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Wesleyan Cemetery, St. Louis, Missouri

More than 2,400 "Colored Persons" were buried in Wesleyan Methodist Cemetery in what is now downtown St. Louis between 1847 and 1868. This index to the burials was created by Gloria E. Dettleff from names abstracted from cemetery records included on Family History Library film no. 1405557. The index and explanatory text are copyright © 2008 Gloria E. Dettleff and used by permission.


Name Date Age  Blk Lot Row Gr Amt Pd Who Pd? Date Pd Comment
Garman, Joseph;  a Negro 14 Jan 1857 Adult 36 1 3 30 $8.00 Lynch 9 Jun 1857 ----
Morton, George; his Negro 20 Jan 1857 Adult 36 1 3 31 $8.00 Ri, Mr. 16 Mar 1857 ----
Brown, Louis 28 Jan 1857 57y 36 1 3 32 $8.00 Little 18 Mar 1857 ----
Shipman, George [his/a] Negro 6 Feb 1857 21y 36 1 3 33 $8.00 Ri, Mr. 14 Mar 1857 ----
Emma Catherin 7 Feb 1857 1m 35 2 3 18 $4.00 Lynch 9 Jun 1857 ----
Vance, William 7 Feb 1857 30y 36 1 3 34 $8.00 Lauman 9 Jun 1857 ----
Little, Negro no name 13 Feb 1857 Infant 35 2 3 19 $4.00 Paid 18 Mar 1857 ----
Hays, David 28 Feb 1857 2y 35 2 3 20 $4.00 Paid 18 Mar 1857 ----
Wilson, Mrs. E. F.  28 Feb 1857 30y 34 1 1 1 $8.00 Ri, Mr. 16 Mar 1857 ----
Essick, Mr.; his Negro child 3 Mar 1857 Child 35 2 3 21 $4.00 Essick ---- ----
Richard, Mr.; his Negro child 7 Mar 1857 ---- -- -- -- -- $4.00 Ri, Mr. ---- This entry is crossed out.
Neuby, Jerry 11 Mar 1857 21y 34 1 1 2 $8.00 Paid 18 Mar 1857 ----
Dust, Henrieta 12 Mar 1857 40y 34 1 2 1 $8.00 Paid 18 Mar 1857 ----
Young, Phillis 12 Mar 1857 5y 5m 35 2 3 22 $4.00 Schade ---- ----
Perkins, Lucinda 16 Mar 1857 36y 34 1 1 3 $8.00 Ri Ri ---- ----
Shepert, Mr.; his Negro 20 Mar 1857 6y   35 2 4 15 $4.00 Ri 11 Jul 1857 ----
Mussick, Amanda 23 Mar 1857 23y   34 1 2 2 $8.00 King 9 Jun 1857 ----
Chamblain, Mr. 24 Mar 1857 50y 36 1 4 1 $8.00 Lynch 9 Jun 1857 ----
Rosa; a Negro 27 Mar 1857 6m 35 2 4 16 $4.00 Little 5 May 1857 ----
Hoviss, Peter [his] slave Rose 27 Mar 1857 50y 34 1 1 4 $8.00 Wesley 9 Jun 1857 ----
Warrens, Martha S. S. 4 Apr 1857 30y 34 1 2 3 $8.00 Paid 1 May 1857 ----
Covington, [his Negro ] Sam 9 Apr 1857 26y 36 1 4 2 $8.00 Lynch 11 Jul 1857 ----
Lynch, B. M. [his Negro child, no first name] Wash, 10 Apr 1857 4y 35 2 4 17 $4.00 Lynch 11 Jul 1857 ----
Cole, Annee 10 Apr 1857 6y 35 2 5 1 $4.00 Lynch 11 Jul 1857 ----
Waters, Alis 11 Apr 1857 2m 35 2 5 2 $4.00 Paid 1 May 1857 ----
Shepperd, David [his] slave Jack Haer 14 Apr 1857 80y 34 1 2 4 $8.00 R & S 11 Jul 1857 ----
Jewl, Joseph 18 Apr 1857 28y 24 1 1 14 $8.00 Little 5 May 1857 ----
Heart, Sincy [male] 19 Apr 1857 6y 3m 35 2 5 3 $4.00 Little 5 May 1857 ----
Warrens [his] Negro child 4 May 1857 Child 34 1 2 3 $2.00 King 11 Jul 1857 ----
Anderson, Charles 5 May 1857 35y 34 1 1 5 $9.00 Little 1 Jun 1857 ----
Newman, William 8 May 1857 63y 34 1 4 5 $9.00 Little 1 Jun 1857 ----
Baltimore, Mary Ann 19 May 1857 4y 8m 35 2 4 18 $4.00 Paid 1 Jun 1857 ----
Wells, Ann 19 May 1857 38y 34 1 1 6 $9.00 Ricords & S 11 Jul 1857 ----
Emmitt 20 May 1857 9m 35 2 4 19 $4.00 Lynch 11 Jul 1857 ----
Burd, Phoebe [in Christy lot] 20 May 1857 10y 4m 15 6 -- -- $3.00 Lynch 11 Jul 1857 Age may be incorrect but written as 104; clearly a child, paid $3.00.
Smith, W. H. [his] slave, Samuel 25 May 1857 30y 34 1 2 6 $9.00 Paid 1 Jun 1857 ----
Chism, Louisa [her] female Slave 31 May 1857 5y 35 2 5 4 $5.00 Little 4 Jun 1857 ----
Glasgow, William [his] slave, William 16 Jun 1857 40y 34 1 1 7 $9.00 Paid 11 Jul 1857 ----
Goodall, Ida 18 Jun 1857 10m 35 2 4 19 $4.00 Little 11 Jul 1857 ----
Shelton, I. G. [his] slave, Lewis 21 Jun 1857 28y 20 11 1 lot $12.50 Ricords & S 11 Jul 1857 Bought a large lot
Winslow, Francis [female] 27 Jun 1857 3y 35 2 5 5 $4.00 Little 11 Jul 1857 ----
Burrows, Mary J. 28 Jun 1857 2y 1m 35 2 5 6 $4.00 Little 11 Jul 1857 ----
Perre, J. S. [his] slave, Sukey 2 Jul 1857 63y 36 1 4 3 $9.00 Ricords & S 3 Oct 1857 ----
Mosely, Benjeman 10 Jul 1857 69y 36 1 5 1 $9.00 Paid 3 Aug 1857 ----
Anderson, James 12 Jul 1857 3y 35 2 4 20 $4.00 Ricords & S 3 Oct 1857 ----
Tyler, George W. 20 Jul 1857 11m 35 2 6 1 $4.00 Paid 3 Aug 1857 ----
Feild [Field], Samuel 22 Jul 1857 43y 6m 36 1 4 4 $9.00 Little 3 Aug 1857 ----
Clark, Rebecca 23 Jul 1857 6y 5m 35 2 5 7 $4.00 Paid 3 Aug 1857 ----
Plato, B. his stillborn child 26 Jul 1857 Stillborn 35 2 4 21 $4.00 Little 3 Aug 1857 ----
Guthrie, Richard 28 Jul 1857 70y 36 1 5 2 $9.00 Little 3 Aug 1857 ----
Shoby, Cornelia 29 Jul 1857 2m 35 2 4 22 $4.00 Lynch 30 Oct 1857 ----
Brown; a stillborn child 3 Aug 1857 Stillborn 35 2 6 2 $4.00 Lynch 30 Oct 1857 ----
Henry, Mary A. 7 Aug 1857 6m 36 1 3 31 $2.00 R & S 30 Oct 1857 ----
Johnson, Henrietta 4 Aug 1857 70y 34 1 3 2 $9.00 R & S 30 Oct 1857 Buried with Francis Smith
Smith, Francis [female] 4 Aug 1857 18y 34 1 3 2 ---- ---- ---- Buried with Henrietta Johnson
Jones, Robert 20 Aug 1857 28y 36 1 4 5 $9.00 Paid 3 Sep 1857 ----
Anderson, Jane 20 Aug 1857 11m 35 2 6 4 $4.00 Paid 3 Sep 1857 ----
Bradshaw, William 26 Aug 1857 3y 35 2 6 5 $4.00 R & S 3 Oct 1857 ----
Hoptons, A. [his] slave, Tom 28 Aug 1857 8y 35 2 6 6 $4.00 R & S 3 Oct 1857 ----
Lynch, B. M. [his] slave, Dick 29 Aug 1857 21y 36 1 5 3 $9.00 George N. Lynch 3 Oct 1857 ----
Spiser, Silas 29 Aug 1857 1y 35 2 5 8 $4.00 R & S 3 Oct 1857 ----
Brady, James 31 Aug 1857 37y 36 1 4 6 $9.00 R & S 3 Oct 1857 ----
Christy, W. J. [his] female slave 4 Sep 1857 3m 15 6 -- -- $2.00 George N. Lynch 3 Oct 1857 ----
Hoyle, George [his] slave, Lydia 5 Sep 1857 50y 36 1 4 7 $9.00 R & S 3 Oct 1857 ----
Hemstead, Louisa 8 Sep 1857 56y 36 1 5 4 $9.00 R & S 3 Oct 1857 ----
Ransom, Hester, Negro woman of Charles Collins 10 Sep 1857 Adult 36 1 4 9 $9.00 R & S 3 Oct 1857 ----
Thomas, a slave 10 Sep 1857 4y 35 2 6 7 $4.00 Paid 3 Oct 1857 ----
Cootens, John his still born child 23 Sep 1857 Stillborn 35 2 5 10 $4.00 Paid 3 Oct 1857 ----
Bull, J. C. [his] Negro man, David 4 Oct 1857 50y 36 1 5 5 $9.00 R & S 3 Oct 1857 ----
Brooks, Eliza E. child 14 Oct 1857 Child 35 2 6 8 $4.00 George N. Lynch 3 Oct 1857 ----
Dickens, Rachel 18 Oct 1857 52y 36 1 5 6 $9.00 Paid 3 Oct 1857 ----
Lynch, B. M. [his] Negro, Maria 23 Oct 1857 16y 36 1 4 10 $9.00 George N. Lynch 29 Dec 1857 ----
Bassett, Dr. [his] slave, Henry 28 Oct 1857 10m 35 2 5 11 $4.00 Paid 10 Dec 1857 ----
William, a slave 28 Oct 1857 2m 35 2 5 12 $4.00 Paid 10 Dec 1857 ----
White, John [his] slave [male] 4 Nov 1857 16y 36 1 4 11 $9.00 George N. Lynch 28 Jan 1858 ----
White, John [his] slave [male] 6 Nov 1857 22y 36 1 4 12 $9.00 George N. Lynch 28 Jan 1858 ----
Brent, Lewis [of] Mr. Smith 10 Nov 1857 2y 11m 35 2 6 9 $4.00 R & S 28 Jan 1858 Buried with Cordelia Brent
Brent, Cordelia [of] Mr. Smith 10 Nov 1857 ---- 35 2 6 9 --- R & S ---- Buried with Lewis Brent
Bates, Maria   10 Nov 1857 70y 36 1 5 7 $9.00 R & S 28 Jan 1858 Buried with S. D. Jamison
Jamison, S. D. 10 Nov 1857 3y 5m 36 1 5 7 ---- R & S ---- Buried with Maria Bates
Shorts, Flora adult 21 Nov 1857 20y 36 1 5 8 $9.00 George N. Lynch 28 Jan 1858 ----
Lee, R. B. [his] slave Nelly 22 Nov 1857 17y 39 2 5 1 $9.00 R & S 28 Jan 1858 ----
Brooks, Mina 27 Nov 1857 10m 35 2 6 10 $4.00 R & S 28 Jan 1858 ----
Wilson, Fanny 29 Nov 1857 1y 4m 35 2 5 13 $4.00 R & S 28 Jan 1858 ----
Brown, Samuel 29 Nov 1857 26y 36 1 5 9 $8.00 R & S 28 Jan 1858 ----
Hall, Sarah A. Negro woman of Mr. Lynch 16 Dec 1857 21y 36 1 4 13 $9.00 George N. Lynch 28 Jan 1858 ----
Farrar, Grace 17 Dec 1857 80y 36 1 4 14 $9.00 R & S 28 Jan 1858 ----
Decater, Comadore [Commodore] [his] Negro woman 13 Dec 1857 21y 36 1 5 10 $9.00 R & S 28 Jan 1858 ----
Powell, Richard 2 Jan 1858 35y 36 1 5 11 $9.00 R & S 6 May 1858 ----
Johnson, Amy 3 Jan 1858 40y 36 1 4 16 $9.00 George N. Lynch 6 May 1858 ----
Johnson, John his infant 4 Jan 1858 7m 35 2 3 12 $2.00 R & S 6 May 1858 Buried in an old grave
Hodges, Infant 6 Jan 1858 7d 35 2 5 14 $4.00 R & S 6 May 1858 ----
Sharp, Elizabeth 26 Jan 1858 45y 36 1 5 12 $9.00 Paid 4 May 1858 ----
Anderson, E. J. [his] slave Lacey [male] 1 Feb 1858 21y 36 1 4 17 $9.00 Paid 4 May 1858 ----
Haynes, Mr. [his] child   12 Feb 1858 4d 35 2 5 15 $4.00 R & S 6 May 1858 ----
Jackson, Fasho [male] 17 Feb 1858 35y 36 1 5 13 $9.00 R & S 6 May 1858 Died of small pox
Black, James V.  19 Feb 1858 73y 36 1 5 14 $9.00 R & S 6 May 1858 Buried with Julia Thompson; his grandchild.
Thompson, Julia 19 Feb 1858 Child 36 1 5 14 ---- R & S 6 May 1858 Buried with James V. Black; her grandfather.
Still born [Negro] child 27 Feb 1858 Stillborn 35 2 5 17 $4.00 Rogers 6 May 1858 ----
Long, Alton [his] stillborn [Negro] child   28 Feb 1858 Stillborn 35 2 5 16 $4.00 R & S 6 May 1858 ----
Walker, George 4 Mar 1858 2y 35 2 7 2 $4.00 George N. Lynch 6 May 1858 ----
Chandler, [Mr.] [his]; Henrietta 6 Mar 1858 22y 36 1 5 15 $9.00 George N. Lynch 6 May 1858 ----
Brotcher, Eugeine 7 Mar 1858 3m 35 2 5 18 $4.00 George N. Lynch 6 May 1858 ----
Jefferson, Gillied  [male] 9 Mar 1858 63y 36 1 4 18 $9.00 R & S 6 May 1858 ----
Smith, Louisa 19 Mar 1858 50y 36 1 4 19 $9.00 Paid 6 May 1858 ----
Wilson, Charles W. 7 Mar 1858 35y 36 1 5 16 $9.00 R & S 6 May 1858 ----
Wiggins, Jane Ann 20 Mar 1858 2y 35 2 7 3 $4.00 Lauman 6 May 1858 ----
Burrit, Joseph 10 Apr 1858 35y 36 1 5 17 $9.00 R & S 6 May 1858 ----
Parker, Mary F. 15 Apr 1858 22y 36 1 4 20 $9.00 Paid 6 May 1858 ----
Waters, Henry; his infant 15 Apr 1858 Infant 35 2 6 12 $4.00 Paid 6 May 1858 ----
Reid, James 27 Apr 1858 Child 35 2 6 13 $4.00 Paid 6 May 1858 ----
Thompson, [his] Slave, Henry 28 Apr 1858 50y 35 1 3 13 $3.00 R & S 9 Jul 1858 Age is not consistant with price of grave.
Beramann, James 16 May 1858 3m 35 2 6 14 $4.00 Paid 8 Jun 1858 ----
Prests ?, Rose 16 May 1858 25y 36 1 5 8 $3.00 George N. Lynch 9 Jul 1858 Opening of old grave
Hubbard, Polly 20 May 1858 30y 34 1 1 8 $9.00 George N. Lynch 9 Jul 1858 ----
Wheeler, Malinda 24 May 1858 42y 34 1 1 9 $9.00 Paid 8 Jun 1858 ----
Robbins, Patsey 28 May 1858 65y 34 1 2 7 $9.00 George N. Lynch 9 Jul 1858 ----
Bandergraf, John 8 Jun 1858 6y 35 2 6 15 $5.00 R & S 9 Jul 1858 ----
Bowman, Child 17 Jun 1858 1m 35 2 7 6 $4.00 R & S 9 Jul 1858 ----
Christys, Andy [his] girl   18 Jun 1858 13y 15 6 -- -- $3.00 George N. Lynch 9 Jul 1858 Buried with Mary L. Dusen
Dusen, Mary L. 18 Jun 1858 --- 15 6 -- -- --- George N. Lynch 9 Jul 1858 Buried with girl of Andy Christy
Gaus, C. W. [his] stillborn slave 20 Jun 1858 Stillborn 35 2 7 7 $4.00 Paid 9 Jul 1858 ----
Carson, Jane 20 Jun 1858 21y 34 1 2 8 $9.00 George N. Lynch 9 Jul 1858 ----
Smith, Elizabeth 21 Jun 1858 90y 34 1 2 9 $9.00 R & S 9 Jul 1858 ----
Parker, A. D. 29 Jun 1858 50y 31 1 1 10 $9.00 Paid 9 Jul 1858 ----
Willing, William [his] slave, Ben 2 Jul 1858 10y   35 2 7 8 $5.00 R & S 18 Oct 1858 ----
Ayers, Lutecia Ann 7 Jul 1858 22y 24 11 -- -- $12.50 George N. Lynch 18 Oct 1858 ----
Riley, Stephen 15 Jul 1858 53y 34 1 1 11 $9.00 Paid 3 Aug 1858 ----
Robinson, Aaron 18 Jul 1858 50y 34 1 2 10 $9.00 Paid 3 Aug 1858 ----
Brock, Ab 18 Jul 1858 45y 34 1 2 11 $9.00 George N. Lynch 18 Oct 1858 ----
Marshall, George 19 Jul 1858 26y 2m 34 1 3 3 $9.00 Paid 3 Aug 1858 ----
Amaranth, a slave 22 Jul 1858 16m 35 2 6 16 $4.00 George N. Lynch 18 Oct 1858 ----
Carr, Polly 27 Jul 1858 85y 34 1 1 13 $9.00 Paid 3 Aug 1858 ----
Margaret, a slave 27 Jul 1858 8m 35 2 6 17 $4.00 George N. Lynch 18 Oct 1858 ----
Anderson, James 5 Aug 1858 40y 6m 34 1 2 12 $9.00 Paid 1 Sep 1858 ----
Lewis, Edward [his] child 5 Aug 1858 2m 35 2 6 18 $4.00 Paid 1 Sep 1858 ----
Horn, William L. [his] slave, Ellen 10 Aug 1858 8m 35 2 7 9 $4.00 George N. Lynch 18 Oct 1858 ----
Robinson, William [his] stillborn child 13 Aug 1858 Stillborn 35 2 6 19 $4.00 I A  S 18 Oct 1858 ----
Chavers, Nelson 23 Aug 1858 49y 6m 34 1 5 18 $9.00 Paid 1 Sep 1858 ----
Rupell, Ellen 25 Aug 1858 28y 34 1 2 13 $9.00 George N. Lynch 18 Oct 1858 ----
Wiggins, Samuel [his] Negro slave, George 1 Sep 1858 8m 35 2 2 14 $2.00 Paid 18 Oct 1858 ----
Johnson, Edward 6 Sep 1858 52y 36 1 5 19 $9.00 Paid 18 Oct 1858 Opening of old grave
Sexton, Virginia 6 Sep 1858 14y 7m 34 1 1 14 $9.00 Paid 18 Oct 1858 Buried with Maria Sexton
Sexton, Maria 6 Sep 1858 ---- 34 1 1 14 -- Paid 18 Oct 1858 Buried with Virginia Sexton
Wickham, Mr. [his] slave 13 Sep 1858 3d 35 2 6 20 $4.00 Paid 18 Oct 1858 ----
Lynch, [Mr.] [his] Negro slave, Emily 14 Sep 1858 16y 36 2 4 22 $9.00 George N. Lynch 18 Oct 1858 ----
Moreland, Loyd H. 14 Sep 1858 --- 22 15 -- -- $2.00 Paid 18 Oct 1858 Opening of old grave
Scott, Dred 18 Sep 1858 63y 36 1 5 20 $9.00 Paid 18 Oct 1858 Buried with Seales W. Madison
Madison, Seales W. 2 Aug 1863 --- 36 1 5 20 -- -- 18 Oct 1858 Buried with Dred Scott
Dennis, Allick 3 Oct 1858 26y 36 1 5 21 $9.00 George N. Lynch 10 Jan 1859 ----
Murphy, Louisa 6 Oct 1858 46y 36 1 5 22 $9.00 Paid 10 Nov 1858 ----
Bull, [Mr.] [his] Henry 10 Oct 1858 2y 4m 32 2 5 20 $4.00 Paid 10 Nov 1858 ----
Dicken, William [his] slave, Mariah 12 Oct 1858 48y 36 1 4 23 $9.00 George N. Lynch 10 Jan 1859 ----
Grabien, Milla 19 Oct 1858 58y 36 1 4 24 $9.00 Paid 10 Nov 1858 ----
Farrar, Josephine 28 Oct 1858 2y 10m 35 2 5 21 $4.00 Paid 10 Nov 1858 ----
Blackburn, John 29 Oct 1858 23y   36 1 5 23 $9.00 J A S 1 Jan 1859 ----
Male infant (free colored) 2 Nov 1858 Infant 35 2 6 21 $4.00 George N. Lynch 1 Jan 1859 ----
Gorde, Henry 11 Nov 1858 21y 36 1 5 24 $9.00 Paid 4 Dec 1859 ----
Walsh, James [his] slave, Mary 15 Nov 1858 Adult 36 1 5 25 $9.00 J A S 1 Jan 1859 ----
Dutton, Gracy 18 Nov 1858 Adult 36 1 4 26 $9.00 Paid 4 Dec 1859 ----
Cortes, Eliza 3 Dec 1858 40y 36 1 4 27 $9.00 Paid 10 Jan 1859 ----
March, Rowena 3 Dec 1858 23y   34 8 SE 9 $3.00 Paid 10 Jan 1859 ----
Jamien, David [his] Negro, Lizzie 3 Dec 1858 80y 7 9   -- $3.00 J A S 10 Jan 1859 ----
Filley, Julia 6 Dec 1858 60y 36 1 5 26 $9.00 Paid 10 Jan 1859 ----
Dorsey, Toby 8 Dec 1858 4y 6m 35 2 6 22 $4.00 Paid 10 Jan 1859 ----
Cots, Mr. 13 Dec 1858 45y 36 1 4 28 $9.00 Paid 10 Jan 1859 ----
Smith, Mr. [his] female child of his slave 18 Dec 1858 1y 6m 35 2 7 11 $4.00 J A S 10 Jan 1859 ----
Norvell, Susan 19 Dec 1858 Child 34 1 1 15 $9.00 George N. Lynch 10 Jan 1859 ----
Thompson; Emily from Thompson's Negro yard 22 Dec 1858 -- 35 1 3 13 $3.00 J A S 10 Jan 1859 ----
Loker, William A. [his] slave, Mary 28 Dec 1858 Adult 34 1 3 16 $9.00 J A S 10 Jan 1859 ----