spanish-American Club 1820
Spiritual Association 1770
St. Agath's German Church 1667
St. Alphonsus Church 1665-1666
St. Andrew's Society 1758
St. Ann's Church (Catholic) at Normandy 1914-1915
St. Ann's Widows' Home, Lying-in Hospital and Foundling Asylum 1549
St. Ann's Widows' Home, Lying-in Hospital and Foundling Asylum 1549
St. Ann's Widows' Home, Lying-in Hospital and Foundling Asylum 1549
St. Augustine's Church 1668
St. Bonaventura's Church 1666-1667
St. Boniface (German) Church, Carondelet 1668-1669
St. Bridget's Church 1660-1661
St. Clair Hotel 1441
St. Columbkille's Church 1669
St. Elizabeth's Church 1664
St. Francis de Sales Church 1666
St. Francis Xavier Church 1656-1657
St. George's Protestant Episcopal Church 1724-1726
St. James Protestant Episcopal Church 1728
St. Johannes' Evangelical Lutheran Church 1901
St. John of Nepomuk (Bohemian) Church 1661
St. John's Baptist Church (Colored) 1896
St. John's Church (Catholic) 1897
St. John's Church (German), U. A. C. [Lutheran] 1737
St. John's Church [Methodist] 1693-1694
St. John's German Evangelical Church 1733
St. John's Hospital 1554-1555
St. John's Protestant Episcopal Church 1723
St. Joseph's Church 1657-1658
St. Kevin's Church 1668
St. Lawrence O'Toole's Church 1661-1662
St. Liborius (German) Church 1661
St. Louis Agricultural and Mechanical Association 1813-1817
St. Louis and Cairo Railroad 1201
St. Louis and Mississippi Valley Transportation Company 1119
St. Louis and New Orleans Packet Company 1119-1121
St. Louis and Omaha Packet Company 1122
St. Louis and Peoria Packet Company 1122
St. Louis and San Francisco Railway Company 1168-1171
St. Louis and St. Paul Packet Company 1115-1117
St. Louis and St. Paul Passenger Freight Line 1117
St. Louis and Vicksburg Packet Company 1117-1118
St. Louis Bethel Association 1740-1741
St. Louis Board of Fire Underwriters 1421
St. Louis Board of Trade 1364
St. Louis Bridge Railroad 1202
St. Louis Choral Society 1635
St. Louis Clearing House Association 1413-1414
St. Louis Club 1820
St. Louis Coal Exchange 1366
St. Louis Coal Railroad 1202
St. Louis College of Pharmacy 1548
St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons 1546-1547
St. Louis Commercial Club 1819
St. Louis County Watchman 1912
St. Louis Eye and Ear Infirmary 1554
St. Louis Furniture Exchange 1366-1367
St. Louis Gas-Light Company 1438-1439
St. Louis Homopathic Dispensary 1566
St. Louis Insane Aslylum 1556-1557
St. Louis Institute of Architects 1773
St. Louis Jockey Club 1817
St. Louis Life Insurance Company 1420-1421
St. Louis Long-range Rifle Association 1774
St. Louis Lying-in Charity and Lying-in Hospital 1555
St. Louis Manufacturers' Association 1367
St. Louis Medical College 1545-1546
St. Louis Medical Society 1542-1543
St. Louis Medico-Chirurgical Society 1543
St. Louis Microscopical Society 1773
St. Louis Mining and Stock Exchange 1366
St. Louis Mullanphy Hospital 1548-1549
St. Louis Natatorium 1774
St. Louis National Bank 1392-1393
St. Louis Obstetrical and Gynecological Society 1543-1544
St. Louis Philharmonic Society 1633
St. Louis Prison Discipline Society 1758-1759
St. Louis Protestant Hospital 1556
St. Louis Quarantine Hospital 1884
St. Louis Railroad Company 1207-1208
St. Louis Real Estate Exchange 1366
St. Louis School of Midwives 1547
St. Louis Transfer Company 1213
St. Louis Young Men's Christian Association 1756-1757
St. Louis Young Women's Christian Association 1757
St. Louis, Alton and Terre Haute Railroad 1200-1201
St. Louis, Cincinnati, Huntington and Pittsburgh Packet Company 1122-1123
St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company 1172-1176
St. Lousi County Waechter 1912
St. Lucas German Evangelical Church 1734
St. Luke's Church [Methodist] 1688-1689
St. Luke's Hospital 1553-1554
St. Luke's Protestant Episcopal Mission 1728
St. Malachy's Church 1662
St. Malathy's Catholic Church 1901
St. Marcus German Evangelical Church 1732
St. Mark's English Lutheran Church 1738
St. Mark's German Evangelical Church 1732
St. Martin's Church (Catholic) of Central 1914
St. Mary of Victories 1658
St. Mary's and St. Joseph's Church 1669
St. Mary's Church (Catholic) 1896
St. Matthew's Cemetery 1735
St. Matthew's German Evangelical Church 1734
St. Matthew's Lodge, F. & A. M. (Colored) 1902
St. Michael's Church 1660
St. Monica's Church (Catholic) at Crève Coeur 1899
St. Nicholas Church 1665
St. Patrick's Church 1658-1659
St. Paul's (Catholic) Church, Fenton 1903
St. Paul's Benevolent Society 1764
St. Paul's Church (German), U. A. C. [Lutheran] 1737
St. Paul's Church (P. E.) 1722-1723
St. Paul's Church [Methodist] 1692
St. Paul's Church [Methodist] 1697
St. Paul's German Evangelical Church 1733
St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church 1722
St. Peter's Catholic Church 1905-1906
St. Peter's Church [Methodist] 1697
St. Peter's German Evangelical Church 1732-1733
St. Peter's Protestant Episcopal Church 1728
St. Stanislaus Kostka (Polish) Church 1668
St. Teresa's Church 1664-1665
St. Thomas Aquinas 1668
St. Trinity Church (German), U. A. C. [Lutheran] 1737
St. Vincent de Paul's Church 1659
St. Vincent's German Orphan Asylum 1760
St. Vincent's Institution for the Insane 1549
St. Vincent's Seminary 1759
Star-Republican 1911-1912
State Savings Association 1397-1398
Temple of Honor 1812
Temple of the Gates of Truth 1739-1740
Texas and Pacific Railway Company 1176-1179
Texas and St. Louis Railway Company 1197-1200
Third Baptist Church 1679-1680
Third Congregational Church 1748-1749
Third National Bank of St. Louis 1393-1394
Toledo, Cincinnati and St. Louis Railroad 1202
Tower Grove and Lafayette Railway Company 1212
Treu Bund 1811
Trinity Church, U. A. C. [Lutheran] 1736
Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church 1687
Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church 1726
Tunnel Railroad of St. Louis 1202-1203
Turnverein 1770-1771
Union Church [Methodist] 1687-1688
Union Depot Railroad Company 1211
Union Railway Company 1211-1212
Union Savings Association 1403
United Foresters 1809-1810
United Hebrew Congregation 1738-1739
United Hebrew Relief Association 1769-1770
United Sons of Erin Benevolent Society 1765
United States Benevolent Fraternity 1809
United States Marine Hospital 1551-1553
University Club 1818-1819
Valley National Bank  1398-1399
Vandalia Line 1192-1194
Vorwaerts Turnverein 1772
Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific Railway Company 1188-1192
Washington and Compton Avenues Presbyterian Churches 1709-1710
Washington Fire Insurance Company 1418
Washington Fire Insurance Company 1418
Washington Zion Chapel [Methodist] 1697
Washington Zion, St. Mark's Branch [Methodist] 1698
Water-tower Church [Methodist] 1689
Webster Groves Lodge, No. 1729, K. of H. 1913
Webster Groves Public School 1913
Wesley Chapel (Colored) [Methodist] 1697
West End Narrow-gauge Railway 1202
West St. Louis Liederkranz 1634-1635
West St. Louis Turnverein 1772-1773
Western Female Guardian Society 1760
Western Methodist Book Concern 1684-1687
Western Rowing Club 1773
Westminster Presbyterian Church 1710
Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church South 1690
Working Women's Home and Home for Blind Girls 1762
Worthy Woman's Aid 1762
Zion Church, U. A. C. (German) [Lutheran] 1737
Zion's German Evangelical Church 1734