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Researching Southern Claims Commission Records

Using Records of the U.S. House of Representatives: Southern Claims Commission, 1871 - 1880 (National Archives Microfilm Publication, P2257)

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This National Archives (NARA) microfilm publication consists of a single roll of film which is a very important source for researchers working with the Southern Claim Commission. The film contains two parts explained below.

  1. Part one of this film contains a copy of the Consolidated Index of Claims which lists in alphabetical order all who filed claims before the Commissioners of Claims, also known as the Southern Claims Commission. It also provides further information for each claim that is needed to pursue records of that claim.
  2. Part two includes summary reports of the Commissioners of Claims in all cases reported to Congress as disallowed. The summaries of the disallowed claims are printed in 10 reports and the report number for each disallowed claim can be found in either 
  • Consolidated Index of Claims
  • Gary Mills' index - Southern Loyalists in the Civil War

Locating a Summary Report

  1. To find the summary report for a specific disallowed claim, you must know the report number for that claim which, as mentioned above,  can be found in either the Consolidated Index of Claims or Southern Loyalists in the Civil War.
  2. In the chart below, locate the report number and its beginning microfilm frame number.
  3. Within each yearly report, the claims are organized by state, then alphabetically by name of claimant. Using these frame numbers enables you to quickly find the position on the film for any of the reports.
  4. If you are specifically wanting to find out who appeared as witnesses for that claim, keep in mind that a summary may not list all witnesses.

Where is the Frame Number and Why is it Helpful?

The frame number is a small number that appears between the top edge of the microfilm and the top edge of the document image. There is one frame number for each image. Knowing the NARA film microfilm publication number (M1894), the roll number, and the frame number enables anyone to find an exact document or an exact place on a roll of film quickly and accurately.

Frame numbers National Archives Microfilm Publication, P2257

Frame numbers
National Archives Microfilm Publication, P2257
Records of the U.S. House of Representatives: Southern Claims Commission, 1871 - 1880


Contents Beg. Frame
Consolidated Index of Claims 0


Volume Contents Beg. Frame
1 Summary Reports 137
  1st Report (1871)
PDF version on another site
  2nd Report (1872)
PDF version on another site
  3rd Report (1873)  249
  4th Report (1874) 345
2 Summary Reports 439
  5th Report (1875) 443
  6th Report (1876) 505
3 Summary Reports 573
  7th Report (1877) 578
  8th Report (1878) 659
4 Summary Reports 730
  9th Report (1879) 733
  10th Report (1880) 855
  Appendix - Schedule of Claims Reported As Disallowed & Barred for Non-prosecution 884