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Interlibrary Loan allows us to borrow items from other libraries around the country on behalf of our patrons. This service is available when:

To use this service, you must be a resident cardholder with an account balance no higher than $50 and with no more than five items overdue for more than one week.

Items that are very new or rare may not be available to borrow. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of all Interlibrary Loan requests.

Interlibrary Loans are not eligible for renewals.

Microfilm requests will be sent to the Clark Family Branch for in-house use only.


There is a limit of 10 requests at a time.

Please wait 90 days to re-request items that were unavailable from other libraries via the interlibrary loan request process.  


Requesting Physical Items

If the desired item is not listed in the catalog and is also not available through MOBIUS: Using the Classic Catalog, select a branch from the dropdown, enter your search criteria, and then adjust the 'Select Databases' options to search the OCLC WorldCat database and place your hold on the item if found. 



The option to search OCLC WorldCat will only be available if you first select a branch from the top menu dropdown.

NOTE: You must choose a SLCL branch as your pickup location. Items requested to be picked up at a SLPL location cannot be filled.

Catalog screen showing branch dropdown on the far left


Screenshot of the catalog options and database selection list


Screenshot of the search widget with Add Pending Results in a thick red outlined box


Please note: The catalog only returns the first ten results from OCLC WorldCat. In order to see all results, please click "Add Pending Results"

Copy/PDF Article Requests

You may request copies or PDFs of articles for the purposes of private study, scholarship or research. Please provide as much detail as possible.



Related Resources


Contact Us 

Call 314-994-3300 and ask for the Interlibrary Loan Department.

Library Services