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When applicants filed their final papers for citizenship after 27 Sept 1906, they presented to the court proof of when and where they had filed their Declaration of Intention – a required step in the naturalization process. The following index is based on microfilm copies of original documents filed in the Circuit Court in St. Louis, Missouri providing such proof. Sometimes applicants filed a copy of the document; other times they filed some other form of legal proof.

Declarations could have been filed in a court anywhere in the United States as early as 1868 and include varying information. When the original declaration of intention was filed in a location distant from St. Louis, that applicant's documents will occasionally include depositions from people who knew him in his previous location. The actual naturalization certificate was given to the new citizen and the remaining "stub" portion of the certificate was kept by the court (see “Index to Declaration of Intention stubs”).

 Download Index to Proofs of Declaration of Intention

Date Ranges of Proofs of Declaration of Intention According to Volume


About the index

  • In the “Declaration” column, the location is St. Louis, Missouri unless otherwise noted. 
  • When “Missouri” is listed in the declaration column, it means the declaration was filed in a Missouri city other than St. Louis. 
  • Unless the applicant's petition for naturalization was dismissed or withdrawn, the certificate number is given (with 1 exception). Having the certificate number makes it possible to locate its "stub" on another reel of microfilm and a stub could list the names of wives and children. 
  • Since the files can include documents beyond the Declaration of Intention, researchers should check all documents for an applicant before rewinding if viewing the film.
  • If photocopies are requested, the Special Collections Department will include all proof documents included plus the stub of the final certificate, if it has been microfilmed.


SLCL = History & Genealogy Department microfilm number (St. Louis County Library)
FHL = Family History Library microfilm number


Declaration of Intentions Missed in Filming

Six declarations of Intentions for the persons listed below were missed when the 82 volumes of declarations from the U.S. District Court - Eastern Division, Eastern Judicial District of Missouri were microfilmed. Click the links below to open an image file of the documents.