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The St. Louis County Library Foundation and Left Bank Books Present Graphic Novel Author and Artist Sacha Mardou

Author of “Past Tense: Facing Family Secrets and Finding Myself in Therapy”

The product of a stoic, working-class British family, graphic novel author and artist Sacha Mardou had a deeply seeded distrust of mental health treatment, but at forty, she found herself in a therapist’s office for the first time. There she begins the real work of growing up: learning to understand childhood trauma she thought she’d left hidden in the past. "Past Tense" takes us inside Sacha’s life-changing therapy sessions. Bravely told, visceral, and profoundly moving, "Past Tense" is a story about our power to break free of the past--once and for all--and find hope.

Doors open at 6:00 p.m.

Books available from Left Bank Books.

Favorite (with a blue quill through the letter O) Author in brown text Series in blue on white
Author Events, Evening Programs (after 5:00 p.m.)
Adult Programs
"Past Tense: Facing Family Secrets and Finding Myself in Therapy" book cover and color author photo
