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412 Duchouquette * 2201 S. Grand


Microfilm Reels: 59-64


Reel 59: Weick Bros. Undertaking Co.

  • Item 1: Index to Volume I, 1911-1914
  • Item 2: Index to Volume II, 1915-1917
  • Item 3: Index to Volume III, 1918-1922
  • Item 4: Index to Volume IV, 1923-1927
    ** Items 3 & 4 also include a separate maiden name index **
  • Item 5: Index to funeral bulletins - No bulletins included
  • Item 6: Volume I, 1911-1914 - Index at beginning of item
  • Item 7: Volume II, 1915-1917 - Index at beginning of item

Reel 60: Weick Bros. Undertaking Co.

Index at beginning of items

  • Item 1: Vol. III, 1918-1922
  • Item 2: Vol. IV, 1923-1927

Item ends with the last name Ottenad… continues on next reel

Reel 61: Weick Bros. Undertaking Co.

  • Item 1: Vol. IV, 1923-1927 (cont.)
    Begins with O’Reilly and continues through Z
  • Item 2:  Indexes to Vol. 1928-1933; Vol. 1934-1939; Vol. 1940-1945; and Vol. 1946-1950
    All volumes include a separate maiden name index
  • Item 3: Vol. 1940-1945 - Index at beginning of item
  • Item 4: Vol. 1946-1950 - Index at beginning of item
    Item ends with Engel... continues on next reel

Reel 62: Weick Bros. Undertaking Co.

  • Item 1: Vol. 1946-1950 (cont.)
    Begins with Dufaux and continues through Z
  • Item 2: Vol. 1928-1933 - Index at beginning of item
  • Item 3: Vol. 1934-1939 - Index at beginning of item
    Item ends with Ozee... continues on next reel

Reel 63: Weick Bros. Undertaking Co.

  • Item 1: Vol. 1934-1939 (cont.)
    Begins with Ober and ends with Z
  • Item 2: Vol. X, Miscellaneous Accounts
    No date range given
  • Item 3: Vol. X, Miscellaneous Accounts 1915-1950
    Index and maiden name index at beginning of item
  • Item 4: Cemetery Deeds found in Weick Bros. Records
    Index followed by deeds

Reel 64: Weick Bros. Undertaking Co.

  • Item 1: Index to funeral bulletins - includes a maiden name index