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To select the correct film for a given date and certificate number, find the entry line in this chart that contains BOTH
  • the date of death in the starting/ending date range
  • the certificate number in the starting/ending certificate number range
Year Starting Date Ending Date Starting Certif. # Ending Certif. # Film # Notes
1897 1-Jan 31 Jan 1897 1 55 BCSL-61  
1897 1-Jan 18 Jan 1897 1 16 BCSL-61 Large blank gap in film.
1897 1-Jan 31 Jan 1897 1 800 BCSL-62  
1897 19-Jan 31 Jan 1897 17 38 BCSL-62  
1897 1-Feb   812   BCSL-62 Lone record between #800 and #801.
1897 1-Feb   824   BCSL-62 Lone record between #800 and #801.
1897 1-Feb 28 Feb 1897 801 1626 BCSL-62  
1897 1-Feb 28 Feb 1897 56 117 BCSL-62  
1897 1-Feb 27 Feb 1897 39 75 BCSL-62  
1897 2-Feb   852   BCSL-62 Lone record between #800 and #801.
1897 3-Feb   882   BCSL-62 Lone record between #800 and #801.
1897 4-Feb   911   BCSL-62 Lone record between #800 and #801.
1897 1-Mar 10 Mar 1897 1627 1905 BCSL-62  
1897 1-Mar 31 Mar 1897 118 167 BCSL-63  
1897 1-Mar 31 Mar 1897 76 119 BCSL-63  
1897 10-Mar 31 Mar 1897 1906 2529 BCSL-63  
1897 1-Apr 30 Apr 1897 2530 3310 BCSL-63  
1897 2-Apr 30 Apr 1897 168 228 BCSL-63  
1897 5-Apr 30 Apr 1897 120 152 BCSL-63  
1897 1-May 18 May 1897 3311 3742 BCSL-63  
1897 1-May 31 May 1897 229 278 BCSL-64  
1897 1-May 31 May 1897 153 189 BCSL-64  
1897 11-May   170.5   BCSL-63 Lone record between #152 and #3311
1897 18-May 31 May 1897 3744 4054 BCSL-64  
1897 1-Jun 30 Jun 1897 4055 4897 BCSL-64  
1897 1-Jun 30 Jun 1897 279 359 BCSL-64 Permits torn up along the edges.
1897 1-Jun 29 Jun 1897 190 221 BCSL-64  
1897 1-Jul 31 Jul 1897 360 415 BCSL-64  
1897 1-Jul 17 Jul 1897 4898 5440 BCSL-64  
1897 2-Jul 30 Jul 1897 222 269 BCSL-64  
1897 17-Jul 31 Aug 1897 5441 6588 BCSL-65  
1897 27-Jul   5695   BCSL-65 Lone record between #5823 and #5824.
1897 1-Aug 31 Aug 1897 270 315 BCSL-65  
1897 2-Aug 31 Aug 1897 416 487 BCSL-65  
1897 1-Sep 30 Sep 1897 6589 7290 BCSL-65  
1897 1-Sep 23 Sep 1897 488 528 BCSL-65  
1897 1-Sep 29 Sep 1897 316 354 BCSL-66  
1897 23-Sep 30 Sep 1897 529 542 BCSL-66  
1897 1-Oct 31 Oct 1897 7291 7992 BCSL-66  
1897 1-Oct 31 Oct 1897 543 613 BCSL-66  
1897 1-Oct 30 Oct 1897 355 392 BCSL-66  
1897 1-Nov 30 Nov 1897 7993 8710 BCSL-66  
1897 1-Nov 30 Nov 1897 614 662 BCSL-66  
1897 1-Nov 30 Nov 1897 393 430 BCSL-66  
1897 1-Dec 10 Dec 1897 8711 8966 BCSL-68 Back to the beginning of December.
1897 1-Dec 30 Dec 1897 431 459 BCSL-68  
1897 2-Dec 2 Dec 1897 8742 8744 BCSL-68 Written as #3742, 3743, 3744.
1897 2-Dec 29 Dec 1897 663 730 BCSL-68 Some difficult to read.
1897 7-Dec   8964   BCSL-68 Between two records dated Dec 9
1897 10-Dec 23 Dec 1897 8967 9306 BCSL-66 Skipped to mid-December.
1897 23-Dec 31 Dec 1897 9307 9550 BCSL-68 Back to December.
1898 1-Jan 31 Jan 1898 1 740 BCSL-70  
1898 1-Jan 31 Jan 1898 1 67 BCSL-70  
1898 1-Jan 30 Jan 1898 1 39 BCSL-70  
1898 1-Mar 31 Mar 1898 1448 2235 BCSL-70 Skipped to March.
1898 1-Mar 31 Mar 1898 122 181 BCSL-70  
1898 1-Mar 31 Mar 1898 73 113 BCSL-70  
1898 1-Apr 30 Apr 1898 182 241 BCSL-67  
1898 1-Apr 9 Apr 1898 2236 2475 BCSL-70  
1898 2-Apr 27 Apr 1898 114 144 BCSL-67 Some difficult to read.
1898 9-Apr 30 Apr 1898 2476 3033 BCSL-67 Skipped to mid-April.  Some difficult to read.
1898 20-Apr 27 Apr 1898 159 163 BCSL-67 Out of order chrono. and numerically.  1st without a date.
1898 1-May 31 May 1898 3034 3761 BCSL-67 Some difficult to read.
1898 2-May 16 May 1898 145 158 BCSL-67 Some difficult to read.
1898 3-May 31 May 1898 242 296 BCSL-67 Some very difficult to read.  Some upside-down.
1898 19-May 31 May 1898 164 176 BCSL-67 Some difficult to read.
1898 25-May   5825   BCSL-69 Should be Aug. 25
1898 1-Jul 15 Jul 1898 4488 4966 BCSL-67 Skipped to Jul.  Some very difficult to read.
1898 1-Jul 31 Jul 1898 347 398 BCSL-69 Some very difficult to read.  Some upside-down.
1898 1-Jul 31 Jul 1898 208 248 BCSL-69 No date on last record. Some difficult to read.
1898 15-Jul 31 Jul 1898 4967 5379 BCSL-69  
1898 1-Aug 10 Aug 1898 5380 5619 BCSL-69 Skipped back to beginning of August.
1898 1-Aug 31 Aug 1898 399 461 BCSL-69 Some difficult to read. Some upside-down.
1898 1-Aug 31 Aug 1898 249 298 BCSL-69  
1898 11-Aug 31 Aug 1898 5620 6074 BCSL-69 Skipped to mid-August.  Some difficult to read.
1898 1-Sep 30 Sep 1898 6078 6700 BCSL-69 Some difficult to read.
1898 1-Sep 20 Sep 1898 462 505 BCSL-69 Some difficult to read.
1898 1-Sep 30 Sep 1898 299 353 BCSL-71 Last record without a date.
1898 21-Sep 29 Sep 1898 506 524 BCSL-71 Very dark film.  Skipped forward to Sep. again.
1898 1-Oct 31 Oct 1898 354 395 BCSL-71 1st without a date.  Some difficult to read.
1898 1-Oct 1 Dec 1898 6701 8065 BCSL-71  
1898 2-Oct 31 Oct 1898 525 581 BCSL-71 Some difficult to read.
1898 1-Nov 30 Nov 1898 582 651 BCSL-71 Some difficult to read.
1898 1-Nov 30 Nov 1898 396 429 BCSL-71  
1898 21-Nov   8245   BCSL-72 Probably mis-dated.
1898 1-Dec 31 Dec 1898 652 714 BCSL-71 Some difficult to read.
1898 1-Dec 31 Dec 1898 430 465 BCSL-71  
1898 1-Dec 8 Dec 1898 8066 8241 BCSL-71 Some difficult to read.
1898 8-Dec 31 Dec 1898 8242 8906 BCSL-72 Some difficult to read.
1899 1-Jan 23 Jan 1899 1 881 BCSL-72  
1899 1-Jan 31 Jan 1899 1 54 BCSL-73  
1899 2-Jan 31 Jan 1899 715 777 BCSL-73 Half unreadable.
1899 23-Jan 31 Jan 1899 882 1121 BCSL-73  
1899 1-Feb 28 Feb 1899 1122 2043 BCSL-73  
1899 1-Feb 28 Feb 1899 778 839 BCSL-73 Some unreadable.
1899 1-Feb 28 Feb 1899 55 95 BCSL-73 Some # unidentifiable.
1899 1-Apr 19 Apr 1899 3031 3662 BCSL-73 Skipped to April.
1899 1-Apr 28 Apr 1899 899 947 BCSL-74 Some unreadable.
1899 1-Apr 30 Apr 1899 148 210 BCSL-74 Some difficult to read.
1899 19-Apr 30 Apr 1899 3663 4037 BCSL-74 Some difficult to read.
1899 1-May 31 May 1899 4038 4812 BCSL-74 Some difficult to read.
1899 1-May 31 May 1899 949 1018 BCSL-74 Some unreadable.
1899 1-May 31 May 1899 211 252 BCSL-74 Some unreadable.  First record without date.
1899 31-May   4808   BCSL-74 Missing.
1899 1-Jun 25 Jun 1899 4813 5410 BCSL-74 Some difficult to read.
1899 1-Jun 30 Jun 1899 1021 1079 BCSL-75 Some unreadable.
1899 2-Jun 30 Jun 1899 253 282 BCSL-75  
1899 24-Jun 30 Jun 1899 5411 5555 BCSL-75 # unreadable at beginning.  Many difficult to read.
1899 1-Jul   283   BCSL-75 Lone record.
1899 1-Aug 31 Aug 1899 1146               ? BCSL-75 Most unreadable.  Skipped to Jul.
1899 1-Aug 30 Aug 1899 317 359 BCSL-75 Some unreadable.
1899 1-Aug 31 Aug 1899 6383 7177 BCSL-75 Some difficult to read.
1899 10-Aug   389   BCSL-75 Lone record.
1899 11-Aug   6634   BCSL-75 Probably underneath #6633.
1899 1-Sep 30 Sep 1899 1212 1269 BCSL-75 Half unreadable.
1899 1-Sep 27 Sep 1899 7178 7830 BCSL-75 Some difficult to read.
1899 2-Sep 29 Sep 1899 360 403 BCSL-75 Some difficult to read.
1899 6-Sep   7336.5   BCSL-76 Lone record.
1899 8-Sep   7492   BCSL-76 Lone record.
1899 27-Sep 30 Sep 1899 7831 7920 BCSL-76  
1899 1-Oct 31 Oct 1899 1270 1330 BCSL-76  
1899 1-Oct 31 Oct 1899 7921 8637 BCSL-76  
1899 2-Oct 31 Oct 1899 404 440 BCSL-76  
1899 11-Oct   8195.5   BCSL-76 Lone record.
1899 1-Dec 31 Dec 1899 9331 10024 BCSL-76 Jumbled at end.  Some labeled Jan.  Skipped to December.
1899 1-Dec 31 Dec 1899 1408 1487 BCSL-76 Some difficult to read.
1899 3-Dec 31 Dec 1899 482 514 BCSL-76